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NHA NEW CBCS Practice Tests Study With Correct Questions And Answers 2024 $14.99   Add to cart

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NHA NEW CBCS Practice Tests Study With Correct Questions And Answers 2024

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NHA NEW CBCS Practice Tests Study With Correct Questions And Answers 2024

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  • August 5, 2024
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NHA NEW CBCS Practice Tests Study With
Correct Questions And Answers 2024

Medical vEthics v- vcorrect vanswer.Standards vof vconduct vbased von vmoral vprinciples.
vGenerally v accepted vas va v guide vfor vbehavior vtowards vpatients, vphysicians, vco-workers,

vthe v government, vand vinsurance vcompaines.

Compliance vRegulations v- vcorrect vanswer.billing-related vcases vare vbased von vHIPAA
vand vFalse vClaims vAct.

Health vInsurance vPortability vand vAccountability vAct vof v1996 v(HIPPA) v- vcorrect
vanswer.Created vthe vHealth vCare v Frad vand vAbuse vControl vPrpgram venacted vnt vcheck

vfor vfraud vand vabuse v in vthe vMedicare vand vMedicaid vprograms, vand vprivate vpayers.

Two vprovisions vof vHIPPA v- vcorrect vanswer.Titile vI: vInsurance vReform
Title vII: vAdministrative vSimplification

Insurance vReform. v-Primary vpurpose vto vprovide vcontinuous vinsurance vcoverage vfor
v workers vand vtheir vdependents v when vthey vchange vor vlose vtheir vjobs. v - vcorrect vanswer.-

Limits vthe vuse vof vpreexisting vconditions vexclusions
-Prohibits vdiscrimination vfor vpart vor vpresent vpoor vhealth
-Guarantees vcetraom vemployees vand vindividuals vthe vright vto vpurchase vhealth vinsurance
vcoverage vafter vlosing va vjob

- vAllows vrenewal vof vhealth vinsurance vcoverage vregardless vof van vindividual's vhealth
vcondition vthat vis vcovered vunder vthe vparticular vpolicy

Administrative vSimplification-The vgoal vis vto vfocus von vthe vhealth vcare vpractice vsetting vto
vreduce vadministrative vcost vand vburdens. v- vcorrect vanswer.Two vparts:

1. vDevelopment vand vimplementation vof vstandardized vhealth-related vfinancial vand
vadministrative vactivities velectronically.

2. vImplementation vof vprivacy vand vsecurity vprocedures vto vprevent vthe vmisuse vof vhealth
vinformation vby vensuring v confidentiality.

False vClaim vAct v(FCA) v- vcorrect vanswer.Federal vlaw vthat vprohibits vsubmittimg va
vfraudulent vclaim vor vmaking vstatement vor v representation vin vconnection v with va vclaim.

,National vCorrect vCoding vInitiative v(NCCI) v- vcorrect vanswer.Developed vby vthe vCMS vto
vpromote vnational vcorrect vcoding vmethodologies vand vto vcontrol vimproper vcoding vthat

vleads vto vinappropriate vpayment vof vpart vB vhealth vinsurance vclaims.

Two vtype vof vNCCA vedits v- v1. vColumn v1 v/Column v2 vor vComprehensive vComponent
vEdits: v identifies vcode vpairs vthat vshould vnot vbe vbilled vtogether vbecause vone vcode.

vColumn v1 vincludes vall vthe vservices vdescribed vby vanother vcode vin vColumn v2. v- vcorrect

vanswer.2. vMutually vExclusive v Edits: videntifies vcode vpairs vthat, vfor vclinical vreason, vare

vunlikely v to vbe vperformed von vthe vsame vpatient von vthe vsame vday.

Office vof vInspector vGeneral v(OIG) v- vcorrect vanswer.Investigates vand vprosecute vhealth
vcare vfraud vand vabuse.

Fraud v- vcorrect vanswer.Knowingly vand vintentionally vdeceiving vor vmisrepresenting
vinformation vthat vmay v result vin vunauthorized vbenefits.

Abuse v- vcorrect vanswer.Defined vas vincidents vor vpractices, vnot vusually vconsidered
vfradulaent vthat vare vinconsistant v with vthe vaccepted vmedical vbusiness vor vfiscal vpractices

vin vthe vindustry.

