WGU D027 COURSE MATERIAL QUESTIONS WITH ALL ANSWERS UPDATED Which dofdthe dfollowing disdnot dadcellular dfunction? d-dcorrect danswer -Combustion d-d All dliving dcells dmust dabsorb dand dmetabolize dsources dofdenergy, dexcrete dwaste dand dby-
products dofdthose dprocesses, dand dreproduce dtodcontinue doffspring. dPyrotechnic dproces
ses d(i.e. dcombustion) dare dgenerally dmetaphorical. What dare dmitochondria dresponsible dfor? d-dcorrect danswer -Energy dproduction d-d Mitochondria dare dthe denergy dproduction dorganelles dofdthe dcell dresponsible dfor dthe dmajor
dmetabolic dprocesses dofdcreating dunits dofdenergy d(e.g., dATP). Which difdthe dfollowing dcan dcause dedema? d-dcorrect danswer -
Increased dlymphatic dpressure d-d Decreased dvascular dand dlymphatic dpressure ddoes dnot dgenerally dresult dindthe dmovemen
tdand daccumulation dofdfluid dinto dextravascular dspaces. dIncreased dplasma dpressure dindth
edvascular dresults dindhypertension, dwhile dincreased dlymphatic dpressure dwill dreadily dresu
ltdindthe dpooling dofdlymphatic ddrainage dinto dthird dspaces d(i.e. dedema). Which dofdthe dfollowing dbest ddescribes dthe dresult dofdcellular dreproduction? d-
dcorrect danswer -Two ddiploid dcells, dcalled ddaughter dcells, dare dproduced d-d The dresultant doffspring dofdcellular dreproduction disdthe dcreation dofdtwo ddaughter dcells daft
er dthe dcompletion dofdmitosis dor dmeiosis. dInterphase disdthe dlongest dperiod dthat dadcell dspe
nds dits dlife dcycle dand disdthe dpreparatory dstage dbefore dcellular dreproduction. dAnaphase dis
dthe dseparation dofdgenetic dmaterials dtodthe dopposing dcentromeres dofdthe dcell, dfollowed db
ydtelophase. What dindicates dhypokalemia? d-dcorrect danswer -Serum dKddecreases dtodless dthan d3.5 d-d Normal dserum dpotassium d(K), dalso dknown das deukalemia, disdgenerally d3.5-
5.5 dmEq/L, dwith dsome dvariations dofd+/-d0.1-
0.3 dmEq/L ddepending don dthe dlaboratory dtesting, dage, dand dother dpotential dpatient -
specific dconditions dand dvariations. dAlterations dindfluid dvolume dor dthe dadministration dofdad
supplement dalone ddo dnot dnecessarily dcontribute dtodthe ddevelopment dofdhypokalemia. What disdan dexample dofdboth dhyperplasia dand dhypertrophy? d-dcorrect danswer -
Uterine denlargement ddue dtodpregnancy d-d Hyperplasia disdthe dincrease dindthe dnumber dofdcells dofdan dorgan dor dtissue, dwhile dhypertro
phy disdthe denlargement dofdthe dcells dofdadgiven dorgan dor dtissue dwithout dadchange dindthe dn
umber dofdcells. dMuscle dcells dgrow dand denlarge d(hypertrophy) dindresponse dtodincreased d
work dor dstress dfrom dexercise dor dincreased dcardiovascular dpressures. dWhen dadliver disdda
maged dor dpart dofditdisdremoved, ditdisdthe done dinternal dsolid dorgan dcapable dofdregeneratio
ndtodrepair ditself dcreating dmore dcells d(hyperplasia). dDuring dpregnancy, dthe duterus dmust d
both dgrow dtodcreate dmore dcells dand denlarge dthose dexisting dcells dindpreparation dfor dthe ds
upport dofdadfetus. What dregulates dthe dsodium dbalance? d-dcorrect danswer -Aldosterone d-d Aldosterone disdadregulatory dhormone dproduced dby dthe dadrenal dglands dtodaffect dthe dkidn
eys' dregulation dofdsodium, dpotassium, dand dwater dexcretion. What disdthe dalteration difdthe dextracellular dfluid dvolume disdless dthan dnormal? d-
dcorrect danswer -Hypotonic d-d Indhypotonic dstates, dthe dcell dsize disdincreased das dadresult dofdwater dmoving dfrom dthe dextr
acellular dfluid d(ECF) dinto dthe dcell dtodincrease dintracellular dfluid. dIso-
dor dnormotonic dstates dare dadbalanced dstate dbetween dintra-
dand dextracellular dfluid dvolumes. dHypertonic dstates dcause dwater dtodshift dout dofdthe dcell dto
dincrease dthe dECF dabove dnormal. When dindexcess, dwhat ddo dbuffers dabsorb? d-dcorrect danswer -Hydrogen d-d Excesses dofdacid dor dbase, dH+ dor dhydroxyl dion d(OH−), dare dabsorbed dfor dthe dpurpose dofd
