ACE Health Coach Exam Questions
With Correct Answers
Emotional intelligence - answer✔✔refers to ability to recognize one's own feelings as well as
feelings of others.
SWOT analysis - answer✔✔strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Can be used for
health coach to assess herself or to analyze a business or opportunity.
transtheoretical model of behaviorial change (TTM) - answer✔✔used to assess readiness for
precontemplation stage - answer✔✔no intent of change
contemplation stage - answer✔✔considering making change
preparation stage - answer✔✔commitment and small changes underway
action stage - answer✔✔engaging in new activities
maintenance stage - answer✔✔have been engaged in health enhancement, weight management,
and lifestyle change for more than six months.
self-efficacy - answer✔✔one's perception of his or her ability to change (increases as person
moves through TTM)
habit strength - answer✔✔psychological factors involved in behaviors the client wants to change
(decreases as person moves through TTM)
active listening - answer✔✔confirm understanding using four steps.
extrinsic motivation - answer✔✔declaritive self statements, "I will stick to my plan"
intrinsic motivation - answer✔✔interrogative self statements, "Will I stick to my plan?"
motivational interviewing - answer✔✔client centered approach to assist clients with
ambivalence to change (grounded in expressing empathy and acceptance of ambivalence).
problem solving model - answer✔✔problem identified, goal selection, generation of alternatives,
consideration of consequences, decision making, implementation, and evaluation.
, EXAM STUDY MATERIALS 8/7/2024 11:29 AM
GROW - answer✔✔goal, reality, options, and what: structured approach of behavioral change
SMART goal - answer✔✔specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound
neuro-linguistic programming - answer✔✔meta model-includes questions that challenge
linguistic distortions, clarifies generalizations the client may make, recovers unrecalled info
empathy - answer✔✔quality that allows one who has not personally experienced an emotion to
put themselves in anothers shoes
intrinsic team - answer✔✔knowledge in areas currently in use -exercise science, nutritional
science, and behavioral management.
extrinsic team - answer✔✔help outside own scope of practice-other practitioners, etc
effective networking - answer✔✔building relationships
co-branding - answer✔✔brand partnership-two entities collaborate to create marketing synergy
hypokinetic disease - answer✔✔conditions associated with too little exercise or physical activity
(cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity)
operant conditioning - answer✔✔a learning approach that considers the manner in which
behaviors are influenced by their consequences.
antecedents - answer✔✔variables or factors that precede and influence the clients exercise
participation, including the decision to not exercise as planned.
stimulus control - answer✔✔to break the connection between events or other stimuli and a
behavior; sometimes called "cue extinction"
DISC method - answer✔✔four personality types: outgoing, reserved, task oriented and people
oriented (dominant, inspiring, supportive, cautious)
authoritative approach - answer✔✔interventions: prescriptive, informative, confronting
prescriptive intervention - answer✔✔health coach offers advice, guidance, and information for
what clients can do to help reach goals
informative intervention - answer✔✔health coach offers own experiences and point of view in
order to get client to develop a deeper understanding of why the health coach is directing the
client in a specific direction.
confronting intervention - answer✔✔health coach mirrors or reflects on what the client has said,
offers her own thoughts on what the client has said, tells clients about obstacles ahead, and offers
ideas for client to avoid obstacles.