Chinese Herbal Formulas NCCAOM
Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xing Ren, Gan Cao make up what formula? - answerMa Huang
What formula is made from Ma Huang Tang when Gui Zhi is removed and Shi Gao is
added? - answerMa Xing Shi Gan Tang
In what formula is the main function to treat Lung Heat? - answerMa Xing Shi Gan Tang
What formula is indicated for more chills, mild fever, no sweating? - answerMa Huang
In Ma Huang Tang, which herbal pair is responsible for releasing the W-C stagnation
from both the Wei and Ying levels? - answerMa Huang and Gui Zhi
What formula would you use with a patient that presents with W-H attack? Symptoms:
fever, sore throat, aversion to heat, slight cough, thin, mild yellow tongue with red
tongue tip, rapid pulse. - answerYin Qiao San
What formula is most suitable for treating Zang Zao (restless organ) d/t HT, LV, SP
disharmony? - answerGan Mai Da Zao Tang
What formula is indicated for rapidly increasing fever, severe HA, orbital eye pain,
irritability - answerChai Ge Jie Ji Tang
In what formula is the main function to treat exterior Wind-Cold and interior Cold-
Phlegm in the Lung? - answerXiao Qing Long Tang
The main function of Gui Zhi and Bai Shao combination is to Harmonize Wei Qi and
Ying Qi and release exterior pathogen is in what formula? - answerGui Zhi Tang
What formula is most suitable for summer time issues stemming from Wind-Cold-
Dampness? - answerXiang Ru San
What formula includes the single herb Xi Xin to help guide into the Shao Yin to help
treat HA? - answerChuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
What formula is indicated for sweating, fever, chills, aversion to wind, floating moderate
pulse, and a thin white tongue coat? - answerGui Zhi Tang
,Suan Zao Ren, Chuan Xiong, Zhi Mu, Gan Cao, Fu Ling make up what formula? -
answerSuan Zao Ren Tang
What formula is indicated for feeling apprehensive, fearful, worried, disheartened, with
fright and dizziness? - answerDing Zhi Wan
What treatment strategy would you use on a patient with: aversion to cold, slight fever,
no sweating, wheezing, asthma and coughing out copious. white, stringy and watery
sputum? Tongue coat is white and moist and pulse is floating and tight. -
answerSweating and Warming
What formula would you use on a patient with: aversion to cold, slight fever, no
sweating, wheezing, asthma and coughing out copious. white, stringy and watery
sputum.?Tongue coat is white and moist and pulse is floating and tight. - answerXiao
Qing Long Tang
The function of the herbs Gui Zhi and Ma Huang and is to Disperse Wind-Cold from the
Wei level in what formula? - answerMa Huang Tang
In Chuang Xiong Cha Tiao San, what herb is used to guide treatment to the Tai Yang
channel? - answerQiang Huo
What formula is indicated for treating wind invasion with HA and dizziness? -
answerChuan Xiong Tiao San
What formula treats Damp-Heat in the Lower Jiao? - answerEr Miao San
What formula is indicated for rapidly rising fever, severe HA and body ache, pain in the
eye sockets? - answerChai Ge Jie Ji Tang
According to Bensky, what formula is used to treat Zang Zao and nourish Yin to calm
shen, primarily affecting the Heart, Spleen, and Liver? - answerGan Mai Da Zao Tang
What formula is indicated for Frequent crying and anger, inability to control oneself,
restless sleep and frequent yawning - answerGan Mai Da Zao Tang
What are/is the Chief/Emperor/King herb(s) in Li Zhong Wan - answerGan Jiang
Ren Shen, Fu Ling, Yuan Zhi, Shi Chang Pu make up what formula? - answerDing Zhi
What formula treats asthma with phlegm clogging the lungs leading to Qi stagnation
with cough, wheezing, copious phlegm, loss of appetite and focal distention in the
chest? - answerSan Zi Yang Qin Tang
, What formula is indicated for insomnia due to Heart Yin Xu? - answerTian Wang Bu Xin
What formula is best to treat dizziness and HA due to Wind-Phlegm? - answerBan Xia
Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Sheg Jiang, Da Zao, Zhi Gan Cao, Yi Tang make up what formula?
- answerXiao Jian Zhong Tang
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang treats all three Yang stages simultaneously, the herbs Ge Gen and
Shi Gao work synergysically to clear heat trapped in which meridian? - answerYang
What ingredients are in Er Miao San? - answerCang Zhu and Huang Bai
What formula is indicated for Insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, dizziness, vertigo,
nausea, strange dreams and palpitations? - answerWen Dan Tang
What formula is indicated for coughing, with white, viscous sputum that is easy to
expectorate and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm with palpitations,
nausea, vomiting and dizziness? - answerEr Chen Tang
What is the best formula for thin mucus in the epigastrium with Spleen Yang weakness
and the inability to transform fluids resulting in SOB, cough dizziness, and palpitations?
- answerLing Gui Zhu Gan Tang
What formula is indicated for thirst but vomiting after drinking, HA, irritability, urinary
difficulty, edema, generalized body heaviness, urinary difficulty and diarrhea, throbbing
pulsations below the umbilicus, vomiting frothy fluid, vertigo and SOB? - answerWu Ling
What are/is the Chief/Emperor/King herb(s) in Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang? - answerHuang
What formula's main function is to treat warm-dryness? - answerSang Xing Tang
What formula is for toothache caused by excess heat in the Stomach and Kidney Yin
Xu? - answerYu Nu Jian
What formula is most suitable for lurking pathogen/hidden heat pattern? - answerQing
Hao Bie Jia Tang
What are/is the Chief/Emperor/King herb(s) in Ge Gen Huang Lian Tang? - answerGe