Real Estate Math Matching
Write the code corresponding to the correct match in the space provided.
___ 1. Broker Gary sold a home for $375, A1. Divide the number of square feet by 43, 560
000 with an agreed upon B1. $90,000 X 4%= $36,000
commission of 7.5% of the sales
price. How much is the sales C1. Multiply the length of one side by the length
commission? of the other side
___ 2. If net operating income is $40,000 D1. $600,000 X 6% = $36,000 $36, =
and the capitalization rate is 10% $12,000
what is the value of the property? E1. $1.00 per thousand (seller)
___ 3. $80,000 loan for 30years, interest F1. $100,000 X 5%= $5,000 $100,000 X 6%=
rate of 8%. Monthly principal and $6,000 $135,300 X 7%= $9,471
interest payments of $587.01. What $5,000+$6000+$9471= $20,471
is the principal balance after the G1. $40,% = $40,000
first payment
H1. 400x400 = 160,000 square feet 160,000 sq
___ 4. Amortization steps ft / 43, 560 = 3.6731 Acres
___ 5. Cost Depreciation Approach I1. X the selling price by the commission rate
___ 6. To calculate a commission split J1. $375,000 X 7.5% =$28,125
between broker and sales associate:
K1. 1. Loan amount x Annual interest rate =
___ 7. If a building is valued at $300,000, Annual interest / by 12= monthly interest
it has an economic life of 20 years amount 2.Deduct Monthly interest from
and effective age of 4 years, what is total monthly payment amount 3. Principal
the value of the property if the lot is balance of loan - principal portion of
worth $40,000 payment = New loan balance
___ 8. Transfer tax L1. Multiply the number of acres by 43, 560
___ 9. If the value of a property is M1. I / R x V
$720,000 and the annual rental
income is $60,000, how much is the N1. One point is calculated as 1% of the loan
gross income multiplier? O1. $80,000 X .08=$6,400 /12 = $533.33 -
___ 10. To determine a rectangles square 587.01= $54.03 $80,000-53.68 = $79, 946.
footage 32 ( Balance after 1st payment)
___ 11. Amortization P1. $3.00 per thousand Due 90 days from the
date of the instrument (buyer)
___ 12. To convert acreage to square feet
Q1. Front footage
___ 13. To calculate a sales commission:
R1. V / R x M
___ 14. Broker Bob has agreed to pay
salesperson Jo 2/3 all commissions S1. $720,000 / $60,000 = 12 Value/ Annual
warned as a result of Jo's efforts. If Rental Income = Multiplier (V / R =M)
Rafael sells a property for T1. 43, 560
$600,000 with an agreed upon U1. Step one: Reproduction Cost / Economic
commission of 6% how much is Life X Effective Age = Total Depreciation /
Jo's share of the commission (means divided by) Step two: Reproduction
___ 15. To convert square footage to cost - Total Depreciation (and step 1) +
acreage Land value = Depreciated Value of the
___ 16. Income Capitalization Approach Property
___ 17. Intangible tax V1. Step 1: $300, X 4= $60,000 Step 2:
$300,000 - $60,000 +$40,000 = $280,000