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14. Exam (elaborations) - Cosmetology clinical exam >> questions and answers 100% accurate.
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18. Exam (elaborations) - Cosmetology state board practice test (146 questions) answered.
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COSMETOLOGY CLINICAL EXAM >> QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 100% ACCURATE. What nndoes nna nncold nnwave nndo nnto nnthe nnhair? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnIt nnsoftens nnand nnexpands nnthe nnhair nnstrand Size nnof nnthe nnrod nnwill nndetermine? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnSize nnof nnthe nncurl A nnclient nncomplained nnthat nnher nnhair nnwas nnstraight nnafter nna nnpermanent nnwave. nnWhat nnis nnthe nncause nnof nnthe nnproblem? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnUndeproccesing After nna nnchemical nnrelaxer, nnthe nncosmetologist nnnoticed nnthe nnhair nnwent nnback nnto nnits nnnatural nnwave. nnWhy nnis nnthis? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnInsufficient nnprocessing nntime How nnlong nndoes nna nnAlkaline nnperm nnprocess nnfor? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn5 nnto nn20 nnmins A nnclient nncomes nnin nnneed nnof nna nntouch nnup nnon nnher nnroots. nnShe nnhas nnlight nnbrown nnhair nnand nnher nnregrowth nnis nndark nnbrown. nnWhat nnis nnthe nnapplication nnprocess? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnApplycolor nnto nnthe nnnew nngrowth nnonly. What nnshould nnthe nnfirst nnstep nnbe nnin nna nnhair nncut? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnSection nnthe nnhair After nnthe nnprocess nnof nna nnperm nnwave, nnthe nnclients nnneck nnand nnhairline nnwere nnred nnand nnsensitive. nnWhat nndid nnthe nncosmetologist nnfail nnto nndo? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnApply nnprotective nncream If nnthe nncosmetologist nnburns nnthe nnclients nnear nnwith nna nnthermal nniron, nnwhat nnshould nnbe nndone? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnApply nnaloe nnVera/ nn1% nngentian nnviolet nnjelly While nnthe nnclient nnis nnprocessing nnwith nna nnperm nnwave, nnher nneyes nnstart nnto nnirritate, nnwhat nnshould nnyou nndo? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnFlush nnwith nncold nnwater If nnthe nnclient nnhas nna nnmild nncut, nnwhat nnshould nnyou nndo? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnApply nnpressure nnwith nna nnclean nncloth In nna nnroller nnset, nnfull nnvolume nncurl nnis nnachieved nnby? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn45 nndegree nnangle nnand nnplace nnon nnbase For nnlow nnelevation nnor nn0 nndegree nncut, nnyou nnwould nnpart nnthe nnhair nninto nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn4 nnsections It nnis nnbest nnto nnuse nnthe nnfinger nnweave nnlotion nnwhen? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnHair nnis nndamp What nndoes nna nnneutralizer nncontain? nn- nncorrect nnanswer 's nnHydrogen nnperoxide If nnthe nncosmetologist nnruns nnout nnof nnwarm nnmedium nnbrown nnhair nncolor, nnwhat nncan nnshe nnmix nnto nnmake nnthe nncolor? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn1/2 nndark nnbrown nnand nn1/2 nnlight nnbrown A nnclient nnwants nnto nnget nna nnsoft nncurl nnperm nn(reformation nncurl) nnbut nnshe nnalready nnchemically nnrelaxed nnher nnhair, nnwhat nnis nndone? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnThe nnclient nncan nnnot nnget nnthe nnperm The nnroots nnwill nnprocess nnlighter nndue nnto? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnBody nnheat If nna nnclients nnhair nnis nnoverly nncurly, nnwhat nnis nnthe nnmildest nnhair nnrelaxer nnthe nncosmetologist nncan nnuse? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnAmmonium nnthioglycolate The nnmixture nnof nnall nnthe nnprimary nncolors nnin nnequal nnparts nngives nnyou nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnBlack The nnmixture nnof nnunequal nnparts nnof nnthe nnprimary nncolors nngives nnyou nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnBrown How nnlong nndoes nna nnsemi -perm nncolor nnlast? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn4 nnto nn6 nnshampoos A nngood nnmild nnalkaline nnshampoo nnhas nna nnph nnof? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn8.0-9.0 What nnkind nnof nnhaircut nncreates nnthe nnmost nnbulk? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn0 nndegree A nnpin nncurl nnconsists nnof nnwhat nnthree nnparts? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnBase, nnstem, nncircle What nnis nnthe nnph nnfor nna nnthio nnrelaxer? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nn8 nnto nn10 Prior nnto nna nnmanicure, nnimplements nnshould nnbe? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnCovered nnin nna nndisinfecting nntray To nnachieve nnthe nnbest nnfinger nnwave nnresults, nnyou nnshould? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnFollow nnthe nnnatural nngrowth nnpattern What nncorrective nnmakeup nnis nnapplied nnto nnclose nnset nneyes? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnExtend nneye nnshadow nnto nnthe nnouter nncorners Before nnchoosing nnyour nnclients nncolors, nnwhat nnshould nnbe nnthe nnmain nnconcern? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnTexture nnand nnporosity When nndoing nna nnchemical nnhair nnrelaxer nnretouch, nnwhat nnshould nnyou nnapply nnto nnthe nnends nnto nnprotect nnthem? nn- nncorrect nnanswer's nnCream nnconditioner nnor nnporosity nncontrol nnconditioner