MN 552 /MN552 Advanced Health __., __., __., __., __.,
Assessment Midterm Exam Questions __., __., __., __.,
with Verified Answers. __., __., __.,
Dave, age 76, is brought in by his wife, who states that within the last 2
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
days Dave has become agitated and restless, has had few lucid moments
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
, slept very poorly last night and can remember only recent events. Of
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
the following differential diagnoses, which best fits the symptoms from
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
this brief history?__., __., __.,
A. Depression
B. Dementia __.,
C. Delirium
D. Schizophrenia
__., __.,__., __., C. Delirium
A 28-year-
old patient comes to the office for evaluation of a rash. At first there
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
was only one large patch, but then more lesions erupted suddenly on
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
the back and torso; the lesions itch. On physical examination, you note
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __
that the pattern of eruption is like a Christmas tree and that there are
., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
a variety of erythematous papules and macules on the cleavage lines of
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
the back. Based on this description, what is the most likely diagnosis?
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Tinea versicolor __., __.,
Pityriasis rosea __.,
Atopic eczema __., __.,__., __., Pityriasis rosea __.,
, When performing the general survey which of the following is not
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
considered a sign of distress:
, __., __., __., __.,
A. pain __.,
B. labored breathing
__., __.,
C. large mole on forehead
__., __., __., __.,
D. anxiety
__., __.,__., __., C. large mole on forehead
__., __., __., __.,
The following information belongs in which section of the Comprehensive
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Heath History (H&P)? __., __.,
"3 day history of rash and swelling"
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
__.,A. History of Present Illness
__., __., __., __.,
__.,B. Review of Systems
__., __., __.,
__.,C. Allergies
__.,D. Chief Complaint
__., __., __.,__., __., D. Chief Complaint
__., __.,
A patient with abdominal pain describes "what" the pain feels like and
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
"how long" it lasts. In which part of the H&P would you place this
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.
__.,A. History of Present Illness
__., __., __., __.,
__.,B. Past Medical History
__., __., __.,
__.,C. Sexual History
__., __.,
__.,D. Review of Systems
__., __., __., __.,__., A. History of present illness
__., __., __., __., __.,
Which of the following best describes the patient record?
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
A. describes the approach to a problem
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,