CADC CCAPP Exam Study Guide With
Correct Questions And Answers 2024
Adlerian mTherapy m- mcorrect manswer.He mgave mus mthe mconcept mof mthe minferiority
mcomplex mand memphasized mthe mimportance mof mbirth morder mon man mindividual's
mpsychological mfunctioning. mEncouragement mis ma mmajor mtool min mthis mapproach mand mit
mplaces ma mstrong memphasis mon mhelping mthe mclient mrecognize mtheir mown mstrengths mand
mbelieve min mtheir mown mdignity mand mself mworth.
Applicable mRegulations m- mcorrect manswer.Usually mrefers mto mstate mand mfederal mprogram
mstandards mand mguidelines mfor mproviding mtreatment mservices,
Assessment m- mcorrect manswer.Those mprocedures mby mwhich ma mcounselor/program
midentifies mand mevaluates man mindividual's mstrength, mweakness, mproblems mand mneeds
mfor mdevelopement mof mtx mplan.
Assessment mTools m- mcorrect manswer.Procedures mor minstruments msuch mas minventories,
mquestionnaires, mchecklists, mstructured minterviews, metc. mwhich mare mthe mbasis mfor
mdeveloping mand mforming mjudgement mregarding mthe mspecific mnature mand mextent mof mthe
mclients mproblems.
Behavior mModification m- mcorrect manswer.Changing mhuman mbehavior mby mthe mapplication
mof mpositive mand mnegative mreinforcement mof mbehavior mor mby mother mlearning mtechniques.
Behavioral mApproach m- mcorrect manswer.The msystematic mapplication mof mlearning
mprinciples mand mtechniques mto mthe mtx mof mbx mdisorders. mBehavorial mtherapists massume
mthe mdisorders mare mlearned mways mof mbehaving mthat mare mmaladaptive mand mconsequently
mcan mbest mbe mmodified min mmore madaptive mdirections mthrough mrelearning mbx's.
Bibliotherapy m- mcorrect manswer.The muse mof mreading massignments min morder mto mhelp
mclints mincrease mtheir mknowledge mon ma mtopic mor mtherapeutic minterest mor meven mhelp
mthem mto machieve mgreater minsight minto mtheir mproblems.
Brief mTherapy m- mcorrect manswer.Any mnumber mof mapproaches mto mpsychology mthat
memphasize mshort mterm, mefficient mTherapy. mIncluding mthe mbrevity m(temporary) mand
mfocus mon mthe msolutions mto mproblems, mnot man munderstanding mof mtheir mcause.
,Case mManagement m- mcorrect manswer.Activities mwhich mbring mservices, magencies,
mresources,or mppl mtogether mwithin ma mplanned mframework mof maction mtoward mthe
machievement mof mestablished mgoals. mIt mmay minvolve mliaison mactivities mand mcollateral
Case mPresentation mMethod m(CPM) m- mcorrect manswer.A mcarefully mstandardized
mprocedure mwhich mallows ma mcandidate mto mdemonstrate ma mskill min meach mof mthe mtwelve
mcore mfunctions.
Client-Centered mTherapy m(Rogerian mTherapy) m- mcorrect manswer.A msystem mof mTherapy
mbased mon mthe massumption mthat mthe mclient mis min mthe mbest mposition mto mresolve mhis/her
mown mproblems mprovided mthat mthe mtherapist mcan mestablish ma mwarm, mpermissive
matmosphere min mwhich mthe mthe mclient mfeels mfree mto mdiscuss mhis/her mproblems mand mto
mobtain minsight minto mthem. mThe mtherapist massumes ma mnon-directive mrole, mand mdoes mnot
madvise, minterpret, mor mintervenes mexcept mto moffer mencouragement mand moccasional
mrestatements mof mthe mclients mremarks mfor mthe mpurpose mof memphasis mand mclarification.
Client-Identifiying mData m- mcorrect manswer.Information mthat mwould mallow msomeone mto
midentify ma mspecific mclient. mWhen mdiscussing mclients mwith mindividual mfor mwhom mthe
mcounselor mdoes mnot mhave ma mspecific mrelease mof minformation, mcare mmust mbe mtaken mnot
mto msay manything mthat mwould midentify mthe mclient. mSimply musing ma mfalse m name mor mno
mname mis mnot madequate. mThe mfacts mof mthe mcase mmust mbe mdisguised mso mthat mit mwould
mbe mimpossible mto mdetermine mthe mclients midentity.
Cognitive mApproach m- mcorrect manswer.A mcounseling mtechnique mwhich mfocuses mon
mdeveloping munderstanding mof mand meffecting mchange min mones mthoughts mpatterns mand
mprocesses min morder mto mchange mfeelings mand mbehaviors.