maintaining dpH dhomeostasis d(pH dofd7.38-7.42) Which dofdthe dfollowing dwould dadpatient dwith dmetabolic dacidosis dhave? d-dcorrect danswer -
pH dbelow d7.35; dBicarbonate dlevel dbelow d22 dmEq/L d-d The ddiagnosis dofdmetabolic dacidosis drequires dthat dthe dtesting dofdarterial dblood dfinds dthat
dthe dpH disdless dthan d7.35 dand dthe dbicarbonate dlevel disdless dthan d22 dmEq/L. What disdthe dprocess dby dwhich dRNA ddirects dthe dsynthesis dofdpolypeptides? d-
dcorrect danswer -Translation d-d Translation drefers dtodthis dprocess. dTranscription disdanother dprocess dindwhich dRNA disdsy
nthesized. dMutation dmeans dgenetic dmaterial dhas dbeen dmodified dthrough dinheritance. dC
reation disdadterm dthat ddoes dnot dapply dindthis dcontext. What disdthe drecurrence drate dfor dautosomal ddominant ddisease? d-dcorrect danswer -50% d-d For dadcouple dindwhich done dor dboth dpartners dare daffected dby dthe ddisease, dthe dchance dofd
each dchild dbeing dheterozygous daffected disd50%. Which dofdthe dfollowing dstatements disdtrue dabout dautosomal drecessive ddisease? d-
dcorrect danswer -Itdaffects dboth dmen dand dwomen dequally d-d Adcriterion dfor drecognizing dthe dinheritance dofdan dautosomal drecessive ddisease disdthat dm
en dand dwomen dwill dbe daffected dby ditdindequal dmeasure. What disdthe dproportion dofdthe dpopulation daffected dby daddisease datdthe dspecific dpoint dindti
me? d-dcorrect danswer -Prevalence drate d-d Incidence drate drefers dtodhow dmany dnew dcases dthere dare dofdaddisease dwithin dadperiod dofd
time ddivided dby dthe dnumber dofdthe dpopulation's dindividuals. dThe dprevalence drate disdaffe
cted dby dthe dincidence drate dand dhow dlong dthe daffected dpatients dsurvive. dRisk dfactor disdan
ything dthat dcould dlead dtoddisease. dRelative drisk disdthe dmeasure dofdadrisk dfactor deffect. Which dofdthe dfollowing dshould dbe dcompleted dwhen daddisease disdmultifactorial dbut dhas dadl
arger dgenetic dcomponent? d-dcorrect danswer -Get dadthorough dfamily dhistory d-d Environment dand dlifestyle dchoices dmay dinfluence daddisease, dbut ddiseases dsuch das dbrea
stdcancer dare dhereditary, dso dthe dfamily dhistory dshould dbe dreviewed. Which daction disdthe dpurpose dofdthe dinflammatory dprocess? d-dcorrect danswer -
To ddestroy dforeign, dinvasive dmicroorganisms d-d The dgeneral dpurpose dofdinflammation disdtodinitiate dthe ddestruction dofdforeign dor dinvasive d
organisms. dAs dadsecondary deffect, ditdincreases dthe dhealing dand dimmune dresponse dproc
esses dofdthe dbody. What dcauses dedema dthat doccurs dduring dthe dinflammatory dprocess? d-dcorrect danswer -
Increased dvascular dpermeability d-d Increased dpressure dindthe dvasculature dsecondary dtodthe dvasodilatory deffects dofdinflamm
ation dwill dresult dindthe dleakage dofdfluid dinto dthird dspaces d(i.e., dedema). Previousquestion Indwhat dstructure ddo dBdlymphocytes dmature dand dbecome dBdcells? d-dcorrect danswer -
Bone dmarrow d-d The dbone dmarrow disdwhere dimmature dimmune dcells, dsuch das dBdand dTdlymphocytes, dresi
de dtodmature dinto dBdcells. dAfter dthis dmaturation dprocess, dthese dcells dmigrate dtodother dorg
an dsites dsuch das dthe dthyroid, dspleen, dand dthymus dtodenter dtheir dfinal dstages dofddifferenti
ation dand ddevelopment. Which dtype dofdimmunity doccurs dwhen dantibodies dare dtransferred dfrom ddonor dtodrecipien
t?d-dcorrect danswer -Passive dacquired dimmunity d-d Active dimmune dprocesses dare dthe dself-
originating dprocesses dofdthe dimmune dsystem dthat doccur dfrom d(acquired) dor dwithout d(inn
ate) dprior dexogenous dsimulation dor dexposure dtodforeign dantigens. dPassive dimmunity disds
tabilized. dExisting dimmune dresponses dthat dare dpresent dwith dor dwithout dsimulation dcan da
