California Cemetery Manager Exam
Questions And Answers Well Illustrated.
Cemetery vBroker v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vA vperson vwho, vother vthan vin vreference vto van
voccasional vsale, vsells, vor voffers vfor vsale, vbuys vor voffers vto vbuy, v lists, vleases vor voffers vto
vlease, vor vsolicits, vor vnegotiates vthe vpurchase vor vsale, v lease vor vexchange vof vcemetery
vproperty vor v interment vservices, v or v interest vtherein, vfor vhis vor vher vown vaccount vor vfor
Cemetery vSalesperson v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vNatural vperson vwho, vother vthan vin vreference
vto van voccasional vsale, vis vemployed vby va vcemetery vbroker vto vsell, vor voffer vfor vsale, v list
vor voffer vto vlist, vor vto vbuy, v or vto voffer vto vbuy, vor vto vlease, vor vto vsolicit, vor vto vnegotiate vthe
vpurchase vor vsale vor vlease vor vexchange vof vcemetery v property vor vinterment vservices, vor
vany v interest vtherein, vfor vhis vor vher vown vaccount vor vfor vanother
Cemetery vManager v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vPerson vengaged vin vor vconducting, vor vholding
vhimself vor vherself vout vas vengaged vin vthose vactivities v involved v in, vor vincidental vto, vthe
vmaintaining, voperating vor vimproving v a vcemetery, v interment vof vhuman vremains, vand vthe
vcare, vpreservation, vand vembellishment vof vcemetery v property
Crematory vManager v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vPerson vengaged vin vor vconducting, vor vholding
vhimself vor vherself vout vas vengaged vin vthose vactivities v involved v in, vor vincidental vto, vthe
vmaintaining, vor voperating va vcrematory
Cemetery vLicensee v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vAny vcemetery vbroker, vcemetery vsalesperson,
vor vcemetery vmanager
Crematory vLicensee v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vCorporation, vpartnership, vor vnatural vperson
vlicensed vand vshall vmean va vcemetery v licensee vfor vpurposes vof vdisciplinary v action
Crematory vRemains vDisposer v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vPerson vwho, vfor vhis vor vher vown
vaccount vor vfor vanother, vdisposes vof, vor voffers vto vdispose vof, vcremated vhuman v remains
vby vscattering vover vor von vland vor vsea
Public vCemetery v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vCemetery vowned vand voperated vby va vcity, vcounty,
vcity vand vcounty, vor vpublic vcemetery v district
, Non vApplicable vCemeteries v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vReligious, vpublic, vand vany vprivate vor
vfraternal vburial vpark vunder v10 vacres vestablished vprior vto vSept v19, v19392
Cemetery vInformation vDisclosed v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vOwner vof veach vcemetery, vthe
vname vof vthe vcemetery, vthe vbusiness vaddress vof vthe vcemetery vowner, vand vthe vphysical
vaddress vof vthe vcemetery
Employees vwith vLicense vIssues v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vManager vshall vinform vbureau vwithin
v30 vdays vof vbeing vinformed vof vany vemployee vwith v a vprevious vlicense vthat vhas vbeen
vrevoked, vsuspended, von vprobation, vor vsurrendered
Annual vCemetery vReport v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vOn vor vbefore vJune v1, vor vwithin vfive
vmonths vafter vclose vof vtheir vfiscal v year v including vnumber vof vsquare vfeet vof v grave vspace
vand vthe vnumber vof vcrypts vand vniches vsold vor vdisposed vof vunder vendowment vcare,
vamount vdeposited vin vendowment vcare vfund, vstatement vshowing v separately vthe vtotal
vamount vof vgeneral vand vspecial vendowment vcare vfunds, vand vuse vof vendowment vcare
Annual vAudit vReport v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vSigned vby vCPA vor vpublic vaccountant, vincludes
vinspection, v review, vand vaudit vof vthe vgeneral vpurpose vfinancial vstatements vof vthe
vendowment vcare vfund vand vspecial vcare vfund, v which vshall vinclude vthe vbalance vsheet,
vthe vstatement vof vrevenues, vexpenditures, vand vchanges vin vfund vbalance. v30 vday
vextension vpossible. v Change vin vtrustee vmust vbe vreports v within v30 vdays. v Change vfrom
vcalendar vto vfiscal vreporting v as vlong vas vreporting vperiod vdoes vnot vexceed vone v year.
vFiled v with vcounty vclerk.
Annual vAudit vPenalties v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v v$400 vfine vper vmonth v(up vto v5 vmonths) vfor va
vlate v report. vFailure vto vpay v within v15 vdays vshall vbe vcause vfor vdisciplinary v action.
Endowment vCare vExamination v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vAt vleast vonce vevery vfive vyears vand
vas vdeemed vnecessary, v when vcemetery vauthority vfails vto vfile vreport vrequired, v when vthe
vaccountant vor vauditor vqualifies vhis vor vher vcertification vof vthe vreport. vExamination vpaid
vfor vby vcemetery vauthority vor vface v revocation.
Examination vDetails v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vBureau vshall vhave vfree vaccess vto vthe vbooks
vand vrecords vrelating vto vtrust vfunds vand vexpenditures vof vthe vfunds
Limited vLiability vCompany v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vNo vlicensee vshall vhave vownership
vinterest vas va vmember vin va v limited vliability v company v certificated vas va vcemetery vauthority.
Endowment vCare vControl v- vcorrect vanswer. v v v vBureau vmay vadminister voaths,
vinadequate vfunds vmay v require vbureau vto venforce vrules, vreinvest vfunds vin vconformity
v with vcode. vSuperior vcourt vof vthe vcounty vof vprincipal voffice vshall vforce vreceivership v(may
vbe vdue vto vembezzled vor v wrongfully v diverted vfund). v Costs vof vany vactions vcan vbe vtaken