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NURSING FINAL EXAM $10.99   Add to cart

Exam (elaborations)


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Exam of 25 pages for the course NURSING at NURSING (NURSING FINAL EXAM)

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  • August 7, 2024
  • 25
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers


How QWcan QWyou QWestimate QWa QWclient's QWtidal QWvolume? QW- QWTidal QWvolume QWcan QWbe QWestimated QWby
QWobserving QWthe QWdepth QWof QWthe QWclient's QWrespirations.

What QWis QWthe QWrange QWof QWnormal QWfor QWan QWadult's QWrespiratory QWrate? QW- QWA QWrate QWof QW12 QWto
QW20 QWbreaths QWper QWminute QWis QWnormal QWfor QWadults

Besides QWthe QWrate, QWwhat QWother QWcharacteristics QWof QWa QWclient's QWrespirations QWshould QWyou
QWobserve? QW- QWDepth, QWrhythm, QWeffort, QWbreath QWsounds, QWand QWchest QWmovement QWshould QWbe

QWobserved QWin QWaddition QWto QWrate.

What QWare QWsome QWcommon QWclinical QWsigns QWassociated QWwith QWpoor QWoxygenation? QW- QWPallor QWor
QWcyanosis QWof QWthe QWnails, QWlips, QWor QWskin; QWrestlessness; QWapprehension; QWconfusion; QWdizziness;

QWfatigue; QWchanges QWin QWpulse QWand QWblood QWpressure; QWand QWdecreased QWlevel QWof QWconsciousness

QWare QWassociated QWwith QWpoor QWoxygenation.

Which QWof QWthe QWKorotkoff QWsounds QWwould QWyou QWrecord QWas QWthe QWsystolic QWpressure? QW- QWFirst

Which QWof QWthe QWKorotkoff QWsounds QWwould QWyou QWrecord QWas QWthe QWdiastolic QWpressure? QW- QWFifth

A QWnurse QWis QWauscultating QWa QWBP. QWHe QWhears QWthe QWfirst QWsound QWat QW170 QWmm QWHg. QWThe
QWsound QWdisappears QWimmediately. QWAt QW150 QWmm QWHg, QWthe QWsound QWappears QWagain QWand

QWcontinues QWuntil QWthere QWis QWsilence QWat QW80 QWmm QWHg. QWThe QWpressures QWwere QWtaken QWin QWthe

QWclient's QWright QWarm QWwhile QWthe QWclient QWwas QWlying QWdown.


How QWshould QWthe QWnurse QWrecord QWthese QWpressures? QW- QWBP QWRA, QWsupine, QW170/80 QWwith QWan
QWauscultatory QWgap QWfrom QW170 QWto QW150

How QWdo QWyou QWexplain QWwhat QWhappened? QW- QWAn QWauscultatory QWgap QWoccurred. QWA QWgap QWis
QWmost QWcommonly QWheard QWin QWhypertensive QWclients, QWwhose QWsystolic QWblood QWpressure QWis

QWhigher QWthan QWthe QWadult QWnormal QWlimit QWof QW140 QWmm QWHg.

Which QWof QWthe QWfollowing QWpatients QWhas QWhypertension? QWOne QWwith QWa QWBP QWof:

150/80 QWon QWtwo QWseparate QWoccasions

180/100 QWon QWone QWoccasion

138/88 QWon QWtwo QWoccasions QW- QW150/80 QWon QWtwo QWseparate QWoccasions

Which QWof QWthe QWfollowing QWclient(s) QWhas/have QWprimary QWhypertension?

Client QWA, QWwho QWis QWobese QWand QWhas QWa QWhigh QWsodium QWintake

Client QWB, QWwho QWis QWin QWrenal QWfailure

,Client QWC, QWwho QWhas QWhypertension QWinduced QWby QWpregnancy

Client QWD, QWwho QWhas QWa QWfamily QWhistory QWof QWhypertension QW- QWClient QWD, QWwho QWhas QWa QWfamily
QWhistory QWof QWhypertension

What QWare QWfive QWfunctions QWof QWthe QWskin? QW- QWThe QWskin QWserves QWfive QWfunctions: QWprotection,
QWsensation, QWtemperature QWregulation, QWsecretion/excretion, QWand QWformation QWof QWvitamin QWD.

How QWdoes QWthe QWskin QWhelp QWregulate QWbody QWtemperature? QW- QWThe QWskin QWcontains QWsensory
QWorgans QWor QWreceptors QWfor QWheat QWand QWcold. QWThe QWskin QWregulates QWtemperature QWthrough QWthe

QWprocess QWof QWdilating QWand QWconstricting QWblood QWvessels QWand QWactivating QWor QWinactivating QWsweat

QWglands. QWThe QWsweat QWglands QWfound QWin QWthe QWaxillae QWand QWexternal QWgenitalia QWsecrete QWfatty

QWacids QWand QWproteins QWand QWexcrete QWperspiration, QWwhich QWproduces QWa QWcooling QWeffect QWas QWthe

QWmoisture QWevaporates QWfrom QWthe QWskin.

What QWchanges QWtake QWplace QWin QWthe QWskin QWas QWa QWperson QWages QW- QWWith QWage, QWboth QWlayers
QWof QWthe QWskin QWbecome QWthinner QWand QWmore QWfragile. QWAs QWcollagen QWand QWelastin QWfibers QWin

QWthe QWdermis QWdeteriorate, QWthe QWskin QWbecomes QWwrinkled. QWSebaceous QWand QWsweat QWgland

QWactivity QWdecreases, QWcausing QWthe QWskin QWto QWbecome QWdry, QWscaly, QWand QWitchy, QWand

QWtemperature QWregulation QWin QWhot QWweather QWbecomes QWmore QWdifficult. QWAs QWthe QWnumber QWand

QWactivity QWof QWhair QWfollicles QWand QWpigment QWcells QW(melanocytes) QWdiminishes, QWhair QWbecomes

QWthin, QWturns QWgray QWor QWwhite, QWand QWgrows QWmore QWslowly. QWNails QWthicken QWand QWgrowth

QWdecreases. QWThese QWchanges QWincrease QWthe QWrisk QWfor QWskin QWproblems.