Patient vConfidentiality- vAll vpatients vhave vthe vright vto vprivacy, vand vall vinformation vshould
vremain vprivileged. v- vcorrect vanswer.Discuss vpatient vinformation v with vonly v the vpatient's

vphysician vor voffice vpersonnel vthat vneed vcetain vinformation vto vdo vtheir v job. vObtained va

vsigned vconsent vform vto vrelease vmedical v infomation vto vthe vinsurance vcompany vor vother


Under vHIPPA vPrivacy vRule, vproviders vmay vuse vpatient's vProtected vHealth vInformation
v(PHI) v without vspecific vauthorization vfor v- vcorrect vanswer.Treatment: vprimarily vfor vthe

vpurpose vof vdiscussion vfo vthe vpatient's vcase vwith v other vproviders.

Payment: vproviders vsubmit vclaims von vbehalf vof vpatients.
Operations: vfor vpurposes vsuch vas vstafff vtraining vand vquality vimprovment.

Employern vLiability v- vcorrect vanswer.Physicians vare vlegally vresponsible vfor vtheir vown
vconduct vand vany vaction vof vtheir vemployees v(their vdesignee) vperform v within vthe vcontext

vof vtheir vemployment. vRefered vto vas v"vacarious vliability"also vknown vas v"respondent

vsuperior" v which vmeans v"let vthe vmaster vanswer".

Employee vLiabiltiy v- vcorrect vanswer."Errors vand vomissions vinsurance" vis vprotection
vagainst vloss vof vmonies vby vfailure vthrough verror vor vunintentional vomission von vthe vpart vof

vthe vindividual vor vservice vsubmitting vthe vinsurance vclaim.

Medical vRecords v- vcorrect vanswer.Documentaiton vof vthe vpatient's vsocial vand vmedical
vhistory, vfamily v history, vphysical vexamination vfindings, vprogress vnotes, v radiology, v and

vlab vresults, vconsultation vreports, vand vcorrespondence vto vpatient.

,Information vneeded vwhen vbilling vthe vinsurance vcompany v- vcorrect vanswer.Date vof
vservice v (DOS), vplace vof vservice v (POS), vtype vof vservice v (TOS), vdiagnosis v(dx vor vDX),

vand vprocedures.

Retention vof vMedical vRecords v- vcorrect vanswer.Governed vby vstate vand vlocal vlaws vand
vmay vbary vfrom vstate-to-state. vMost vphysicians vare vrequired vto vretain v records

vindefinitley; vdeceased vpatient vrecords vshould vbe vkept vfor vat vleast v(5) v years.

New vpatient v- vcorrect vanswer.one vwho vhas vnot vreceived vany vmedical vservices vwithin
vthe vlast v3 v years

Established vpatient v- vcorrect vanswer.someone vwho vhas vreceived vmedical vservices vin
vthe vlast v3 v years vfrom vthe vphysician vor vanother vphysician vof vthe vsame vspecialty v who

vbelong vto vthe vsame vgroup vpractice.

cheif vcomplaint v- vcorrect vanswer.brief vstatement vdescribing vthey vsymptom, vproblem,
vdiagnosis, vor vcondition vthat vis vthe v reason va vpatient vseeks vmedical vcare.

3 vvolumns vof vICD-9 vmanal v- vcorrect vanswer.Volumn v1-Diseases: vTabular vList v
Volumn v2-Diseases: vAlphabetic vIndex
Volumn v1 vand v2 vare vused vin vthe vinpatient vand voutpatient vsetting
Volumn v3- vProcedures:Tabular vList vand vAlphabetic vIndex

Volumn v1 v- vDiseases: vTabular vList v- vcorrect vanswer.-contains vthe vdiease vand vcondition
vcode vand vthe vdescriptions

- valso vcontains vthe vV vcodes vand vE vcodes

Volumn v2 v- vDiseases: vAlphabetic vIndex v- vcorrect vanswer.alphabetic vindex vof vvolumn v1

Volumn v3 v- vTabular vList vand vAlphabetic vIndex v- vcorrect vanswer.contains vcodes vfor
vsurgical, vtherapeutic, vand vdiagnostic vprocedures; vused vprimarily v by vhospitals

Hypertension vclassifications: v- vcorrect vanswer.Maligant- van vaccelerated, vsevere vform vof
vhypertension v with v vascular vdamage vand va vdiastolic vpressure vof v130mmHg vor v greater.

