API 653 Exam Closed Book Quiz With
Correct Answers 2024
API b653 bcovers bwhich bof bthe bfollowing btypes bof btanks?
A) bCarbon band blow balloy bsteel btanks bbuilt bto bASME bSection bVIII, bDiv. b1
B) bCarbon band blow balloy bsteel btanks bbuilt bto bASME bSection bX
C) bCarbon band blow balloy bsteel btanks bbuilt bto bAPI b650 band b12C
D) bCarbon band blow balloy bsteel btanks bbuilt bto bAPI b510 b- bcorrect banswer.C
API b653 bprovides bthe brequirements bfor bconstruction bof bwhich bof bthe bfollowing?
A) bProcess bpressure bvessels
B) bAboveground bpetroleum bstorage btanks
C) bLNG bStorage bspheres
D) bThis bstandard bdoes bnot bprovide bconstruction brequirements b- bcorrect banswer.D
API b653 bprovides bfor ball bbut bwhich bof bthe bfollowing bis bnot bwith bregard bto baboveground
bstorage btanks?
A) bRepair
B) bOperation
C) bRelocation
D) bAlteration b- bcorrect banswer.B
The bscope bof bAPI b653 bis blimited bto ball bof bthe bfollowing bexcept?
A) bTank bfoundation
B) bTank bbottom
C) bTank broof
D) bTank bmixing bmotor b- bcorrect banswer.D
The bAPI b653 bstandards bstates bthat bmany bof brequirements bfor bdesign, bwelding band
bmaterials bof bAPI b650 band bAPI-12C bcan bbe bapplied bwith bregard bto b__________.
A) bRepair, binspection, brating band balteration
B) bRepair, bpersonnel bassignment, brating band balteration
C) bInspection, brefinery bequipment, belectrical bcontrols band brepairs
D) bAlteration, bproduct bin bstorage, brating band binspection b- bcorrect banswer.A
,In bthe bapplication bof bthe brequirements bfor bwelding, bdesign band bmaterials bof bAPI b650 bor
bAPI-12C bto bin-service baboveground bstorage btanks b(AST), bwhich bof bthe bfollowing bcode
bor bstandard btakes bprecedence?
A) bASME bSection bVIII, bPressure bVessels
B) bAPI-12C
C) bAPI b653
D) bAPI b650 b- bcorrect banswer.C
The bAPI b653 bStandard bmay bonly bbe bapplied bto bAST bthat bhave bbeen bconstructed bto band
bmeet bthe brequirements bof bAPI b650.
A) bTrue
B) bFalse b- bcorrect banswer.B
The buse bof bAPI b653 bis bintended bfor borganizations bthat bhave bpersonnel bwho btechnically
btrained band bexperienced bin bwhich bof bthe bfollowing?
A) bAll bASME, bAWS, bASTN band bAPI bcodes band bstandards
B) bTank bdesign, bfabrication, brepair, bconstruction band binspection
C) bRefinery boperations, bsafety brequirements, bpersonnel bmanagement band brefinery
D) bMechanical bintegrity bprogram, bOSHA band bProcess bSafety b- bcorrect banswer.B
When bdesign band bconstruction bdetails bare bnot bgiven band bnot bavailable bin bthe boriginal
bconstruction bstandard, bthen bdetails bthat bwill bprovide ba blevel bof bintegrity bequal bto bthe
bcurrent bedition bof bwhat bCode bor bStandard bmust bbe bused?
A) bASME bSection bVIII, bDiv. b1, bPressure bvessels
B) bASME bSection bVIII, bDiv. b2, bAlternative bRules bfor bPressure bvessels
C) bAPI b650
D) bAPI-12C b- bcorrect banswer.C
Ultimate bresponsibility bfor bcompliance bwith bthis bstandard brests bwith b________.
A) bThe bowner/operator
B) bThe bowner/operator's binspector
C) bThe brepair borganization bof bowner/operator
D) bThe bmanufacturer bof bthe bAST b- bcorrect banswer.A
According bAPI b653 bif bany bprovision bpresents ba bdirect bor bimplied bconflict bwith bany
bstatutory bregulation, bthe bregulation bgoverns. bWhat bgoverns bif bAPI b653 brequirements
bare bmore bstringent bthan bthe bstatutory bregulation?
A) bThe bstatutory bregulation bapplies bin ball bcases
B) bThe bconflict bmust bbe bsubmitted bto bthe bAPI
C) bThe bowner/operator bhas bthe boption bof bapplying bthe brequirement bbest bsuited bto bthe
D) bThe bAPI b653 brequirement bshall bgovern b- bcorrect banswer.D
Safe bworking bpractices bshall bcomply bwith bwhat brequirements bconcerning bconfined
bspace bentry?
