Epic CLN 102 Clinical Informaticist Epic
Certification Exam With Correct Solutions
Grand fCentral f(ADT, fEVS, fTransport) f- fcorrect fanswer.Short ffor
fAdmission/Discharge/Transfer. fA fsystem ffor f tracking f inpatient f visits. fUsed fby
forganizations fto ftrack f inpatients ffrom ftheir f arrival f (admission), f to ftheir fmovements finside
fthe fhospital f (transfer), fto ftheir fdeparture f (discharge).
Cadence f(Scheduling) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fenterprise fscheduling fproduct. fUsed fto
f schedule f and f track f patient fappointments
Health fInformation fManagement f(HIM) f- fcorrect fanswer.A fsuite fof fproducts fthat fare feach
f sold fseparately, f installed fseparately, fand ffrequently f accessed fby f different f groups f of
fusers f in fthe fmedical f records fdepartment fof fa fhealthcare forganization. fEpic's f HIM f suite
f includes f Chart fTracking, f Deficiency fTracking, f Release fof fInformation, f and f Coding f &
Identity f(ID) fGrand fCentral f(ADT, fEVS, fTransport) f- fcorrect fanswer.Short ffor
fAdmission/Discharge/Transfer. fA fsystem ffor f tracking f inpatient f visits. fUsed fby
forganizations fto ftrack f inpatients ffrom ftheir f arrival f (admission), f to ftheir fmovements finside
fthe fhospital f (transfer), fto ftheir fdeparture f (discharge).
Cadence f(Scheduling) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fenterprise fscheduling fproduct. fUsed fto
f schedule f and f track f patient fappointments
Health fInformation fManagement f(HIM) f- fcorrect fanswer.A fsuite fof fproducts fthat fare feach
f sold fseparately, f installed fseparately, fand ffrequently f accessed fby f different f groups f of
fusers f in fthe fmedical f records fdepartment fof fa fhealthcare forganization. fEpic's f HIM f suite
f includes f Chart fTracking, f Deficiency fTracking, f Release fof fInformation, f and f Coding f &
Identity f(ID) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fID fand fduplicate frecord fmanagement fapplication.
f Can fbe fused fto fprevent f such f issues f as fmultiple f records ffor fthe fsame fpatient, for fsingle
f records ffor fmultiple fpatients f with f identical fnames fand f similar fdata.
Prelude fEnterprise fRegistration f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fregistration fapplication.
,Release fof fInformation f(ROI) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fHealth fInformation fManagement
f (HIM) fapplication f used fto ftrack f and ffulfill f requests ffor fpatient fhealth f information.
Resolute fHospital fBilling f(ARHB) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fPatient fAccounting fproduct ffor
fhospitals, for fa f product ffor f the ffacility ffees ffor fan forganization f with fboth fhospitals fand
f clinics.
Resolute fProfessional fBilling f(ARPB) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fPatient fAccounting fproduct
ffor fclinics.
ASAP f(ED) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's femergency fdepartment finformation fsystem
Anesthesia f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fAnesthesia fInformation fManagement fSystem f(AIMS)
ClinDoc f(Nursing fDocumentation) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fapplication ffor finpatient
fdocumentation fperformed fby f clinicians fand fmay f include fnotes, fflowsheets, fassessments,
fplan fof fcare f and fmedication f administration.
Clinical fCase fManagement f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fapplication fdesigned fto fcentralize fthe
f workflows ffor f case fmanagers
Infection fControl f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fmodule ffor fidentifying fand fmonitoring fpatients fat
f risk ffor finfection.
Orders/CPOE f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fapplication ffor fthe fordering fof fworkflows fof
f inpatient forders. fCan fbe fused f to fshare forder fdetails, fsign f orders, fplace forders fand ffind
OpTime f(OR) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's foperating froom fmanagement fapplication.
Phoenix f(Transplant) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic fapplication fthat fprovides fa fcomprehensive
f view fof fthe fpatient's f transplant f chart, ffocusing fon fthe f continuum fof f care ffrom fthe f initial
fevaluation fto fpost-operative ffollow-ups.
Stork f(Obstetrics) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fobstetric fapplication
EpicCare fAmbulatory f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fambulatory felectronic fmedical frecord
fapplication ffor foutpatient f settings, for fthe fEpic fdivision fthat fproduces fthis f application. fCan
falso frefer f to fother fEpic fapplications, fsuch fas fWillow f Ambulatory.
Kaleidoscope f(Ophthalmology) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fophthalmology fapplication. fUsed
f in f conjunction f with fEpicCare f Ambulatory, fKaleidoscope fprovides fadditional ffeatures ffor
,fophthalmology fspecialty fdepartments, fsuch fas fsupport ffor fprocedural-based fworkflows
fand f subspecialty f exam f documentation.
Wisdom f(Dental) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fproduct fthat fprovides ftools fand fworkflows ffor
Beacon f(Oncology) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fmedical foncology fproduct
Beaker f(Laboratory) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's flaboratory fapplication.
Cupid f(Cardiology) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fcardiology fapplication. fThis fapplication fwas
fformerly f known f as f Cardiant.
