CHSE Domain II Healthcare And Simulation
Knowledge Principles Review Exam With
Correct Solutions 2024
Four doutcomes dmeasured dduring dsimulation dscenarios dare d- dcorrect danswer.-
-Skills d
(Issenberg, dMcGaghie, dPetrusa, dGordon, d& dScalese, d2005). d(C8, dpg79)
Simulation-based dlearning d(SBL) dis da dprocess dthat: d- dcorrect danswer.Ooccurs din da dsafe
dand dcarefully dcontrolled dsetting dthat denhances dskill dacquisition dand dtraining dusing da
dsimulated denvironment das dthe dplatform dfor dlearning d(Lateef, d2010). d(C8, dpg80)
Simulation dis da dtechnique dthat dreplicates dreal-life dexperiences dwith dscenarios dthat
dimmerse dthe dlearner din dan denvironment dthat dattempts dto dclosely dduplicate dthe dclinical
denvironment d(Lateef, d2010). d- dcorrect danswer.(C8, dpg80)
In daddition dto dtask dand dtechnical dskills, dSBL dcan dalso dbe dused dto didentify d_________-
________ dand dskills. d- dcorrect danswer.-Problem-solving
Team deducation, dcommunication, dand dinterpersonal dskills dare devaluated dduring dSBL.
(C8, dpg80)
Lateef d(2010) dhas didentified dcommon dproblems ddetected dduring dsimulation dscenarios
dinvolving dteams dincluding: d- dcorrect danswer.-Group ddoes dnot dunderstand dthat deach
dteam dmember dhas da dunique drole
-Lack dof dclear drole ddefinition dresulting din drole dconfusion
-No dplan din dplace dto duse dwhen dmistakes dor derrors doccur
-No dmethod dto dmeasure dindividual dor dteam dperformance d(C8, dpg80)
The dsuccess dof dusing dsimulator dscenarios dto deducate dhealthcare dprofessionals dshould
dbe dmeasured din drelationship dto dthe: d- dcorrect danswer.Improvement din dclinical
dcompetence dand dthe dpotential dor dactual dimpact don dpatient dsafety dand doutcomes.
(C8, dpg80)
,A dcore dprinciple dof dhuman dsimulator deducation dis dthe dconcept dof ddeliberate dpractice
d(DP). dDP dis ddefined das: d- dcorrect danswer.A dlearner's dendeavor dto dpractice dfor dthe
dpurpose dof dimproving da dtask dor dskill dbeyond dthe dcurrent dlevel dof dproficiency d
(Gonzalez d& dKardong-Edgren, d2017).(C8, dpg80)
U dAn dintegral dcomponent dof dDP dis d________ d_________ d. dA dstudent dmust drecognize da
ddeficit din dknowledge din dan deffort dto dseek dlearning dopportunities dto dnarrow dthis dgap din
dknowledge. d- dcorrect danswer.Critical dreflection d(C8, dpg80)
With dthe dassistance dof da dhealthcare dsimulation deducator, dthe dlearner dbecomes dactively
dengaged din dpracticing dand dimproving da dtask, dskill, dor ddecision-making dprocess. dWhen
da dlearner dengages din dDP, dfeedback dfrom dthe dhealthcare dsimulation deducator dis
dnecessary dto dcommunicate dimprovement dand didentify dareas dthat dcontinue dto dneed
drefinement d(Ericsson, d2008). d(C8, dp80)
What dis dDP din dsimulation? d- dcorrect danswer.Deliberate dPractice
(C8, dpg80)
The dfirst dstep din dteam deducation din dsimulation dis dto: d- dcorrect danswer.Articulate dthe
dspecific dcompetencies dtargeted dtoward dacquiring dteam-building dskills d(Salas, dRosen, d&
dKing, d2009). d
Once dthese dcompetencies dare drecognized, da dlevel dof dmeasurement dcan dbe dcalculated
dto dguide dthe ddebriefing dprocess. d(C8, dpg81)
Diversity din drace, dgender, das dwell das drole dshould dbe dconsidered dfor devery
dinterprofessional dteam din dorder dto dteach dcultural dawareness dand dsensitivity das dwell das
dgroup dcollaboration. dT dor dF d- dcorrect danswer.True d(C8, dpg81)
Team dStrategies dand dTools dto dEnhance dPerformance dand dPatient dSafety, dis dalso dknow
das: d- dcorrect danswer.TeamSTEPPs d(AHRQ, d2017) d(C8, dpg81)
TeamSTEPPs d(AHRQ, d2017) dis da dprocess dof dteam dtraining ddesigned dfor dhealthcare
dprofessionals dto dimprove d_________ d_______ dand dachieve dbetter d_________
d_______. d- dcorrect danswer.-Patient dsafety
-Patient doutcomes
(C8, dpg81)
Simulation daids din dthe dacquisition dof dteam dskills dby dallowing dthe dlearner dto dpractice din da
dsimulated, dsafe denvironment. dUsing dTeamSTEPPs din dsimulation dis done dway dto daid din
dthe ddesign, dmeasurement dof dobjectives, dand devaluation dof dteam dtraining.
Within dTeamSTEPPs dtraining dis da dprinciple dknown das dCUS, dwhich dstands dfor: d- dcorrect
danswer."I dam dconcerned!
I dam duncomfortable!
