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Tutorial TMC A
1. 1. A patient has been diagnosed with sarcoidosis.Which of the followingpulmonary
function test would best evaluate the degree of impairment? FEV1, MVV, VC, FEF 25-75
2. 2. A pt has been receiving incentive spirometry therapy for the tx of atelec-tasis.Which
of the following would indicate improvement in the pts condition? increased crackels,
vesicular breath sounds, decrerased rhonchi, decreased wheezes.
ANS vesicular breath sounds
3. 3. A pt is receiving VC, a/c in the intensive care unit. If the inspiratory phaseof
ventilation ends when a preset value for volume has been reached, which of the following
variables is being controlled?
ANS cycle variable
4. 4. Vasular markings on a chest radiograph are absent and the lung parenchyma is
black.This would indicate
congestive heart failure, overex-posed film, pneumoconiosis, underexposed film
ANS overexposed film
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5. 5. A pt is receiving aerosolized oxygen therapy via a T-piece (Briggs' adapter) in the
emergency department.The pat has asymetrical chest move-ment w/the left side rising
while the right side falls. Which of the following should be considered the most likely
reason for this breathing pattern?
ANS flailchest
6. 6. Which of the following is equivalent to total lung capacity? VC + RV, IC +RV, IRV +
7. 7. For patients on mechanical ventilation, whcih of the following does NOT contribute
to an elevated PaCO2? high glucose intake, severe intrapulmonary shunt, increased
deadspace ventilation, fever
ANS severe intrapulmonary shunt
8. 8. Vesicular breath sounds are auscultated with which of the following?atelectasis,
normal lungs, pneumonia, pulmonary edema
ANS normal lungs
9. 9. Severe internal hemorrhaging occurs during a fibreoptic bronchoscopy procedure.
The respiratory therapist should recommend. administration of 4%lidocaine via nebulizer,
bronchial lavage with normal saline, application of ep-inephrine via bronchoscope,
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anesthesia using cetocaine solution
ANS applicationof epinephrine via bronchoscope
10. 10. Mild swelling occurs following extubation of a patient which of the following
treatments modalities would the repsiratory therapist recommend?-
ANS cool aerosol therapy
11. 11. During the first day after birth of a 34 week gestation neonate, transcta-neous
monitoring indicates a PtcO2 of 65 torr for the right upper quadrant andPtcO2 of 38 torr
for the left lower quadrant The repsirtatory therapist should recommend
a chest radiograph, adminstration of indomethacin, surgical re-pair of the PDA,
mechanical ventilation,
ANS administration of indomethacin
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12. 12. A pt is being monitored in the cardiovascular intensive care unit following
coronary arterial bypass surgery. Chest tubes are in place and thepatient's vital signs
have been stabilized. A routine check of the mechanicalventilator indicates that the
average exhaled tidal volume is 150 ml below the set tidal volume. which of the
following is the most likely cause of this problem? auto-PEEP, pleural leak, increased
deadspace, airtrapping
ANS pleuralleak
13. 13. A 54 year old man has been maintained on mechaical ventialtion for several days
in the intensive care unit. The following data is avaiable from morning arterial blood gases
pH 7.54, PaCO2 29 torr, PaO2 43 torr, bicarbonat-ed 24 mEq/L.Which one
decrease theVt, initiate weaning procdures, decreasethe mandatory rate, increase the FIO2
ANS increase the FIO2
14. 14. A pleural fluid smaple has been drawn by thoracetesis for examinationand
laboratory analysis. The sampel is purulent with a pH of 7.27. Which of the following
disease processes should be ruled out by these results? liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, lung
abcess, sarciodosis
ANS liver cirrhosis
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