Lumens f(Endoscopy) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fendoscopy fapplication
Radiant f(Radiology) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fradiology fapplication
Willow f(Pharmacy) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fPharmacy fapplication
Bones f(Ortho) f- fcorrect fanswer.The fBones fmodule fis fdesigned fto fenhance fEpicCare
fAmbulatory f workflows fwith f specialty f orthopaedic ffeatures fand f workflows.
Bridges f(Interfaces) f- fcorrect fanswer.The fEpic ftoolkit ffor finterfacing fEpic fapplications fwith
fexternal f systems, fincluding f interface f profiles fand futilities ffor fconfiguring f and fmaintaining
f interfaces
Canto f- fcorrect fanswer.EpicCare's fmobile fapp ffor fthe fiPad. fDesigned fto fgive fproviders
f secure f and f portable faccess f to fpatient f charts.
Care fEverywhere f- fcorrect fanswer.An fapplication fthat fprovides faccess fat fthe fpoint fof
f care fto f the f patient's fmedical f records ffrom fother f organizations.
Clarity f(CLR) f- fcorrect fanswer.An fEpic fapplication fthat fextracts fdata ffrom fChronicles fand
f stores f it fon fa fdedicated fanalytical f reporting f server f in f a f relational fformat, forganized f as
ftables fand f columns.
Cogito f(Reporting, fData fWarehouse) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fenterprise fintelligence fsuite,
f which f includes feverything f related fto fEpic f reporting fand fanalytics f (Clarity, f Radar,
f Reporting fWorkbench, fdata f warehouse, fAnalytics). f Short ffor f"Cogito fergo f sum
fEnterprise fIntelligence."
EpicCare fLink f(EL) f- fcorrect fanswer.A fweb fapplication fthat fallows fproviders fat fan faffiliate
forganization fto f view f a fpatient's f clinical fdata ffrom f your fEpic fsystem fusing fthe f Internet.
Haiku f- fcorrect fanswer.EpicCare's fmobile fapp ffor fthe fiPhone fand fDroid. fIt fgives fproviders
f secure f and f portable faccess f to fpatient f charts.
, Healthy fPlanet f(HP) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic's fpopulation fhealth fmodule. fUsed fto fdefine
fpopulations fusing f registries, funderstand fpopulations f through f risk f stratification fand
fbenchmarking, fengage fpopulations fthrough fpopulation foutreach f and fhigh-risk f care
fmanagement, fand ftrack f populations f with fpatient foutreach ftracking fand fanalytics.
MyChart f(Patient fPortal) f- fcorrect fanswer.Epic fapplication fthat fallows fpatients fto fview
ftheir fmedical f records fand f interact f with ftheir fphysicians fover fthe f Internet.
Nurse fTriage f(NT) f- fcorrect fanswer.An fEpic fapplication fthat fallows fstaff fto fdeliver fcare
fadvice fand fdocument fclinical f information f while fon fthe fphone f with fa fpatient.
Radar f(ME) f- fcorrect fanswer.An fapplication fthat fprovides fcustomers fwith fthe fmeans fto
fpull f in f reports fand f information ffrom fmultiple fareas f into fa f single f location for fdashboard.
Analyst f- fcorrect fanswer.A fperson fwho fis fresponsible ffor fdesign, fbuild, ftesting, fvalidation,
fand fongoing f support fof f clinical fand/or frevenue f cycle f and faccess fapplications
Application fCoordinator f- fcorrect fanswer.A fperson fwho fis fthe fprimary fowner, fcontact, fand
f customer f representative ffor fa fspecific f application.
Clinical fOperational fReadiness fOwners f(CORe) f- fcorrect fanswer.CORe fowners fare
f individuals ffrom f clinical f operations f who fare faccountable ffor f the f overall f success f of ftheir
fassigned f areas.
Credentialed fTrainer f(CT) f- fcorrect fanswer.End-user ftrainers fwho fcomplete fan fin-house
ftraining fprogram/testing/presentation f assessment fbut f who fare f not fEpic-certified. fWhile
f your fcredentialed ftrainers f don't f need fto fbe f certified, fthe fGood fInstall fprogram fdoes
f require f them fto fbe f"credentialed."
Principal fTrainer f(PT) f- fcorrect fanswer.A fsite's fleading ftrainer ffor fa fparticular fapplication.
fPrincipal ftrainers, f sometimes f referred f to fas f instructional f designers, fmaster fboth fan f Epic
fapplication f and f your f specific f workflows fand f then f develop fand f implement ftraining
fprograms ftailored fto f your f needs.
Project fManager f- fcorrect fanswer.A fmember fof fthe fcustomer fproject fteam fwho's
f responsible ffor f the foverall f success f of fthe fapplication. fThis f individual f spends fmost fof f his
ftime fon f project fmanagement fand fis f responsible ffor f tasks fsuch fas f identifying f and
fmanaging f the fscope fof f report f implementation, fdetermining fand f implementing f reporting
fprocess f workflows, fand fmeasuring fongoing f reporting f success.
Schegistrar f- fcorrect fanswer.A frole fthat fcombines fscheduling fand fregistration. fTo fensure
f consistent f spelling, f Epic f uses f"schegistration" fand f "schegistrar" fin fdocumentation.