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CHMM Exam With Correct Questions And Answers 2024
CHMM Exam With Correct Questions And Answers 2024
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CHMM Exam With Correct Questions And
Answers 2024
Bioaccumulation g- gcorrect ganswer.Implies gthe gaccumulation gof ga gtoxic gchemical gin
gtissue, glike gDDT gand gPCBs gthat gare gstored gin gfatty gtissues gor gmercury gbuilding gup gin
Biomagnification g- gcorrect ganswer.the gincrease gof gof gthe gchemicals gin gthe gnatural gfood
gchain gas gcontaminated gfood gspecies gare geaten, glike gfish gconsumers gthat ghave ghigh
gbloodstream gfrom gseafood gsources
Bioconcentration g- gcorrect ganswer.used gin gthe gfield gof gaquatic gtoxicology gand gis gthe
gprocess gin gwhich gthe gchemical gconcentration gin gan gaquatic gorganism gsurpasses gthe
gchemical's gconcentration gin gwater
Difference gbetween ga ghomogeneous gand gheterogeneous gmixture g- gcorrect ganswer.a
gmixture gin gwhich ga gmaterial gcontains g2 gor gmore gdifferent gcomponents gwhich gcan gbe
gseparated gby ga gphysical gprocess gor gsolubility gdifferences. gMixtures gcan gbe gsolutions,
gsuspensions, gor gcolloids
Homogenous gmixtures g- gcorrect ganswer.Have gtheir gcomponents guniformly gdistribute
gthrough gits gvolume, gis gdifficult gto gseparate gthem gand gyou gcannot gdistinguish gits
heterogeneous gmixture g- gcorrect ganswer.have gnon-uniform gcomposition gand gare geast gto
gseparate glike goil gand gwater
Octanol-Water gPartitioning gCoeeficient g- gcorrect ganswer.The gn-octanol-water gpartition
gcoefficient g(Kow) gmeasures gthe gdistribution gof ga gchemical gbetween ga gwater gand
goctanol gphase g(organic gphase) gat ga gspecified gtemperature. gSimply gstated gKow
gmeasures gthe grelationship gbetween gfat gsolubility g(lipophilicity) gand gwater gsolubility
g(hydrophilicity) gof ga gchemical. gThe gsmaller gthe gKow gthe gmore gsoluble gthe gchemical gis
gin gwater. gChemicals gwith ghigh gKow gvalues ghave ga ghigh gpotential gto gbio-concentrate gin
gliving gorganisms
Estuaries g- gcorrect ganswer.Estuaries gare ga gvery gcomplex gecosystem gpartially genclosed
gbetween griver genvironments gand gmaritime genvironments gwhere gfresh gand gsaltwater
gmix grepresenting ga gtransition gzone gknown gas gecotone
,Wetlands g- gcorrect ganswer.EPA gdefines gwetlands gas garea gthat gare ginundated gor
gsaturated gby gsurface gor ggroundwater gat ga gfrequency gand gduration gsufficient gto gsupport
gand gthat gunder gnormal gcircumstances gdo gsupport, ga gprevalence gof gvegetation gtypically
gadapted gfor glife gin gsoil gconditions. gWetlands ggenerally ginclude gswamps, gmarshes,
gbogs, gand gsimilar gareas
Aquatic gmacroinvertebrates g- gcorrect ganswer.bottom gdwellers gthat gvisible gto gthe gnaked
geye gshow gthat gthe gstream gis ghealthy
Reverse gOsmosis g- gcorrect ganswer.a gwater gpurification gprocess gthat guses ga gpartially
gpermeable gmembrane gto gseparate gunwanted gcontaminants gfrom gdrinking gwater. gRO gis
gused gto gtreat gcontaminated gwater gthrough gthe gselectively gpermeable gmembrane
gleaving gbehind ga gcontaminated gand gconcentrated gslurry gthat gis gdisposed gof gas
ghazardous gwaste
Acid gMine gDrainage g- gcorrect ganswer.forms gwhen gwater gflows gthrough grocks gcontaining
gsulfur-bearing gmaterials glike gpyrite gresulting gin ga ghighly gacidic geffluent
Raoults gLaw g- gcorrect ganswer.states gthat gthe gvapor gpressure gof gan gideal gsolution gis
gequal gto gthe gsum gof gthe gvapor gpressure gof geach gvolatile gpure gcomponent's gmole
Beer-Lambert gLaw g- gcorrect ganswer.Beer-Lambert gLaw gis gused gin goccupational gto
gquantify ga gcontaminant gpresent gin ga gsolution gby gthe gamount gof glight gabsorbed gby gthe
gsolution gat ga gspecific gfrequency
HEPA gfilters g- gcorrect ganswer.HEPA gfilters gstand gfor g"High gEfficiency gParticulate gAir"
gfilters gand gare gvery gefficient gin gremoving gsmall gparticles. gHEPA gfilters gremove
gefficiently gat gleast g99.7% gof gparticles g0.3 gdiameter gfrom gthe gair gpassing gthrough gthe
Catalyst g- gcorrect ganswer.an gelements gthat gimproves gthe grate gof ga gchemical greaction
gwithout gundergoing gany gpermanent gchemical gchange gitself. gCatalysts gspeed gup
greactions gby glowering gthe gactivation genergy gnecessary gfor gthe greaction gto gtake gplace.
