AMFTRB MFT Exam SET 1 Quiz with __., __., ____., __., __., __., __.,
Verified Answers. __., __.,
Battle for Initiative (Symbolic Experiential)
__., __., second battle in which the __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., _
family takes back from the therapist its authority to make choices about
_., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
what is discussed and about decisions that affect their lives
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Conflict management The family's capacity to resolve conflict and ne
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
gotiate effective and balanced solutions. Structural Family Therapy
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Battle for Structure family capitulates to therapist's way of conductin
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
g the therapy particularly during the initial stages, such as who attends,
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
what time sessions are, and how frequently they occur.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
A System
__., A unit bounded by a set of interrelated elements and whi
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ch exhibits coherent behaviors
__., __., __.,
Activating Constructive Anxiety Therapist's effort to reframe symptoms
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
as efforts toward building competence by focusing on the positive attribu
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tes of anxiety as a means toward self-growth (Symbolic Experiential)
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Affective Confrontation (Experiential)
__., The therapists intentional confron __., __.,__., __., __., __., __.,
tation with the family where he or she will directly and openly share his
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
or her subjective emotional experience of working with the family
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Affective Intensity (Structural) Increasing the emotional intensity of th
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
e system to encourage structural change
__., __., __., __., __.,
, Aligning with the Parental Generation
__., A technique directed at strengt
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
hening the parental hierarchy and reinforcing that parents are in charge o
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
f the children. The therapist breaks beutrality and intentionally aligns with
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
the parental subsystem.
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Amplifying or Positive Feedback Loops These increase change in a fa
__., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
mily's homeostasis and attempt to change these systems from current stea
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
dy state to a new steady state or balance.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Another name for homeostasis in Cybernetics
__., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., Morphogenesis
Analogic Communication Has little structure, but is rich in contect su
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ch as a child's kinetic family drawing
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
Analogic Message __., __.,__., __., A metaphorical or symbolic message (process)
__., __., __., __., __.,
Attachement The individual's basic need for trust and security, signifi
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
cantly influenced and developed throughout infancy and ealy childhood pe
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
r the child's relation to his or her primary caregiver
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Influences relationship styles throughout adulthood according to EFT
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Attenuating or Negative Feedback Loops __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., These reduce change in an
__., __., __., __., __.,
existing homoeostasis __.,