CALT Exam Study Guide 2 Questions and Correct
Answers 2024-2025.
Closed syllable - Answer-> A syllable with only one vowel, closed at the end by a consonant. (A vowel
in a closed syllable is short, code it with a breve).
Open syllable - Answer-> A syllable with only one vowel and it is open at the end. (A vowel in an open
accented syllable is long, code it with a macron).
Vowel team - Answer-> A syllable with a vowel digraph. (Underline the digraphs, arc diphthongs).
Vowel consonant e - Answer-> A syllable with a vowel, followed by a consonant with a final e. (Vowel
consonant e, the vowel will be long, code it with a macron, the e will be silent, cross it out).
Final Stable Syllable - Answer-> A syllable type that comes in the final position of a word. It has a hint
of a vowel sound, and the syllable before it is accented. (Bracket the Final Stable Syllable, accent the
syllable before it).
R Controlled Syllable - Answer-> A syllable that has a vowel followed by r in which an unexpected
combination is read. (Arc the vowel r combination).
digraph - Answer-> two adjacent letters in a word that make one sound
combination - Answer-> Two letters that come together in an unexpected way. (example: qu, wh, or, ar,
ir, ur, er)
diphthong - Answer-> Two adjacent vowels in the same syllable that glide together. (Code it with an
arc) (example: ow, ou, oi, oy)
trigraph - Answer-> Three adjacent letters in a syllable that represent one sound. (examples: tch, dge,
, quadrugraph - Answer-> Four adjacent letters in a syllable that represent one sound. (example: eigh)
phoneme - Answer-> The smallest unit of sound
morpheme - Answer-> The smallest unit of meaning. The smallest forms or units of language (base
word, root, prefix, suffix, or combining form) that carry meaning.
Alphabetic Principle - Answer-> The relationship between letters in a left to right orientation, and
phonemes ordered in a specific temporal sequence in a spoken word. The English language
operates on this code of approximately 44 speech sounds and 26 letters. Explicit, systematic,
sequential instruction. About 75% of the school population will deduce the
or code. 25% need explicit instruction.
4 (because x has 2 sounds)! - Answer-> How many phonemes in mix?
3 (because digraph th and digraph ow have one sound each) - Answer-> How many phonemes in
When followed by e, i, or y - Answer-> When does g make the j sound
bwF (voiced) -ed = (d) ex. milled
bwF (unvoiced) -ed = (t) ex.
bwF t,d -ed = (ed) ex. suited - Answer-> What are the sounds made by -ed? Give the formulas.
science - Answer-> In which field of study do we typically find words of Greek origin?
number, color, farm, forest, ocean animals, outer body parts, short common words, words with gh, wh,
consonant -le, short words with k, gn, kn, tw, wr, ch pronounced (ch), one syllable word with tch, dge,
short words with th, floss words, words with double consonants in the middle, short words with silent
letters, short words with unexpected long vowels (wild old words), words with hard g before e or i, words
with ng. - Answer-> What are the clues that a common English word is of Anglo-Saxon derivation?