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  • Maternal Child Nursing 6th Edition By Emily Slone


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  • Maternal child nursing 6th edition by emily slone
  • Maternal child nursing 6th edition by emily slone
TEST iiBANK iiFOR iiMATERNAL -CHILD iiNURSING ii6TH iiEDITION iiBY iiMCKINNEY TEST iiBANK iiFOR iiMATERNAL -CHILD iiNURSING ii6TH iiEDITION iiBY iiMCKINNEY ii Chapter ii01: iiFoundations iiof iiMaternity, iiWomen’s iiHealth, iiand iiChild iiHealth iiNursing iiMULTIPLE iiCHOICE 1. Which iifactor iisignificantly iicontributed iito iithe iishift iifrom iihome iibirths iito iihosp ital iibirths iiin iithe iiearly ii20th iicentury? a. Puerperal iisepsis iiwas iiidentified iias iia iirisk iifactor iiin iilabor iiand iidelivery. b. Forceps iiwere iideveloped iito iifacilitate iidifficult iibirths. c. The iiimportance iiof iiearly iiparental -infant iicontact iiwas iiidentified. d. Technologic iidevelopments iibecame iiavailable iito iiphysicians. iiANS: iiD Technologic iidevelopments iiwere iiavailable iito iiphysicians, iinot iilay iimidwives. iiSo iiin-hospital iibirths iiincreased iiin iiorder iito iitake iiadvantage iiof iithese iiadvancements. iiPuerperal iisepsis iihas iibeen iia iiknown iiproblem iifor iigenerations. iiIn iithe iilate ii19th iicentury, iiSemmelweis iidiscovered iihow iiit iicould iibe iiprevented iiwith iiimproved iihygienic iipractices. iiThe iidevelopment iiof iiforceps iiis iian iiexample iiof iia iitechnology iiadvance iimade iiin iithe iiearly ii20th iicentury iibut iiis iinot iithe iionly iireason iibirthplaces iimoved. iiUnlike iihome iibirths, iiearly iihospital iibirth s iihindered iibonding iibetween iiparents iiand iitheir iiinfants. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii1 OBJ: iiIntegrated iiProcess: iiTeaching -Learning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiSafe iiand iiEffective iiCare iiEnvir onment 2. Family -centered iimaternity iicare iideveloped iiin iiresponse iito a. demands iiby iiphysicians iifor iifamily iiinvolvement iiin iichildbirth. b. the iiSheppard -Towner iiAct iiof ii1921. c. parental iirequests iithat iiinfants iibe iiallowed iito iiremain iiwith iithem iirather iithan iiin iia iinursery. d. changes iiin iipharmacologic iimanagement iiof iilabor. iiANS: iiC As iiresearch iibegan iito iiidentify iithe iibenefits iiof iiearly iiextended iiparent -infant iicontact, iiparents iibegan iito iiinsist iithat iithe iiinfant iiremain iiwith iithem. iiThis iigradually iideveloped iiinto iithe iipractice iiof iirooming -in iiand iifinally iito iifamily -centered iimaternity iicare. iiFamily -centered iicare iiwas iia iirequest iiby iiparents, iinot iiphysicians . iiThe iiSheppard -Towner iiAct iiof ii1921 iiprovided iifunds iifor iistate -managed iiprograms iifor iimothers iiand iichildren. iiThe iichanges iiin iipharmacologic iimanagement iiof iilabor iiwere iinot iia iifactor iiin iifamily -centered iimaternity iicare. TEST iiBANK iiFOR iiMATERNAL -CHILD iiNURSING ii6TH iiEDITION iiBY iiMCKINNEY PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii2 OBJ: iiIntegrated iiProcess: iiTeaching -Learning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiPsychosocial iiIntegrity 3. Which iisetting iifor iichildbirth iiallows iithe iileast iiamount iiof iiparent -infant iicontact? a. Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum iiroom b. Birth iicenter c. Traditional iihospital iibirth d. Home iibirth . ANS: iiC In iithe iitraditional iihospital iisetting, iithe iimother iimay iisee iithe iiinfant iifor iionly iishort iifeedin g iiperiods, iiand iithe iiinfant iiis iicared iifor iiin iia iiseparate iinursery. iiThe iilabor/delivery/recovery/postpartum iiroom iisetting iiallows iiincreased iiparent -infant iicontact. iiBirth iicenters iiare iiset iiup iito iiallow iian iiincrease iiin iiparent -infant iicontact. iiHome iibirths iiallow iian iiincrease iiin iiparent -infant iicontact. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii2 OBJ: iiNursing iiProcess: iiPlanning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiHealth iiProm otion iiand iiMaintenance 4. As iia iiresult iiof iichanges iiin iihealth iicare iidelivery iiand iifunding, iia iicurrent iitrend iiseen iiin iithe iipediatric iisetting iiis a. increased iihospitalization iiof iichildren. b. decreased iinumber iiof iichildren iiliving iiin iipoverty. c. an iiincrease iiin iiambulatory iicare. d. decreased iiuse iiof iimanaged iicare. iiANS: iiC One iieffect iiof iimanaged iicare iihas iibeen iithat iipediatric iihealth iicare iidelivery iihas iishifted iidramatically iifrom iithe iiacut e iicare iisetting iito iithe iiambulatory iisetting iiin iiorder iito iiprovide iimore iicost-efficient iicare. iiThe iinumber iiof iihospital iibeds iibeing iiused iihas iidecreased iias iimore iicare iiis iigiven iiin iioutpatient iisettings iiand iiin iithe iihome. iiThe iinumber iiof iichildren iiliving iiin iipoverty iihas iiincreased iiover iithe iipast iidecade. iiOne iiof iithe iibiggest iichanges iiin iihealth iicare iihas iibeen iithe iigrowth iiof iimanaged iicare. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii5 OBJ: iiNursing iiProcess: iiPlanning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiSafe iiand iiEffective iiCare iiEnvironment 5. The iiWomen, iiInfants, iiand iiChildren ii(WIC) iiprogram iiprovides TEST iiBANK iiFOR iiMATERNAL -CHILD iiNURSING ii6TH iiEDITION iiBY iiMCKINNEY a. well-child iiexaminations iifor iiinfants iiand iichildren iiliving iiat iithe iipoverty iilevel. b. immunizations iifor iihigh -risk iiinfants iiand iichildren. c. screening iifor iiinfants iiwith iidevelopmental iidisorders. d. supplemental iifood iisupplies iito iilow-income iipregnant iior iibreastfeeding iiwomen. iiANS: iiD WIC iiis iia iifederal iiprogram iithat iiprovides iisupplemental iifood iisupplies iito iilow-income iiwomen iiwho iiare iipregnant iior iibreastfeeding iiand iito iitheir iichildren iiuntil iiage ii5 iiyears. iiMedicaid’s iiEarly iiand iiPeriodic iiScreening, iiDiagnosis, iiand iiTreatment iiProgram iiprovides iifor iiwell-child iiexaminations iiand iifor iitreatment iiof iiany iimedical iiproblems iidiagnosed iiduring iisuch iicheckups. iiChildren iiin iithe iiWIC iiprogr am iiare iioften iireferred iifor iiimmunizations, iibut iithat iiis iinot iithe iiprimary iifocus iiof iithe iiprogram. iiPublic iiLaw ii99-457 iiis iipart iiof iithe iiIndividuals iiwith iiDisabilities iiEducation iiAct iithat iiprovides iifinancial iiincentives iito iistates iito iiestablish iicomprehensive iiearly iiintervention iiservices iifor iiinfants iiand iitoddlers iiwith, iior iiat iirisk iifor, iidevelopmental iidisabilities. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiComprehension iiOBJ: iiIntegra ted iiProcess: iiTeaching -Learning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiHealth iiPromotion iiand iiMaintenance REF: iip. ii8 6. In iimost iistates, iiadolescents iiwho iiare iinot iiemancipated iiminors iimust iihave iithe iipermission iiof iitheir iiparents iibefore . a. treatment iifor iidrug iiabuse. b. treatment iifor iisexually iitransmitted iidiseases ii(STDs). c. accessing iibirth iicontrol. d. surgery. iiANS: iiD Minors iiare iinot iiconsidered iicapable iiof iigiving iiinformed iiconsent, iiso iia iisurgical iiproce dure iiwould iirequire iiconsent iiof iithe iiparent iior iiguardian. iiExceptions iiexist iifor iiobtaining iitreatment iifor iidrug iiabuse iior iiSTDs iior iifor iigetting iibirth iicontrol iiin iimost iistates. TEST iiBANK iiFOR iiMATERNAL -CHILD iiNURSING ii6TH iiEDITION iiBY iiMCKINNEY PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii17 OBJ: iiNursing iiProcess: iiPlanning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiSafe iiand iiEffective iiCare iiEnvironment 7. The iimaternity iinurse iishould iihave iia iiclear iiunderstanding iiof iithe iicorrect iiuse iiof iia iiclinic al iipathway. One iicharacteristic iiof iiclinical iipathways iiis iithat iithey a. are iideveloped iiand iiimplemented iiby iinurses. b. are iiused iiprimarily iiin iithe iipediatric iisetting. c. set iispecific iitime iilines iifor iisequencing iiinterventions. d. are iipart iiof iithe iinursing iiprocess. iiANS: iiC Clinical iipathways iiare iistandardized, iiinterdisciplinary iiplans iiof iicare iidevised iifor iipatients iiwith iia iiparticular iihealth iiproblem. iiThey iiare iiused iito iiidentify iipatient iioutcomes, iispecify iitime iilines iito iiachieve iithose iioutcomes, iidirect iiappropriate iiinterventions iiand iisequencing iiof iiinterventions, iiinclude iiinterventions iifrom iia iivariety iiof iidisciplines, iipromote iicollaboration, iiand iiinvolv e iia iicomprehensive iiapproach iito iicare. iiThey iiare iideveloped iiby iimultiple iihealth iicare iiprofessionals iiand iireflect iiinterdisciplinary iicare. iiThey iican iibe iiused iiin iimultiple iisettings iiand iifor iipatients iithroughout iithe iilife iispan. iiThey iiare iinot iipart iiof iithe iinursing iiprocess iibut iican iibe iiused iiin iiconjunction iiwith iithe iinursing iiprocess iito iiprovide iicare iito iipatients. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii7 OBJ: iiNursing iiProcess: iiPlanning iiMSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiSafe iiand iiEffective iiCare iiEnvironment 8. The iifastest iigrowing iigroup iiof iihomeless iipeople iiis a. men iiand iiwomen iipreparing iifor iiretirement. b. migrant iiworkers. c. single iiwomen iiand iitheir iichildren. d. intravenous ii(IV) iisubstance iiabusers. iiANS: iiC Pregnancy iiand iibirth, iiespecially iifor iia iiteenager, iiare iiimportant iicontributing iifactors iifor iibecoming iihomeless. iiPeople iipreparing iifor iiretirement, iimigrant iiworkers, iiand iiIV iisubstance iiabusers iiare iinot iiamong iithe iifastest iigrowing iigroups iiof iihomeless iipeople. PTS: ii1 iiDIF: Cognitive iiLevel: iiKnowledge/Remembering iiREF: iip. ii14 OBJ: iiNursing iiProcess: iiAssessment MSC: iiClient iiNeeds: iiPhysiologic iiIntegrity

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