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Wgu D220 Nursing Informatics Exam With
All 300 Questions And Correct Answers
Graded A+|2024-2025
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA)✔️✔️✔️ANS→**Authorized INCENTIVE PAYMENTS to specific
types of hospitals & healthcare professionals for adopting & using interoperable
Health Information Technology and EHR's.
The purposes of this act include the following: (1) To preserve/create jobs and
promote economic recovery. (2) To assist those most impacted by the recession.
(3) To provide investments needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring
technological advances in science and health. (4) To invest in transportation,
environmental protection, and other infrastructure that will provide long-term
economic benefits. (5) To stabilize state and local government budgets, in order to
minimize and avoid reductions in essential services and counterproductive state
and local tax increases.
AHQR (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)✔️✔️✔️ANS→Produced
evidence making healthcare safer, improve quality, accessibility and affordability
Asynchoronous Applications✔️✔️✔️ANS→No contact with patient for data
collection. EX: Remote pt monitoring, Using health technologies to share health
metrics and data w/ providers. STORE & FORWARD APPS (ex: photos)
Administrative Information System✔️✔️✔️ANS→can include registration and
scheduling; tracking through admission, transfer and discharge; patient acuity and
staff scheduling; financial or accounting systems; risk management; payroll and
human resources; quality assurance; and contract management functions.
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Affordable Care Act✔️✔️✔️ANS→law passed in 2010 to expand access to
insurance, address cost reduction and affordability, improve the quality of
healthcare, and introduce the Patient's Bill of Rights, increasing the number of
insured persons.
Alarm Fatique✔️✔️✔️ANS→Becoming desensitized to patient care alarms and
missing or delaying their response to the alarm.
ANA (American Nurses Association)✔️✔️✔️ANS→Professional organization
for all RNs. Concerned with licensure, collective bargaining and education
Analytics✔️✔️✔️ANS→A term describing the extensive use of data, statistical
and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based
management to drive decisions and actions.
Audit trail✔️✔️✔️ANS→a report that traces who has accessed electronic
information, when information was accessed, and whether any information was
Authentication✔️✔️✔️ANS→A method for confirming users' identities
Authorization✔️✔️✔️ANS→The process of giving someone permission to do
or have something
Barcode Scanning Technology✔️✔️✔️ANS→Scans drug and patients
wristband to verify medication order, inventory control, + pt identification, correct
med admin
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Big Data✔️✔️✔️ANS→a collection of large, complex data sets, including
structured and unstructured data, which cannot be analyzed without the use of
information technology
Bioinformatics✔️✔️✔️ANS→application of mathematics and computer
science to store, retrieve, and analyze biological data
Biometrics✔️✔️✔️ANS→the identification of a user based on a physical
characteristic, such as a fingerprint, iris, face, voice, or handwriting
Business Continuity Plan✔️✔️✔️ANS→A plan for how an organization will
recover and restore partially or completely interrupted critical function(s) within a
predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption
Business Intelligence✔️✔️✔️ANS→Information collected from multiple
sources such as suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and industries that
analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
Change Control Board (CCB)✔️✔️✔️ANS→A committee that evaluates the
worthiness of a proposed change and either approves or rejects the proposed
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)✔️✔️✔️ANS→The senior manager (usually a
registered nurse with advanced education and extensive experience) responsible for
administering patient care services
Clinical Care Classification (CCC)✔️✔️✔️ANS→"Two interrelated
taxonomies, the CCC of Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes and the CCC of
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Nursing Interventions and Actions, that provide a standardized framework for
documenting patient care in hospitals, home health agencies, ambulatory care
clinics, and other healthcare settings"
CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry)✔️✔️✔️ANS→An order entry
and decision support system that allows direct entry of orders and immediately
shared w/ others
Change Management✔️✔️✔️ANS→The process, tools and techniques that
help people implement changes to achieve a desired outcome. (Supports the
adoption of a medication Administration System)
Change Control✔️✔️✔️ANS→Helps to prioritize limited resources and ensures
system standards are upheld.
Connected health✔️✔️✔️ANS→a model of health care delivery using
technology to provide services including information and education.
Technology assisted healthcare is delivered between at least 2 points involving
either asynchronous or synchronous exchange.
Consumer Health Informatics✔️✔️✔️ANS→Use of electronic info &
communication to improve medical outcomes & healthcare decision making from
pt perspective.
Patient view and structures and process that enable consumer to manage their own