8/9/24, 7:49 AM
510 Finals questions
Terms in this set (144)
Increase in professional activity and public visibility of its members before and after
For what reasons does the APA Ethics Code WW2. To protect rights and welfare of Psychologists and client/patients. Increased
in exist? awareness of psychology led to the creation of a code that would add validity and
integrity to the field
Critical incident method. Involved asking the members of the APA to describe a
What method was first used as the format for
situation they knew of first hand, in which a psychologist made a decision having ethical
developing the Ethics Code?
implications and to indicate the ethical issues involved.
Aspirational- composed of statements of broadly worded ideals and principles that do
not attempt to define with any precision right and wrong behaviors.
Describe the difference between Educational- combines ethical principels with more explicit interpretations that can aid
aspirational, educational, and enforceable in professional decision making
concerning the Ethics Code. Enforceable- includes a set of standards that specifically describes behaviors required
and proscribed by the profession and is designed to serve as a basis for adjudicating
Describe what code helps protect Standard 1.07, Improper complaints, prohibits filing an ethics complaint with reckless
psychologists from improper accusations? disregard for or willful ignorance of facts that would disprove the allegations.
Duty to release- right of the client to receive health records and be a part of the
Please describe "duty to release" and "right "discovery process"
to withhold" concerning test data. Right to withhold- right of the psychologist not to release test data if he/she feels that
the information may cause the client/patient harm
Reasonably clear that the client no longer needs the service, is not likely to benefit, or
Describe situations in which termination of
is being harmed by continued service. When psychologists are threatened or
therapy may be necessary.
endangered by a client or another person with whom the client has a relationship.
Test data- raw and scaled scores, client responses to test questions or stimuli, and
psychologists' notes and recordings concerning client statements and behavior during
What is the difference between test data and an examination. Also includes test materials or protocols if the psychologist wrote the
test materials? client's responses, scores, or notes about behavior on the test protocol itself.
Test materials- manuals, instrument, protocols, and test questions or stimuli that do not
come under the definition of test data as defined in standard 9.04a
Bring it to their attention first and try to resolve it there before going to somebody
What is the recommended first step when
higher. Attempt to resolve it informally by doing the above if a resolution appears
one learns of a fellow psychologist's
appropriate and the confidentiality rights of a research participant, client,
practices being unethical?
organizational client, or others are not violated.
Are sexual relations with students ever No
acceptable in the field of psychology?
Designed to ensure that people are provided with sufficient information to rationally
and voluntarily decide whether they wish to participate in research or to receive
What does informed consent mean?
psychological services. The primary means of ensuring the rights and welfare of those
with whom psychologists work.
, 8/9/24, 7:49 AM
1) A complaint was filed against a clinical Lack of awareness or misunderstanding of an Ethical Standard is not itself a defense to
psychologist, a case was opened, and, in the a charge of unethical conduct
charge letter, the clinical psychologist was
asked to provide the APA Ethics Committee
with comment and materials regarding the
allegation. The clinical psychologist, in her
comment, stated that she was unaware that
her particular course of action was an ethical
violation. Would the psychologist's lack of
awareness that her course of action was an
ethical violation be a good defense against
the charge of unethical conduct? Why or
why not?
2) While waiting in line together to buy The code does not apply to the purely private conduct of psychologists. However, To
coffee at a local café during their lunch determine whether or not your personal actions are tilting toward your role as a
break, a clinical psychologist who works in psychologist you should ask yourself:
the in-patient wing of a psychiatric hospital
was talking with one of the on-site nurses Is my behavior linked to a role played by psychologists?
about some of the hospital's new orderlies
that were just hired. The clinical psychologist Does my behavior, on its face, seem at least partially professional?
made a racist comment about one of the
orderlies and said if it were up to him, he Is there a high probability that I will affect those with whom I am working?
would have never hired the orderly in the
first place based on his race. Is the clinical Does the action threaten my professional credibility or the credibility of the discipline of
psychologist in violation of an ethical psychology?
standard? Why or why not?
3) Why are modifiers, such as appropriate, The use of modifiers is necessary for standards that are written broadly to allow for
potentially, to the extent feasible, as early as professional judgment across a wide range of psychological activities and contexts
is feasible, attempt to, and relevant, included
in many, if not most, of the ethical
4) Standard 10.01a, Informed Consent to The phrase as early as is feasible provides decisional latitude when fully informed
Therapy, requires psychologists to obtain consent during an initial therapy session may not be possible or clinically appropriate
informed consent from clients/patients as
early as is feasible in the therapeutic
relationship. Why is the phrase, as early as is
feasible, included in this particular standard?
What does this phrase add to the standard
that it would otherwise not have? How
would the standard be different if this phrase
were not included?