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Pharmacy Technician PTCE
Pharmacy Technician PTCE
Pharmacy Technician PTCE Questions And Answers 100% Guaranteed Success.
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federal food drug and cosmetic act of 1938 fdca
misbranding includes false inaccurate improper
what are the three levels of fda recalls class i
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1. Exam (elaborations) - ptce questions and answers 100% verified.
2. Exam (elaborations) - Pharmacy tech ptce questions and answers 100% verified.
3. Exam (elaborations) - pharmacy technician ptce questions and answers 100% guaranteed success.
4. Exam (elaborations) - Ptce verified and updated latest top score.
5. Exam (elaborations) - Ptce review exam questions and answers graded a+ 2025.
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Pharmacy Technician PTCE Questions And
Answers 100% Guaranteed Success.
Some jmedications jare jconsidered ja jcontrolled jsubstance junder jstate jlaws jbut jnot
j_____________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jfederal jlaws
Food jand jDrug jAdministration j(FDA) j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jgives jthe jresponsibility jto
japprove jall jnew jdrugs
Adulteration jincludes: j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jthe jcontamination jor jfailure jto jmeet jpurity jand
jquality jstandards
Misbranding jincludes: j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jfalse, jinaccurate, jimproper, jor jconfusing
jlabeling jor jif jthe jproduct jis jharmful jwhen jused jaccording jto jthe jlabel jdirections
Federal jFood, jDrug jand jCosmetic jAct jof j1938 j(FDCA) j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jis ja jset jof
jUnited jStates j(US) jlaws jthat jauthorize jthe jFood jand jDrug jAdministration j(FDA) jto
joversee jand jregulate jthe jproduction, jsale, jand jdistribution jof jfood, jdrugs, jmedical
jdevices, jand jcosmetics.
The jFDCA jgives jthe jFDA jthe jpower jto jenforce j_________ jif jany jproduct jis jin jviolation jof
jthese jrules j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jrecalls
These jrecalls jmay joccur jat jthe j__________________________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j
jwholesaler, jretail, jor jconsumer jlevel
What jare jthe jthree jlevels jof jFDA jrecalls? j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jClass jI: jfor jrisk jof j"serious
jadverse jhealth jconsequences jor jdeath"
Class jll: jFor jrisk jof j"temporarily jor jmedically jreversible jadverse jhealth jconsequences" jor
jlow jprobability jof jserious jadverse jhealth jconsequences j
Class jlll: jFor jproducts junlikely jto jhave jadverse jhealth jconsequences
, HIPAA jis jfar jreaching jand jregulates jthe jway jhealth jcare jpersonal jhandle
j______________________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jProtected jHealth jInformation j(PHI)
HIPAA jdefines jPHI jas j_______________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jany jindividually jidentifiable
jhealth jinformation
Under jHealth jInsurance jPortability jand jAccountability jAct j(HIPAA)pharmacies jmust: j-
jcorrect janswer. j j j j- jEnsure jthe jconfidentiality jof jPHI. jThis jincludes jall jmanner jof
jtransmission, jwhether jwritten, jelectronic, jor joral j(patient jcounseling/ jphone jcalls jwith
jproviders) jUnder jHIPAA, jpharmacy jstaff jmay jnot jdisclose jany jPHI jto janyone jother jthan
jthe jpatient, jincluding jspouses jand jrelatives junless jthe jpatient jhas jgiven jexpress jconsent j
- jProtect jagainst jpossible jbreaches jwith jsecurity jmeasures j
- jDispose jof jPHI jin jaccordance jwith jHIPAA j
- jAppoint ja jdesignated jprivacy jofficer
- jInform jpatients jof jtheir jprivacy jrights jand jhow jthe jpharmacy jhandles jtheir jinformation
- jProvide jpatients jwith jtheir jPHI jrecords jif jrequested
Any jbreach jmust jbe jreported jin ja jtimely jmanner jto j____________________ j- jcorrect
janswer. j j j jThe jDepartment jof jHealth jand jHuman jServices jOffice jfor jCivil jRights
If jthe jbreach jaffects jfewer jthan j500 jindividuals jit jmust jbe jreported jwithin
j________________________________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j j60 jdays jof jthe jend jof jthe
jcalendar jyear
If jthe jbreach jaffects jmore jthan j500 jindividuals jit jmust jbe jreported jwithin
j________________________________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j j60 jdays jof jthe jbreach
What jis jthe jOccupational jSafety jand jHealth jAct jof j1970? j- jcorrect janswer. j j j j- jEnsure jthe
jsafety jof jworkers jnationwide
- jrequires jworkers jto jbe jtrained jin jsafety jmeasures, jsafety jsheets jto jbe javailable jfor jall
jhazardous jsubstances, jand jpersonal jprotective jequipment jto jbe jworn/utilized jwhen
jexposure jto jhazardous jsubstances jis jpossible
What jis jthe jControlled jSubstance jAct jof j1970? j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jthis jact jcreated jformal
jscheduling jdrugs jwith jthe jpotential jfor jabuse jand jdependency jas jcontrolled jsubstances
DEA jnumber jcalculations jdefinition j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jA jDEA jnumber jis jrequired jto
jprescribe jcontrolled jsubstances jexcept jfor jby jmilitary jpractitioners jand jemployees jin
jpublic jhealth jservices, jprisons, jand jcertain jlong jterm jcare jfacilities
Each jDEA jnumber jconsists jof j_________________ j- jcorrect janswer. j j j jtwo jletters jand
jseven jdigits jenable jyou jto jmanually jvalidate ja jDEA jnumber
How jto jvalidate ja jDEA jnumber? j- jcorrect janswer. j j j j-Add j1st, j3rd, jand j5th j#s j= j(A)
-Add j2nd, j4th, jand j6th j#s jand jtimes jby j2 j= j(B)
-Add jA j+ jB j= jC