genzyme gare gproteins gthat gact gas gcatalysts gand gaccelerate gbiochemical greactions
Examples gof gcombustible gmetals g- gcorrect ganswer.Potassium, gSodium, gMagnesium,
gTitanium, gZirconium
Examples gof gAlkaline gcorrosive gsubstances g- gcorrect ganswer.sodium ghydroxide g(NaOH
gor gcaustic gsoda), gcalcium goxide g(CaO gor gquicklime), gcalcium ghydroxide g(slaked glime)
gand gammonium ghydroxide g(aqua gammonia)
Hydrocarbons g- gcorrect ganswer.are gthe gprincipal gconstituents gof gpetroleum gand gserve
gas gfuels gand gas gwell gas graw gmaterials gto gproduce gsolvents, gexplosives, gand gindustrial
,gchemicals gSmaller ghydrocarbon gchains ghave ga ghigher gdegree gof gflammability gthan
glarger ghydrocarbon gchains
Halogenated ghydrocarbons g- gcorrect ganswer.(halocarbons) gare ghydrocarbon
gcompounds gin gwhich gat gleast gone ghydrogen gatom gis greplaced gby ga ghalogen g(fluorine,
gchlorine, gor gbromine)
Alcohol g- gcorrect ganswer.compounds gthat gcontain gone gor gmore ghydroxyl g(-OH) ggroups
Ethers g- gcorrect ganswer.contain gan goxygen gatom gconnected gto g2 ghydrocrabon ggroups.
ghave ga ghigh gdegree gof gflammability gand gtend gto gform gunstable gperoxides, gwhich gcan
gexplode gspontaneously gupon gheating
Ketones g- gcorrect ganswer.with glow gmolecular gweight gsuch gas gacetone gand gmethyl gethyl
gketone g(MEK), gare ghighly gflammable. gKetones gflammability gdecreases gwith gan
gincrease gin gthe gcarbon gnumber
Aldehydes g- gcorrect ganswer.contain ga gcarbonyl gcenter g(very greactive) gand galdehydes
gwith glow gmolecular gweight gare ghighly gflammable, gthus galdehydes gflammability
gdecreasing gwith gcarbon gchain glength
Amines g- gcorrect ganswer.Contain gone gor gmore gatoms gof gnitrogen gand gamines gare gnot
ghighly gflammable g(with gthe gexception gmethylamine) gbut gtheir gcombustion gyields gNOx
Esters g- gcorrect ganswer.derived gfrom gthe gsubstitution greaction gof ga gcarboxylic gacid gand
gan galcohol. gEsters gare gflammable gor ghighly gflammable gand gtheir gvapors gform gexplosive
gmixtures gwith gair
Incompatible gChemicals g- gcorrect ganswer.Acids gand gBases; gOxidizers gand gOrganics;
gWater gReactive g(Li, gNa, gK); gAir gReactive g(white gphosphorus)
Ergonomics g- gcorrect ganswer.improve gthe ginteraction gbetween gthe gworker gand gthe
gworkspace genvironment
Repetitive gStrain gInjuries g(RSI) g- gcorrect ganswer.Repetitive gStrain gInjuries gor gRepetitive
gMotion gDisorder g(RMD) gor gCumulative gTrauma gDisorder g(CTD) gare grepetitive gstress
gdisorders gsuffered gby gthe gmuscoskeletal gor gnervous gsystem
Thermal gStress g- gcorrect ganswer.The gaverage gbody gtemperature gis g98.6 gF grisky gwhen
gtemperatures gare gover g104 gF gor gfalls gto g82.4 gF
Hazard gCommunication gStandard g(HCS) g- gcorrect ganswer.OSHA's gHCS grequires
