©PREP4EXAMS@2024/2025 [REAL-EXAM-DUMPS] Sunday, August 4, 2024 12:41 AM
Implementing SAFe 4.0 (SPC 4.0) Exam
Study Guide with Complete Solutions
Agile Architecture - ✔️✔️set of values & practices that support the active evolution of the
design & architecture of the system, concurrent w/ the implementation of new business
functionality. W/this approach, the architecture of a system, even a largeone, evolves
over time while simultaneouly supporting the needs of concurrent users. This avoids Big
Up-Front Design (BUFD) & the starting and stopping of staging-gated method
Agile Release Train - ✔️✔️Long lived team of Agile Teams. Typically 50-125 individuals.
The ART aligns teams to a common mission & provides for a regular cadence for
planning, development, and retrospective. Trains provide continuous product
development and flow and each train has the dedicated resources necessary to
continuously define, build, and test valuable and evaluate-able capabilities every two
Agile Teams - ✔️✔️The agile team is a cross-functional group of 5 to 9 individuals who
have the ability & authority to define, build, and test solution value- all in a short-iteration
time box. The team includes the individuals necessary to successfully deliver this value
supported by specialist where applicable.
,©PREP4EXAMS@2024/2025 [REAL-EXAM-DUMPS] Sunday, August 4, 2024 12:41 AM
Architectural runway - ✔️✔️One of the means by which SAFe implements the concepts of
Agile architecture. This runway provides the necessary technical basis for developing
business initiatives and implementing new feature and capabilities. Exists when the
enterprise platforms have sufficient existing technological infrastructure to support the
implementation of the highest- priority, near term features without excessive, delay
inducing redesign
Budgets - ✔️✔️Funds value streams instead of projects. This empowers value streams
w/streams w/their own dedicated budget for rapid decision-making and flexible value
delivery, while Program Portfolio Management (PPM) retains control of total spending,
which is adjusted overtime
Built-in Quality - ✔️✔️One of 4 core SAFe values. The enterprises ability to deliver new
functionality w/ the fastest sustainable lead time, along w/the ability to be able to react
to rapidly changing business conditions, is dependent on built-in quality
Business Owners - ✔️✔️Small group of stakeholders (typically 3 to 5) who have the
ultimate fiduciary, governance, efficacy, and ROI responsibility for the value delivered
by a specific release train. Typically have mgt responsibilities for customer relationships,
development, solution quality, deployment, operations, product mgt, and architecture.
Capabilities - ✔️✔️Similar to features; however, they account for higher-level behaviors of
the solution, which often spans multiple ARTs. Maintained in the values stream backlog
& sized to fit in the program increment, so that each PI delivers solution value
,©PREP4EXAMS@2024/2025 [REAL-EXAM-DUMPS] Sunday, August 4, 2024 12:41 AM
Capital Expense (CapEX) - ✔️✔️A value stream budget may include this. Typically
captures the expenses required to purchase, upgrade, or fix tangible physical assets or
other property used to support the solution building. May capture elements of the cost of
labor for development of certain intangible assets.
Operating expense (OpEx) - ✔️✔️Value steam budget may include this. Typically include
salaries & overhead, contract labor, materials, supplies, & items directly related to the
solution development activities.
Communities of Practice (CoP) - ✔️✔️An informal group of team members & other
experts, acting within the context of a program or more relevant domains.
Continuous integration - ✔️✔️Team members integrate and validate their work frequently;
in the case of software, this an occur at least daily or even multiple times per day.
Where possible, integration is verified by automated build & test environments that
quickly identify integration problems & defects
Core values - ✔️✔️Alignment, built in quality, transparency, & program execution
Customer - ✔️✔️Whoever consumes the work of the value stream. Ultimate arbiters of
value delivered. Whether internal or external to the development organization, they are
an integral part of the development value stream
Develop on Cadence - ✔️✔️Basing routine development activities on a fast, synchronous
schedule- a regular, predictive rhythm of important events - helps manage the inherent
, ©PREP4EXAMS@2024/2025 [REAL-EXAM-DUMPS] Sunday, August 4, 2024 12:41 AM
variability in the system development. This is a fundamental premise of SAFe. Its effects
can be seen directly on the Big Picture, with the fast cadence of synchronized, short
iterations followed by the further integration of those iterations into larger program
DevOps - ✔️✔️A mindset, culture, and set of technical practice that stress
communication, collaboration, and close cooperation between Agile development teams
and other technology professionals who are necessary for developing, testing,
deploying, and maintaining software & systems.
Economic Framework - ✔️✔️A set of decision rules that aligns everyone to the financial
objectives of the mission, including budget considerations driven from the program
portfolio. SAFe's first LEAN Agile principle is to take an economic view; this captures the
essential economic elements for successful development.
Enabler Capability - ✔️✔️Occur at value steam level, where they capture work of that
type. As these are they type of capability, they share the same attributes, including a
statement of benefits & acceptance criteria, and they must be structured so as to fit w/
in a single PI
Enabler Epic - ✔️✔️Type of epic, written using value stream format defined for epics.
Tend to cut across value stream & PIs. They require a lightweight business cases to
support their implementation. They are identified and tracked through the portfolio
Kanban system