AMFTRB Exam Latest Updated
Psuedomutality - answer-describes a systemic pretense of harmony and closeness that
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hides conflict and interferes with intimacy (Lyman Wynne, 1940s)
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Psuedohostility - answer-Arguing and bickering that hides "pathological alignments" in
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A volatile and intense way of disguising and distorting both affection and splits
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Prevents open communication and quality relationships (Lyman Wynne, 1940s)
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Rubber-Fence Boundary - answer-Families are seemingly yielding, but are in fact nearly
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impermeable to information from the outside; boundaries bind them together in their
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resistance to separation" Appear open and flexible but are closed. (Lyman Wynne,
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John Bowlby - answer-Attachment theory. Identified the characteristics of a child's
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attachment to his/her caregiver and the phases that a child experiences when separated
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from the caregiver.
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Different attachment styles (Bowlby, 1949) - answer-- Secure Attachment
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- Insecure Attachment (Anxious-Avoidant)
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- Insecure Attachment (Ambivalent-Resistant)
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- Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment
v v
Theodore Lidz - answer-Professor out of Yale, researched schizophrenia and the marital
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vcouple's influence on the development of schizophrenia in a child (1950s)
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-Marital Schism: Parents overly focused on their own problems which harms the
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vmarriage, individuals, and the children.v v v v
-Marital Skew: One parent dominates the family and the other is dependent.
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"Family process" (peer-reviewed journal) - answer-Founded by Don Jackson and
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Nathan Ackerman, edited by Jay Haley (1962)
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Mental Research Institute (MRI) - answer-MRI; Mental Research Institute A center for
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the study of families in Palo, Alto, CA whose researchers and practioners- Bateson,
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Jackson, Satir, Weakland, Fry, and Haley studied schizophrenia and family interactions,
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communication, and cybernetic theory. They emphasized process and interactional
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,sequences rather than structure, and distinguished between first-order and second-
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order change. They developed a version of Brief Family Therapy based on the notion
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that the "problem" or tx focus, stems from the failed solution previously attempted by the
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Norbert Wiener - answer-Coined the term and theory "cybernetics"
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General Systems Theory - answer-living systems are like cybernetic systems that are
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equipped w/ complex feed systems capable of maintaining a desired state of affairs (i.e.
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homeostasis) → leads to Bowlby's system of behavior control
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Double bind theory - answer-distinct pattern of communication in which one individual
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receives contradictory commands from which there is no escape (lose, lose situation)
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6 characteristic of a double bind - answer-1) Communication involves 2 or more people
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who are involved in an important emotional relationship.
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2) The pattern of communication and the relationship is a repeated experience.
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3) The communication involves a primary negative injunction--or a command not to do
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(some act) or not to NOT do (some act), either of which come with a threat of
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4) A second abstract injunction is given that contradicts the primary injunction but at a
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more abstract level and is usually nonverbal. This also occurs under the threat of
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5) A third negative injunction both demands a response and prevents escape, effectively
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binding the recipient to the environment in which these patterns exist.
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6) When the above double bind messages have been communicated enough times, the
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individual has become conditioned which no longer requires all of the above mentioned
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criteria to be present in order to elicit the same intensity in response (panic, rage,
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Bertrand Russell - answer-Theory of Logical Types
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Ludwig von Bertalanffy - answer-General Systems Theory
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Milton Erickson - answer-Hypnosis and paradox
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Gregory Bateson - answer-Human Communication Processes (influenced by Russell,
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Von Bertalanffy, Wiener, Erickson)
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MRI Systemic Therapy - answer-
v v v v
Strategic Family Therapy - answer-Jay Haley v v v v v
Emphasizes change techniques over theory. Influenced by Milton Erickson
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Therapist is very directive, especially useful with change-resistant families
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Techniques: Take charge role, directives, paradoxical directives, ordeals, out-
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positioning, reframing v
,Milan Systemic Family Therapy - answer-A theory and therapeutic model influenced by
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Bateson and the MRI Group, originally developed in Italy by Selvini Palazzoli, Boscolo,
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Cecchin, and Prata. The primary techniques associated with the early Milan group were
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rituals and positive connotations. The Milan Group split in the early 1980s with Selvini
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Palazzoli and Prata forming one group, adhering to the strategic model and developing
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a ritualistic technique, invariant prescription, to counteract the dirty game, or power
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struggle between the parents and their child. Boscolo and Cecchin moved away from
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the strategic approach, developing a collaborative style of therapy. In this model,
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problems are maintained when the family holds to an old epistemology that does not fit
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its current circumstance. The therapist introduces new information indirectly by asking
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questions and the family solves problems themselves as they develop a new
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epistemology. The therapist/client interactions within the session are the treatment. In
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their interviews they displayed a curious attitude about the family and the meanings they
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derived from their experiences and interchanges.
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General Systems Theory definition - answer-GST proposed that all living systems share
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universal characteristics. Fundamental principle is idea that the whole of the system is
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more than the sum of its parts. To understand the system as a whole, must understand
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the dynamic, circular functioning between the parts.
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Cybernetics - answer-the study of information processing, feedback, and control in
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communication systems
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Boundaries - answer-theoretical lines of demarcation in a family that define a system as
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an entity and separate the subsystems from one another and the system from its
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Boundary Interface - answer-The regions between each subsystem of the family and
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between the family and the supra-system. In family systems therapy this interface is
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referred to as the familial boundary.
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Familial Boundary - answer-the term used to represent the concept of Boundary
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Interface within literature of FT
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Open systems - answer-interact regularly with the environment with relatively no
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Jay Haley - answer-Strategic Family Therapy
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founding editor of 1st journal in family therapy
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schism (Theodore Lidz) - answer-family division into competing groups
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Adlerian Family Therapy - answer-An approach that is based on the premise that
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parents and children often become locked in repetitive, negative interactions based on
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mistaken goals that motivate all parties involved.
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, "stuck family" (Adlerian) - answer-parents assume roles based on their expectations of
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the children
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strength of Bowen Family Therapy - answer-attention upon past family interaction as a
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means by which to avoid future problems
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Hermeneutics - answer-the interpretation of meaning v v v v v
CBT Therapy is also known as... - answer-"reality therapy"
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Brief Therapy (earliest model) was developed by... - answer-Milton Erickson
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the genogram was developed/popularized by BLANK & BLANK - answer-Monica
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vMcGoldrick & Randy Gerson v v v
mystification - answer-n. The act of artfully perplexing. Confused, befuddle, mask what is
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going on (RD Laing)
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2 Essential Theme's of Bowen's theory - answer-1) Individuality
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2) Togetherness
Individuality (Bowen) - answer-cognitive capacity to realize our creative, individual
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rooted in individuality and is non-reactive - exclusively rational and observable in
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vphysical world v
Togetherness (Bowen) - answer-affective capacity that is more reactive and driven
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vtoward ability to communicate with and connect to others
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rooted in togetherness, subjectively experienced, prone to emotional reactivity (offers
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vsurvival value) v
Triangle (Bowen) - answer-three-person relationship system.
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a triangle is the smallest stable relationship system.
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Nuclear Family Emotional System (Bowen) - answer-4 basic relationship patterns that
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can lead to problems within the family system
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Present in multiple family structures (not just the nuclear family)
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Family tension arises when external or internal stressors occur: tension appears in the
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form of anxiety within one of the patterns below:
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1) Marital conflict
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2) Dysfunction in one spouse
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3) Impairment of one or more children
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4) Emotional distance (fusion - little overt conflict)
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