©PREP4EXAMS @2024 [REAL EXAM DUMPS] Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:27 AM
anatomy - ✔️✔️the study of internal/external body structures and physical relationships
physiology - ✔️✔️the study of how living organisms perform vital functions
proximal - ✔️✔️term describing a body part as close to torso
distal - ✔️✔️term describing a body part as further/more distant from the torso
superior - ✔️✔️top or head region
inferior - ✔️✔️bottom or foot region
anterior - ✔️✔️front or belly region
posterior - ✔️✔️backside region
frontal/ coronal plane - ✔️✔️body plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior
sagittal plane - ✔️✔️body plane that divides the body between the left and the right
transverse plane - ✔️✔️body plane that divides inferior and superior regions
epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️tissue type that protects, secretes, absorbs
connective tissue - ✔️✔️tissue type that protects, supports, binds together
muscle tissue - ✔️✔️tissue type that provides the movement of body parts
nerve tissue - ✔️✔️tissue type that allows for communication and coordination of body
simple squamous epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️found in the alveoli of the lungs, lining of blood
vessels; allows for rapid diffusion of substances, filtration, osmosis
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, ©PREP4EXAMS @2024 [REAL EXAM DUMPS] Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:27 AM
simple cuboidal epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️found in lining of kidney tubules ad ovaries; secretes
and absorbs
simple columnar epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️found in lining of most organs of the digestive tract;
secretes digestive fluids and absorbs nutrients from food
psuedostratified ciliated columnar epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️found in lining of respiratory system;
protects, secretes, and moves mucous
stratified squamous epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️forms epidermis, found in lining of the throat and
mouth; protects, prevents water loss and entry of chemicals or microorganisms
transitional epithelial tissue - ✔️✔️found in inner lining of the bladder; protects, prevents
contents of urinary tract from diffusing back into internal environment
areolar connective tissue - ✔️✔️loose connective tissue; fills space between muscles, binds
skin to organs, blood vessels nourish nearby epithelial tissue
adipose connective tissue - ✔️✔️fat; beneath skin, between muscles, around kidneys, surface
of heart, around joints, cushions joints/organs, insulates, stores energy
dense connective tissue - ✔️✔️connective tissue that makes up tendons and ligaments
cartilage - ✔️✔️connective tissue found in the ends of bones, nose, fetal skeleton, rings in
airway (hyaline), external ear, parts of larynx, flexible, elastic support (elastic), meniscus of
the knee, intervertebral discs, absorbs shock (fibrocartilage)
bone - ✔️✔️connective tissue found in bones, support, attachment for muscles, mineral
storage, protection, forms blood cells
blood - ✔️✔️connective tissue that transports materials throughout the body, maintains
skeletal muscle tissue - ✔️✔️muscle tissue attached to bones, pulls on bones for movement,
consciously controlled; multi-nucleated, striated
smooth muscle tissue - ✔️✔️muscle tissue found in the walls of hollow internal organs, moves
food through digestive tract and blood through blood vessels, unconsciously controlled; one
nucleus, unstriated
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