True QWor QWfalse: QWThe QWprofessional QWnurse QWis QWresponsible QWfor QWmaking QWassessments. QW- QWTrue

True QWor QWfalse: QWAssisting QWwith QWthe QWbath QWis QWan QWexcellent QWtime QWto QWassess QWthe QWpatient. QW-

To QWinspect QWfor QWpallor QWin QWa QWdark-skinned QWperson, QWwhich QWareas QWwould QWyou QWassess QWfor
QWan QWashen QWgray QWor QWyellow QWcolor? QW- QWFor QWdark-skinned QWpersons, QWthe QWconjunctivae, QWbuccal

QWmucosa, QWtongue, QWlips, QWnail QWbeds, QWpalms, QWand QWsoles QWshould QWbe QWassessed QWfor QWpallor.

What QWis QWthe QWterm QWthat QWmeans QW"a QWbluish QWcolor QWof QWthe QWskin"? QW- QWCyanosis QWmeans QWa
QWbluish QWdiscoloration QWof QWthe QWskin.

Name QWtwo QWcauses QWof QWerythema. QW- QWVasodilation QWand QWinflammation QWare QWcauses QWof

Where QWcan QWyou QWbest QWsee QWjaundice? QW- QWThe QWsclera QWof QWthe QWeyes QWis QWthe QWbest QWplace QWto
QWsee QWjaundice

True QWor QWfalse: QWHealthy QWnails QWare QWusually QWclean, QWsmooth, QWand QWconvexly QWcurved QW- QWTrue

List QWat QWleast QWthree QWnail QWchanges QWthat QWoccur QWwith QWaging. QW- QWAs QWa QWperson QWages, QWthe
QWnails QWthicken, QWbecome QWridged, QWand QWmay QWyellow QWor QWbecome QWconcave QWin QWshape.

List QWat QWleast QWfour QWthings QWyou QWshould QWteach QWclients QWabout QWself-care QWof QWtheir QWnails. QW-

Clients QWshould QWbe QWtaught QWthe QWfollowing QWself-care QWof QWtheir QWnails:

, ● QWInspect QWthe QWnails QWdaily.

● QWTrim QWnails QWwith QWa QWnail QWclipper QW(people QWwith QWdiabetes QWor QWcirculatory QWproblems
QWshould QWfile QWonly, QWas QWcutting QWposes QWa QWrisk QWfor QWinjury QWto QWthe QWtissues).

● QWFile QWthe QWnails QWstraight QWacross, QWrounding QWthe QWcorners QWslightly QWto QWprevent QWscratching;
QWdo QWnot QWcut QWdeeply QWinto QWthe QWlateral QWcorners, QWas QWthis QWmay QWcause QWingrown QWnails.

● QWRemove QWhangnails QWby QWcarefully QWcutting QWthem QWoff.

● QWClean QWunder QWthe QWnails QWwith QWan QWorangewood QWstick QWor QWother QWblunt QWinstrument.

● QWPush QWback QWthe QWcuticles QWgently.

● QWUse QWa QWmoisturizing QWlotion QWto QWsoften QWcuticles.

● QWAvoid QWbiting QWnails.

● QWConsult QWa QWpodiatrist QWfor QWany QWingrown QWtoenails QWor QWother QWnail QWproblems.

● QWRecommend QWto QWpatients QWwith QWdiabetes, QWcirculatory QWinsufficiency, QWor QWnail QWproblems
QWthat QWthey QWseek QWnail QWcare QWfrom QWa QWpodiatrist.

List QWat QWleast QWfour QWassessments QWyou QWshould QWmake QWof QWa QWpatient's QWhair. QW- QWThe QWfollowing
QWassessments QWshould QWbe QWmade QWon QWa QWpatient's QWhair:

● QWUse QWof QWspecial QWproducts QWor QWmedicated QWshampoos

● QWHistory QWof QWhair QWproblems QWor QWcurrent QWconditions QWnecessitating QWtreatment QW(e.g.,
QWpediculosis QW[head QWlice])

● QWHistory QWor QWpresence QWof QWdisease QWor QWtherapy QWthat QWaffect QWthe QWhair QW(e.g.,

● QWFactors QWinfluencing QWthe QWpatient's QWability QWto QWmanage QWhair QWand QWscalp QWcare QW(e.g.,
QWImpaired QWMobility)

● QWPersonal QWor QWcultural QWpreferences QWfor QWstyling QWof QWthe QWhair

● QWCondition, QWcleanliness, QWtexture, QWand QWoiliness QWof QWthe QWhair

● QWInspection QWof QWthe QWscalp QWfor QWdandruff, QWpediculosis, QWalopecia QW(hair QWloss), QWsecretions QWor

What QWis QWpediculosis? QW- QWPediculosis QWis QWan QWinfestation QWof QWhead QWlice

What QWis QWalopecia? QW- QWAlopecia QWis QWhair QWloss.

Identify QWthe QWcomponents QWof QWverbal QWand QWnonverbal QWcommunication. QW- QWVerbal
QWcommunication. QWVocabulary, QWdenotative QWand QWconnotative QWmeaning, QWpacing, QWintonation,

QWclarity QWand QWbrevity, QWtiming QWand QWrelevance, QWcredibility, QWand QWhumor QWare QWthe QWcomponents

QWof QWverbal QWcommunication.

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