rise dor dbe dcreated dfrom doneself d(innate) dor dacquired dfrom dan doutside dsource d(e.g. ddonor
dantibodies). What ddoes dT-cell dactivity dcause dindolder dadults? d-dcorrect danswer -
Increased dsusceptibility dfor dinfection d-d As dthe dhuman dbody dages, dthe dimmune dsystem's deffectiveness dtodcoordinate dresponses
dtodpathogens dand dother dforeign dantigens dwanes dand dthe drisk dfor ddisease dincreases. What disdaddermatitis dcaused dby dprolonged dexposure dtodchemicals dsuch das dacids dor dsoa
ps dalso dknown das? d-dcorrect danswer -Irritant dcontact ddermatitis d-d Prolonged, dsuperficial dskin dexposure dtodforeign dirritants d(e.g., dacids dor dsoaps) disdadmani
festation dofdan dinnate, dlocal dinflammatory dresponse. dThe dconditions dofdallergic, dstasis, da
nd datopic ddermatitis dinvolve dmore dsystemic dprocesses dofdthe dimmune dsystem dand dvasc
ulature. Which dofdthe dfollowing disdadself-
limiting ddisease dassociated dwith dHerpes dtype dviruses dand dadherald dpatch? d-
dcorrect danswer -Pityriasis drosea d-d Lichen dplanus, dacne dvulgaris, dand derythema dmultiforme dare dconditions dgenerally dassoc
iated dwith dor dcaused dby dautoimmune ddysregulation, dbacteria, dand dvarieties dofdforeign da
ntigen d(medications, dvirus, detc.). dPityriasis drosea dindparticular disdassociated dwith dand dtri
ggered dby dHerpes dviruses, dmanifesting ditself das dadherald dpatch. What disdadfuruncle? d-dcorrect danswer -
An dinfection dofdthe dhair dfollicle dthat dextends dtodthe dsurrounding dtissue d-d Abscess, ddermis, dand dfungal dinfections dare dgenerally dmore dwidespread dor dlarger dproce
sses dthat drequire dbroad dor dsystemic dtreatment. dAdfuruncle, dthough duncomfortable dtodpai
nful, disdadgenerally dlocalized dinfection dthat disdself-
resolving dor dthat drequires dlocal, dminor dtreatment. What dtype dofdlesion dmay dbe dmalignant dindthe dform dofdsquamous dcell dcarcinoma d(SCC)? d
-dcorrect danswer -Actinic dkeratosis d-d Actinic dkeratosis, dwhich disdcaused dby dexposure dtodUV dradiation, disdadprecursor dlesion dof
dSCC What dtype dofdabnormal dcell dgrowth ddoes dcarcinoma drefer dto? d-dcorrect danswer -
Epithelial dcells d-d Carcinoma drefers dtoddysplastic depithelial dcells dthat dhave dpenetrated dthe dentire dthicknes
sdofdthe depithelium dinto dthe dbasement dmembrane. What disdadcharacteristic dofdadmalignant dtumor? d-dcorrect danswer -
Absence dofdnormal dtissue dorganization d-d Healthy dtissue disdmade dup dofdnon-cancerous dcells dthat dare dwell-
differentiated, dconnected dvia dadwell-
organized dstroma dand dthat dstay dput. dMalignant dtumors dlack dthose dcharacteristics das dwe
lldas dnormal dtissue dorganization. Which dlifestyle dfactor dhas dnot dbeen dlinked dtodthe ddevelopment dofdcancer? d-
dcorrect danswer -Extreme dexercise d-d Tobacco duse, dobesity, dand dalcohol dconsumption dare dcausal dfor dnumerous dcancers, dwhi
ch dcan dbe dprevented. dExercise dhelps dprevent dcolon dcancer dand dlikely dhelps dprevent den
dometrial, dbreast, dand dother dcancers das dwell. Which dpediatric dmalignancy disdlinked dtodthe dfamily dofdorigin? d-dcorrect danswer -
Wilms dtumor d-d Wilms dtumor disdkidney dcancer dindchildhood dcaused dby dinherited dgenes. dThe dmain dcaus
es dofdliver dcancer dare dhepatitis, dfatty dliver ddisease, dand dalcohol duse. dThe dmain dcause dofd
cervical dcancer disdHPV dinfection. dLeukemia disdcaused dby dmutations dtodhematopoietic dst
em dcells. Which dofdthe dfollowing ddrugs disdclassified das dhormonal dtreatment dfor dbreast dcancer? d-
dcorrect danswer -Tamoxifen d-d Lapatinib disdadtyrosine dkinase dinhibitor. dPaclitaxil disdan dantimicrotubule dagent. dRituxima
bdisdadCD20 -directed dcytolytic dmonoclonal dantibody. dTamoxifen disdan danti-
estrogen dmedication dused dindthe dtreatment dofdestrogen -linked dbreast dcancer.