gemployers gto gdisclose gtoxic gand ghazardous gsubstances gto gthe gemployee gin
gworkplaces. gThe gHCS gis gnow galigned gwith gGHS gsystem gdeveloped gby gthe gUN
, Hazardous gMaterials gTransportation gAct g(HMTA) g- gcorrect ganswer.HMTA gis
gadministered gby gthe gDOT gand gdesignates gas ghazardous gmaterial gany gparticular
gquantity gor gform gof ga gmaterial gthat gmay gpose gan gunreasonable grisk gto ghealth gand
gsafety gor gproperty
What gare gthe gessential grequirements gfor gtransporters gunder gRCRA g- gcorrect ganswer.1.
gAll gtransporters gmust ghave gan gEPA gID gnumber
2. gThe gshipment gpaper g(manifest) gmust gidentify gthe gsource gand greference ga gnotice gof
gdelivery gto ga gtreatment, gstorage, gand gdisposal gfacility g(TSDF)
3. gThe gvehicle gtransporting ghazardous gwaste gmust ghave gproper gplacarding
4. gThe gtransporter gmust gkeep gfor gthree g(3) gyears ga gcopy gof gthe gshipment gmanifest
What gshould gthe gshipping gpapers ginclude gas grequired ginformation gabout gany ghazardous
gshipment? g- gcorrect ganswer.1. gProper gshipping gname g(PSN) gin gthe gDangerous gGoods
2. gThe ghazard gclass gor gdivision
3. gThe g4 gdigit gUN/NA gnumber
4. gThe gpacking ggroup
5. gThe gquantity gof gthe ghazardous gmaterial
What gis ga gafe ghaven gparking garea g- gcorrect ganswer.In ga gsafe ghaven gparking garea gthe
gdriver gcan gleave gthe gvehicle gunattended gfor gparking geven gif git gis gloaded gwith
gexplosives. gAuthorized gsafe ghavens gare gdesignated gby gthe glocal gauthorities gonly.
gOtherwise gsomeone gmust galways gwatch ga gparked gvehicle gcontaining ghazardous
Who gis gresponsible gfor gproviding gplacards gfor gshipping ghazardous gmaterials gaccording
gto gDOT gregulations g- gcorrect ganswer.The gshippers gresponsibility gis gto goffer gplacards gto
gthe gdriver, gbut gthe gdriver gmust gmake gsure gthe gshipment gcomplies gwith gregulations
What gare glaw genforcement gofficers ggoing gto gcheck gwhen gthey gstop gand ginspect
gvehicles gfor gtransporting ghazardous gmaterials g- gcorrect ganswer.The gofficers gwill gask gfor
gshipping gpapers, gcheck gthe gvehicles gplacards gand glook gfor gthe g(HAZMAT)
gendorsement gon gthe gcommercial gdriver's g(CDL)
Which gdocuments gshould gthe ggenerators gof ghazardous gmaterials grequirefrom
gtransporters gof ghazardous gmaterials gfor goff-site gshipments g- gcorrect ganswer.1. gUS gEPA
2. gProof gof ginsurance
3. gUS gDOT ghazmat gregistration gnumber
What gis gthe gshippers grole g- gcorrect ganswer.sends ggoods gfrom gby gtruck, grail, gvessel, gor
must gproperly gpackage, gmark, gand glabel gthe ggoods
prepare gshipping gpapers gwith gemergency gresponse ginformation
certify gthat gthe gpackage ghas gbeen gprepared gaccording gto gthe grules