Benign- vMild vor vcontrolled vhypertension vand vno vdamage vto vthe vvascular vsystem vor

Unspecified- vnot vspecified vas vbengin vor vmalignant vin vthe vdiagnosis vor vmedical vrecord.

malignant vneoplasm v- vcorrect vanswer.further vclassified vas vto vprimary v, vsecondary, vor
vcacinoma vin vsitu

primary vmalignancy v- vcorrect vanswer.original vcancer vsite. vMalignant vtumors vare
vconsidered vprimary vunless vdocumented vas vsecondary vor vmetastatic

carcinoma vin vsitu v- vcorrect vanswer.cancer vthat vis vlocalized vand vhas vnot vspread vto
vadjacent vtissue vor vdistant vparts vof vthe vbody

, secondary vmalignacy v- vcorrect vanswer.cancer vthat vhas vmetasized v(spread) vto va
vsecondary v site veither vadjacent vor vremote vregion vof vthe vbody

3 vsections vof vAlphabetic vindex v- vcorrect vanswer.Section v1: vIndex vto vDiseases: veach
vterm vis vfollowed vby vthe vcode vor vcodes vthat vapply v to vthat vterm

Section v2: vTable vof vDrugs vand vChemiclas: vcontains vlist vof vdrugs vand vchemicals vwith
vcorresponding vpoisoning v codes vand vE vcodes.

Current vProcedural vTerminology v(CPT) v- vcorrect vanswer.Codes vused vto vreport vservices
vand vprocedures vby vphysicians.

Published vand vupdated vanually vby vthe vAmerican vMedical vAssociation v(AMA) vwith va vnew
vone vcoming vout veach vNovember vand vbecoming veffective von vJanuary v 1st vof vthe

vfollowing v calendar v year.

Category vI vcodes v- vcorrect vanswer.respresent vservices vand vprocedures vwidely vused vby
vmany vhealth vcare vprofessional v in vclinical vpractice vin vmultiple v locations vand vhave vbeen

vapproved vby vthe vFDA

Category vII vcodes v- vcorrect vanswer.supplemental vcodes vused vfor vperformance

Category vIII vcodes v- vcorrect vanswer.temporary vcodes vfor vemerging vtechnology, vservices
vand vprocedures. vIf va vCategory v III vcode vis vavailable, v it vis v reported v instead vof va vCategory

vI vunlisted vcode.

stand-alone vcode v- vcorrect vanswer.contain vthe vfull vdescription vof vthe vprocedure vfor vthe

indented vcodes v- vcorrect vanswer.codes vare vlisted vunder vassociated vstand-alone vcodes.
vTo vcomplete vthe vdescription vfor vindeneted vcodes, vone vmust v refer vto vthe vportion vof vthe

vstand valone vcode vdescription vbefore vthe vsemi-colon

add-on vcodes v- vcorrect vanswer.used vfor vprocedures vthat vis valways vperformed vduring
vthe vsame voperative vsession vas vanother vsurgery v in vaddition vto vthe vprimary

vservice/procedure vand v is vnever vperformed vseparatley.

Never vstand valone, vthey vare valways vreported vin vaddition vto va vprimary vprocedure vcode.
Modifier v-51 v(multiple vprocedures) vexempt

modifiers v- vcorrect vanswer.provide vthe vmeans vby vwhich vthe vreporting vphysician vcan
vindicate vthat va vservice vor vprocedurethat vhas vbeen vperformed vhas vbeen valtered vby

vsome vspecific vcircimstance vbut vnot vchange vin vits vdefinition vor vcode.

A vtriangle v- vcorrect vanswer.symbol vin vthe vCPT vmanual vthat vrepresents va vchange vin vthe
vcode vdescription vsince vthe vlast vedition. vThe vchange vmay vbe vminor vor v significant vand vit

vcould vbe vand vaddition, vdeletion vor v revision.

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