,A) bProcedures bmust bcomply bwith bany btrade bdeveloped bsafety bprecautions
B) bProcedures bmust bcomply bwith bany bfederal bor bstate bregulations
C) bProcedures bneed bonly bcomply bwith bowner/operator brequirements
D) bProcedures bneed bonly bcomply bwith bNFPA brequirements b- bcorrect banswer.B
When bmust ban bevaluation, bto bdetermine bthe bsuitability bfor bcontinued buse, bbe
A) bEvaluations bshall bbe bconducted bwhen ba btank binspection breveals ba bchange bhas
boccurred bfrom bthe boriginal bphysical bcondition bof bthe btank
B) bEvaluations bshall bbe bconducted bat bleast bannually
C) bEvaluations bshall bbe bconducted bat ban binterval bnot bto bexceed bthe bcalculated btank
binspection bfrequency
D) bEvaluations bshall bbe bconducted bonce beach bten byears bof bservice b- bcorrect banswer.A
What bfactors bare brequired bfor bconsideration bwhen bperforming ban bevaluation bfor
bcontinued buse bof ban bAST?
A) bonly bthose blisted bin bAPI b653
B) bthe brecommended blist bof bconsideration bprovided bin bAPI b510 bcan bbe bmodified bto bsuit
bthis bpurpose
C) bEngineering banalysis band bjudgment brequired bfor beach bsituation b
D) bOnly bthose bitems brequested bby bthe bCertified bAST binspector b- bcorrect banswer.C
Roof bplates bcorroded bto ban baverage bthickness bof bless bthat b_______ binch bin bany
b_______ bsquare binch barea bshall bbe brepaired bor breplaced
A) b0.9 binch bin bany b100 bsquare binch barea
B) b0.09 binch bin bany b10 bsquare binch barea
C) b0.09 binch bin bany b144 bsquare binch barea b(1 bsquare bfoot)
D) b0.09 binch bin bany b100 bsquare binch barea b- bcorrect banswer.D
The bmethod bof binspecting broof bsupport bmembers bshall bbe bacceptable bto bwhom?
A) bmanufacturer
B) binspector
C) bowner/operator
D) boperations bmanager b- bcorrect banswer.B
During bthe binspection bof bfixed broof bsupport bmembers, bparticular battention bmust bbe
bgiven bto b_________
A) bsevere bexternal bcorrosion bof bthe broof bplate bsupport bstructures bare battached
B) bsevere binternal bcorrosion bof bpipe bcolumns
C) bsevere binternal bcorrosion bof bthe broof bplate bwhere bsupport bstructures bare battached
D) bdeterioration bof bwind bgirders bat bthe bpoint bof battachment b- bcorrect banswer.B
Inspection bof bfloating broofs bis blimited bto broof bplates band bpontoons
A) bTrue
B) bFalse b- bcorrect banswer.B
, Evaluating bof bexisting bfloating broofs bshall bbe bbased bon bthe bcriteria bof
A) bAPI b650, bAp. bC, bAp. bH
B) bAPI b650, bPar. b6.4.3, bPar. b6.5.3
C) bASME bSec. bVIII, bDiv. bI, bAp. bC, bAp. bH
D) bASME bSec. bVIII, bDiv. bII b- bcorrect banswer.A
What bAPI bStandard bor bRP bmust bbe bused bfor bevaluating bthe beffects bof bdesign bpartial
bvacuum bon btank broofs?
A) bAPI b620
B) bAPI b650
C) bAPI b651
D) bAPI b652 b- bcorrect banswer.A
Above bwhat boperating btemperature bshall bAPI b650 bAp. bM bbe bconducted bbefore bchanging
bthe bservice?
A) b500 bF
B) b400 bF
C) b300 bF
D) b200 bF b- bcorrect banswer.D
Under bwhat bconditions bmay btank boperated bat ba btemperature blower bthan bthe boriginal
A) bWhen bthe brequirements bfor bimpact btesting bof bASME bSec. bVIII, bDiv. b1 bhave bbeen bmet
B) bWhen bthe brequirements bof bAPI b650 bhave bbeen bmet
C) bWhen bthe brequirements bof bASTM bA-370 bhave bbeen bmet
D) bWhen bthe brequirements bof bASTM bA-20 bhave bbeen bmet b- bcorrect banswer.B
Flaws, bdeterioration bor bother bconditions bthat bmight badversely baffect bthe bperformance bor
bstructural bintegrity bof bthe bshell bof ban bexisting btank bmust bbe bevaluated. bPersonnel
bexperienced bin btank bdesign bshall bconduct bthe bevaluation. bThis banalysis bshall btake binto
baccount bany bof bthe bfollowing bexcept:
A) bfluid bstatic bhead
B) binternal band bexternal bpressure
C) borganization bthat bmanufactured bthe btank
D) bseismic bloads b- bcorrect banswer.C
Of bthe bfollowing, bwhich bis bnot ban boption bavailable bto bthe bowner/operator bif bit bis bnot
bpossible bto bsatisfy bthe brequirements bfor bminimum bthickness bcalculations bfor ba bweld
A) brepair bdamaged barea
B) breduce ballowable bliquid blevel
C) bretire bthe btank
D) breduce bthe bfill brate bthe btank bfills bslower band bapplies bpressure bgradually b- bcorrect