_., __., __., __.,
What is equifinality__., cybernetic principle where similar outcome may
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., _
result from many different initial events. Ex: depression caused from
_., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
biochemical imbalances or traumatic life experiences.
__., __., __., __., __.,
Complainant (SFT) client brings problem but unwilling to focus on
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
solution. Therapist gives assignment, asking when exceptions to problem
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
Narrative therapy Goals deconstruct problem saturated stories and
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.
dominant cultural discourses and to co-auther new, more helpful stories.
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
What is Equipotentiality
__., When things with a common origin can go
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
in very different directions of development i.e the same clinical
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
intervention yielding very different outcomes. __., __., __., __.,
What is a feedback loop?
__., circular mechanism whereby feedback is
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.
reintroduced into the system in a looping chain of events that influence
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
one another __.,
What theoretical disciplines influenced the transgenerational models?
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __.,
Psychoanalytic and object relations __., __., __.,
How long does treatment typically last when using a transgenerational
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
., Approximately 2 years
__.,__., __., __., __.,
,(Terms) insight/working through__., __., __.,__., __., Transgenerational models __.,
multigenerational transmission process process by which roles, __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.
patterns, emotional reactivity, and family structure are passed from one
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
generation to another. Poorly differentiated individuals tend to marry one
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
another, and over several generations produce offspring who are increasing
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ly less differentiated and as a result suffer from severe mental disorders
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
including schizophrenia
, __.,
Family projection process __., lack of differentiation in parents often __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
results in one of the parents becoming dysfunctional, immature, and fused
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
with one of the children. COnflict in parental sub-
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
unit is avoided, but child's emotional growth is sacrificed. Symptoms and
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
lack of differentiation is transmitted from parents to children.
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
nuclear family Emotional System__., Fused family that is unstable and
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
unable to cope with stress. Characterized by conflict and dysfunction that
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
are transmitted across generations.
__., __., __.,
triangles smallest stable emotional unit in a family and describes
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
process by which two people recruit third person into system to mediate
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
the level of conflict or tension between them.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
self person who is not differentiated may be fused with another
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
person. as a result they do not reason with their values but instead
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
borrows values of person with whom they are fused and commonly make
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
s emotionally reactive choices.
__., __., __.,
, solid-self a person who is well differentiated and is able to function
__.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
based upon a personally defined set of values, beliefs, convictions, and
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
life principles
, __.,
Differentiation of self separation of intellectual and emotional functio
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ning, which results in being less reactive to family system dynamics and o
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ther members emotional states
__., __., __.,
According to Bowen, symptoms within the family can manifest in 3 places.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
.. The marital relationship
__.,__., __., __., __.,
The health of one partner (physical or mental)
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
In the children (or the space between the parent and child)
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Bowenian Interventions __., __.,__., __., Differentiation of self scale __., __., __.,
Emotional-cutoff assessment __.,
Person-to-person relationships __.,
I Position
Extension of Bowen's model Philip Guerin: elaborated on genogram a
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
nd developed the displacement story intervention.
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
Betty Carter: extended the model to fit a feminist perspective
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,