DOMESTIC VIOLENCE EXAM #2 FULLY SOLVED What is Child Psychological Maltreatment (CPM)? - correct answer A form of child maltreatment that involves caregiver behavior that communicates to a child that he or she is worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, endangered, or valued only in meeting other's needs including behaving in a manner that is harmful, potentially harmful, insensitive to the child's developmental needs, or can potentially be damaging to a child's development
Which form of child maltreatment maltreatment receives the least attention? - correct answer CPM
Why does CPM receive less attention than other forms of child maltreatment? - correct answer There is no immediate harm, the consequences are elusive
What is the most destructive form of child abuse? - correct answer CPM (most harmful and pervasive)
Which form of child maltreatment likely exists as a component of all forms of child maltreatment? - correct answer CPM
What is the most ambiguous form of child abuse? - correct answer CPM
What are other terms used interchangeably with CPM? - correct answer Emotional and psychological
What are acts commission? - correct answer Things you have done
What are acts of omission? - correct answer Things you have failed to do
What does psychological maltreatment mean? - correct answer Refers to both acts of omission and commission to include all forms of psychological and/or emotional abuse and neglect
What outcomes do researchers believe should be included in the definition of CPM? - correct answer Mental injury/Impaired Psychological Functioning and Development
What is the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children? - correct answer Leading national organization supporting professionals who work with children and families impacted by child maltreatment
What are the patterns of CPM? - correct answer Chronic, severe, and escalating
What are the subtypes of child psychological maltreatment? - correct answer Rejecting, degrading, terrorizing, isolating, missocializing, exploiting, denying emotional responsiveness, close confinement, and parental inconsistency What is spurning? - correct answer Verbal and nonverbal hostile rejecting/degrading behaviors
What is terrorizing? - correct answer Caregiver behaviors that harm or threaten to harm a child or a child's loved ones or possessions Actions or threats that cause extreme fear
and/or anxiety in a child
What is exploiting/corrupting? - correct answer Encouraging inappropriate behaviors in a child
What is denying emotional responsiveness? - correct answer Ignoring a child's needs or
failing to express positive affect toward a child. Acts of omission whereby the caretaker doesn't provide a child necessary stimulation and responsiveness
What is isolating? - correct answer Denying a child opportunity to interact/communicate with others. Preventing a child from engaging in normal social activities
What is mental health/medical/educational neglect? - correct answer Failing to provide for child's need in these areas.
What is rejecting? - correct answer Verbal or symbolic acts that express feelings of rejection toward the child
What is degrading? - correct answer Actions that depreciate the child
What is missocializing? - correct answer Modeling, permitting, or encouraging antisocial
behavior in a child
What is exploiting? - correct answer Using a child for the needs, advantages, or profits of the caretaker
What is close confinement? - correct answer Restricting a child's movement by binding limbs
What is parental inconsistency? - correct answer Parent responds unreliably and inconsistently to child
Is child neglect viewed as omission or commission? - correct answer Omission
What is the most frequently reported form of child maltreatment? - correct answer Child neglect
What defects do experts generally agree on as child neglect? - correct answer Physical,
emotional, medical, and educational needs What factors help to interpret whether or not an action is neglected? - correct answer Duration frequency, persistence of failure to meet needs, and severity of consequences
What is an example of duration and frequency of neglect? - correct answer Many neglectful incidents consistently
When did the US DHHS broaden its definition of child neglect to include an endangerment standard? - correct answer 1988
What is the endangerment standard? - correct answer Reporting of cases in which children demonstrated no actual harm, but in which reasonable to suspect potential harm
What should definitions of child neglect include? - correct answer Potential harm that is both probable and severe in its consequences
What are the two most controversial issues that hover over the definitional debate? - correct answer Poverty and parental intent
Cultural context
Can subtypes of neglect overlap conceptually? - correct answer Yes, and can co-occur
What is physical neglect? - correct answer Failure to provide a child with basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter.
What is medical neglect? - correct answer Failure or the delay in seeking needed health
care, refusal to allow or provide needed care for diagnosed conditions, and noncompliance with medical recommendations. (I.e. No immunizations, didn't attend to child's dental needs, etc.).
What is educational/developmental neglect? - correct answer Failure to provide a child with the experiences necessary for growth and development, such as intellectual and educational opportunities (I.e. Failure to enroll a child in school, permitting child's frequent and chronic truancy, and failing to attend to child's special education needs).
What is emotional neglect? - correct answer Failure to provide care and supervision necessary to promote education (I.e. Being unavailable to a child emotionally and being indifferent to or rejecting child). Overlaps with child psychological maltreatment
What is prenatal neglect? - correct answer Any actions of a pregnant woman that can potentially harm her unborn child, such as substance abuse
What is environmental neglect? - correct answer Lack of environmental safety, opportunities, and resources associated with with living in neighborhoods burdened by crime, lack of civility, and few resources for children and families