This dis da dsafety dissue!" d
(AHRQ, d2017)(C8, dpg81)
,The dpurpose dof dCUS dis dto d_________ dindividuals dto dspeak dup dif dthey dare dconcerned
dabout dan dactual dor dpotential dbreach din dsafety. dIncluded din dthe dCUS dcourse dof daction dis
da dtwo-challenge drule d(AHRQ, d2017). dUnder dthis drule, dif dindividuals dfeel dthat dtheir
dconcern dhas dnot dbeen drecognized, dthey dshould: d- dcorrect danswer.-Empower d
-Verbalize dthis dconcern dat dleast dtwice. d
-If, dafter dthe dsecond dexchange, dthe dteam dmember dconcludes dthat dthe dresponse dis dnot
dacceptable, dthe dteam dmember dis dexpected dto dtake da ddifferent, dmore dassertive dcourse.
This dalternate dcourse dmay dinclude dfollowing dthe dchain dof dcommand dto densure da dsafe
(C8, dpg81)
Components dof dTeam dTraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations dincludes: d- dcorrect
-Peer dobservation
-Group dmembership
-Communication d(C8, dpg82)
Leadership d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations)
ddelegates: d- dcorrect danswer.Tasks dto dother dteam dmembers, dplans, dorganizes, dand
dmotivates dother dteam dmembers d(C8, dpg82)
Peer dobservation d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations)
duses: d- dcorrect danswer.A dshared dunderstanding dof dgroup ddynamics dand dteam droles; dis
dable dto drecognize derrors dand dopenly dcommunicate dideas dand dsuggestions dfor
dcorrection d(C8, dpg82)
Flexibility d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations) dinvolves
dthe dability dto: d- dcorrect danswer.To dadapt dor dchange das dthe dscenario dunfolds dor dthe
dgroup ddynamics dchange d(C8, dpg82)
Group dmembership d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations)
drecognizes: d- dcorrect danswer.That dthe dwork dof dthe dteam dis dparamount dand dindividual
dgoals dare dsecondary d(C8, dpg82)
Balance d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations) dmaintains
dthat: d- dcorrect danswer.The dworkload dof dall dteam dmembers dshould dbe dbalanced dand
dmatch dthe dknowledge dand dskills dof deach dindividual d(C8, dpg82)
Trust d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations) dpromotes: d-
dcorrect danswer.An datmosphere dof dmutual dtrust dshould dexist din dwhich dindividuals dare
dable dto dshare dknowledge dand dspeak dabout derrors din djudgment dand daction dand daccept
dconstructive dfeedback d(C8, dpg82)
, Communication d(a dcomponents dof dteam dtraining din dHuman dSimulator dSimulations)
dprovides dthat: d- dcorrect danswer.All dmembers dof dthe dteam dare dable dto dopenly
dcommunicate, dconfirm dthat dtheir dmessage dwas dheard dand dunderstood, dand dclarify dthe
dmessage dif dnecessary d(C8, dpg82)
What ddoes dCRM dstand dfor dwhen dassessing dteams? d- dcorrect danswer.Crisis dResource
dManagement d(C8, dpg82)
When dCRM dbegan din dwhich dindustry? d- dcorrect danswer.Aviation
(C8, dpg82)
A dteam dis didentified das: d- dcorrect danswer.Two dor dmore dindividuals dwith dspecific droles
dand dtasks dwho dmake ddecisions dby dinteracting dand dcoordinating dwith done danother d
(Baker, dGustafson, d& dBeaubien, d2010). d(C8, dpg82)
The dkey dprinciples dof dCRM d(Crisis dResource dManagement) dare: d- dcorrect danswer.-
Having da dclear dleader dand dwell-defined droles
-Knowing dyour denvironment dand dresources
-Having da dplan dand dsharing dand dadapting dthe dplan das dneeded
-Requesting dhelp dearly
-Distributing dthe dwork dand dsupporting dall dmembers dof dthe dteam
-Prioritizing dand ddelegating dtasks dto dothers d(Joshi, d2013)
Using dthe dprinciples dof dCRM dwithin da dsimulation dscenario dwill dhelp dthe dteam dperform din
da dcoordinated dand defficient dmanner din dthe dcare dof dthe dsimulated dpatient.
(C8, dpg82)
Closed-loop dcommunication dis da dmethod dof dcommunication din dwhich dthere dis da
d_______ dand d_______ dof da dspecific dmessage. dThe dreceiver dof dthe dmessage dconfirms
dthe dmessage dthat dwas d_________ dby dthe dsender, dthereby d_______ dthat dthe dmessage
dwas dreceived dand dunderstood d(Paramalingam det dal., d2017). d- dcorrect danswer.-sender
-ensuring d(C8, dpg83)
Closed-Loop dCommunication
A dsender d_______ da dmessage dto da dreceiver.
The dreceiver dof dthe dmessage d_______ dthat dthe dmessage dwas dreceived dand dascribes
dmeaning dto dthe dmessage.
The dsender d_______ dwith dthe dreceiver dto densure dthat dthe dexpected dmeaning dwas
dconferred dthrough dthe dmessage.
If dthe dsender ddoes dnot dfeel dthat dthe dmessage dwas dinterpreted das dintended, dthe
dconversation dcontinues duntil dthe d_______ dis dclosed. d- dcorrect danswer.-delivers