Collateral mContacts m- mcorrect manswer.Individuals mwho mhave msignificant minformation
mpertaining mto mthe mclient mthat mis mbeneficial mto mthe mtherapeutic mprocess. mThese
mindividuals minclude, mbut mare mnot mlimited mto, mfamily, mfriends, memployers, mprobation
mofficers, mand mother msignificant mpeople min mthe mclients mlife.
Continium mof mCare m- mcorrect manswer.Various mmodalities min mproviding mtx mfor
mindividuals, mincluding, mbut mlimited mto, mdetox, minpatient, moutpatient,halfway mhouse,
mtransitional mhousing, metc. mthese mare marranged mfrom mmost mto mleast mrestrictive min mterms
mof mtheir mdemands mon mclients mtime,activity mand mfreedom.
Core mFunction m- mcorrect manswer.Twelve mAreas mof mservice mprovided mto mclients mby
malcohol mand mother mdrug mabuse mcounselors mincluding: mScreening, mIntake, mOrientation,
mAssessment, mTreatment mPlanning, mCounseling, mCase mManagement, mCrisis
mIntervention, mClint mEducation, mReferral, mReports mand mRecord mKeeping, mand
Corroborative mInformation m- mcorrect manswer.Information mgathered mfrom msecondary
msources mwhich mverifies mor mprovides ma mcheck mon minformation mgathered mby mprimary
, msource. mFor mexample, mfamil mmemebers mmay mbe masked mfor m"corroborative minformation"
mas mclients mare mengaged min mtreatment mto mprovide ma mmore mcorrect mor mmore mcomplete
mpicture mof mthe mclients mproblems mand mbehavior.
Counseling mTheories m- mcorrect manswer.Philosophical mand mpractical mway mof mthinking
mthat moffers ma mframework mfor munderstanding mthe mclients mworld mand mguidelines mfor
mproblem msolving. mWell-developed mtheories mcover, mMetaphysics- mhow m the mworld
mworks, mEthics- mhow mpeople mshould mact, mLogic- mcause mand meffect min mrelationships,
mEpistomology-how mpeople mchanges, mand mOntology-the mmeaning mof mhuman
Decision mMaking m- mcorrect manswer.The mprocess mof marriving mat ma mcourse mof maction min
mthe mcontext mof mvarious mpossible mchoices mto mdeal mwith ma mproblem. mThe mprocess mhas
mbeen mdescribed mas mhaving mfive mstatues mwhen mused mas man mapproach mto mworking mwith
mclients. mThey mare: mDeveloping mRapport/Structuring: mDefining mthe mproblem mand
midentifying mthe massets m: mDeterming mpossible moutcomes m: mGenerating malternative
msolutions m: mand ma mgeneralizing morganization mtransferring mlearning mto mthe mreal mworld
moutside mof mthe mcouns mlong msetting.
Diagnostic mEvaluation m- mcorrect manswer.A mprocess musually mimplemented min mthe mvery
mearly mphases mof mtx mwhich memploys mthe muse mof minterviews mand massessment mtools mfor
marriving mata mdescription mand musually ma msummary mstatement, musually min ma mform mof ma
msingle mword mor mstatement, msuch mas, m"alcohol mdependent" min mcoorelation mwith mthe
mDSM mIV-TR mor mthe mICD-9-CM,the mpurpose mis mto mestablish mthe mbasis mfor massigning ma
Didactic mFormat m- mcorrect manswer.A mformat mdesigned mor mintended mto mprovide
minstruction mand minformation mto mparticipants mthrough mlectures, mfilms,groups, metc.
Evaluate m- mcorrect manswer.The mprocess mof mcollecting minformation mregarding mthe
mclients mproblem, mhistory, mand mcircumstances mand msubjecting mthat minfo mto minformed
mcritical mreview mto marrive mat mdecisions mregarding mtx mplanning. mThis mprocess moccurs min
mvarious mstages mfrom mscreening mthe mclient,through massessment,tx, mand mdischarge
Global mCritera m- mcorrect manswer.Specific mskills mthat mare mrequired mfor meach mof mthe
mtwelve mcore mfunctions, mindependently. mMeaning mthey mwill mnot mappear m under manother
Hypnotherapy m- mcorrect manswer.Involves mthe muse mof mhypnosis, ma mstate mof mtemporary
maltered mattention. mMay mbe museful mbringing mforgotten mexperiences minto ma mplace mwhere
mthey mare maccessible mby mthe mconscious mmind.
Infractions m- mcorrect manswer.Behaviors mwhich moccurs min mviolation mof magency
mregulations mor mthe mprofessional mcode mof methics.