BMS 430 Final Exam (Answered) 193
Questions and Correct Answers. Latest
What is the Endocrinology of Reproduction?
The control of sexual differentiation of the reproduction system.
Do cells know whether they are male or female?
No they can not differentiate between the sex of the body
Where is the SRY gene located?
It is on the Y chromosome.
What is the SRY gene?
This helps produce the protein sex- determining region y protein that is involved in the development of
the male reproductive tract.
Are the brains of males and females the same?
No they are not.
Which hormone causes the brain to become mascinualised?
In male brains what kind of receptors are in the libido section of the brain?
Estradiol Receptors,
What protein does the fetus make in their liver in order to protect all brains from becoming masculinized
by estradiol?
alpha fetoprotein
Where in the brain can testosterone be converted into estradiol?
What are the three sections of the brain?
Libido, Aggression, Post Generator
What can not bind with alpha fetoprotein?
Estrodiol in the brain?
, masculinizes the brain
DHT in the brain?
feminizes the brain
Testosterone in the brain?
both masculinizes or feminizes the brain.
In male fetal development of the leydig cells what does testosterone do?
Developes the male tract, and converts to DTH which helps prodeuce male genitalia
In male adult development of the leydig cells what does testosterone do?
Creates sperm, converts to DTH to maintain the male tract?
In male fetal development of the seritoli cells what homrome is present?
In male adult development of the seritoli cells what binds to the anadrogin(testosterone)?
Estrodiol creates what kind of brain?
AMH cause which tract to regresse?
When your genetics are XY with an SRY defect what happens with each of the following tract,
phenotype, brain, puberty, treatment?
female ovary streak, female, female, nothing, female hormone therapy
When your genetics are XY with low to none 5 alpha reeducates what happens with each of the
following tract, phenotype, brain, puberty, treatment?
male, female, male, male, male surgery
When your genetics are XY with no receptors for testosterone or DHT what happens with each of the
following tract, phenotype, brain, puberty, treatment?
none does not form, female, male, nothing, male surgery
When your genetics are XX with an SRY translocation what happens with each of the following tract,
phenotype, brain, puberty, treatment?
male, male, male, male with no sperm, no treatment
Females do not make what?