8/18/24, 4:53 AM
practice ASWB exam 1 - Human Development, Diversity, &
Behavior in the Environment
Terms in this set (38)
Question ID #48120: A client who is a single A is correct: Means testing is a process used to evaluate a person's financial means, or
mother of three young children has sought financial well-being, based on her income, debts, health, number of dependents, etc.,
assistance because she's having difficulty and the results are used to determine the person's eligibility to receive a benefit. If a
finding work to support her family. She has person has the "means" to pay for the services she is seeking, the person will be turned
few job skills and is running out of money. down. Means-tested federal programs and services - including TANF, the Food Stamp
The client is recently divorced, and her ex- Program, and Medicaid - help low-income people by providing cash and noncash
husband has left the state. He has not been benefits. These programs and services are provided to families and individuals whose
sending child support payments. The client income falls below defined levels and who meet certain other eligibility criteria
would like help applying for TANF, and established for each program.
wonders if she's eligible for this assistance. The correct answer is: Financial well-being.
The social worker explains that the program
uses a means test to determine eligibility.
Means eligibility depends primarily on which
of the following?
Select one:
A. Financial well-being.
B. Number of dependents.
C. Payroll contributions.
D. Health status.
Question ID #48222: A social worker who is A is correct: The key to answering this question is knowing that having a child with HIV
interviewing a husband and wife who want to disease cannot disqualify parents from being foster parents. In 2001, the U.S. Court of
become foster parents learns that they have Appeals for the Third Circuit (Doe v. County of Centre, PA, et al.) ruled that a
a biological child who has HIV disease. What Pennsylvania county children's agency could not disqualify prospective foster parents
should the social worker do? just because one of their children had HIV/AIDS or force them to disclose their
Select one: children's health status. This social worker should evaluate these parents just as he or
A. Continue the interview. she would evaluate any other prospective foster parents, exploring issues such as the
B. Explain to the parents that they cannot be parents' health and mobility, family composition and income, views about child rearing,
foster parents under these circumstances. ability to accept responsibility, attitude toward the foster child's natural parents,
C. Require that the parents get tested for motivation to foster a child who is not their own despite the temporary nature of the
HIV before proceeding with the interview. placement, the suitability of accommodation, and the general home environment.
D. Explore the parents motivation to foster a The correct answer is: Continue the interview.
child in light of this situation.
practice ASWB exam 1 - Human Development, Diversity, & Behavior in the Environment
, 8/18/24, 4:53 AM
Question ID #48038: A family has been C is correct: This question is about factors associated with nonorganic failure to thrive.
referred by their pediatrician because the 9- Lead poisoning has not been associated with failure to thrive; instead, it may affect a
month-old daughter is underweight and child's cognitive abilities. In addition, this child has nonorganic failure to thrive and, with
doesn't eat adequately. The pediatrician has nonorganic failure to thrive, the symptoms are not attributable to a medical cause.
ruled out a medical condition that could Answer A: Many mothers of failure-to-thrive infants were deprived in their own
account for the problem, and the child has childhood which may interfere with their ability to adequately meet their baby's
been diagnosed with nonorganic failure to emotional, feeding, and other needs.
thrive. Given this diagnosis, which of the Answer B: Some babies are born with a temperament that makes them difficult to feed.
following is the social worker LEAST likely to For example, some babies are irritable and difficult to comfort during feeding, and
find when he evaluates this family? parent-child interaction problems may play a role in or intensify the feeding problem if
Select one: the parents don't know how to respond to their child's needs or if they respond to her
A. The mother experienced deprivation in refusal to eat as though it were a sign of rejection or an act of aggression. In other
childhood. cases, parents who are overly controlling get into "food battles" with their baby.
B. Parent-child interaction problems. Answer D: Among the family factors that have been associated with failure to thrive
C. Unsanitary living conditions and high include high levels of stress and depression in the household.
levels of lead in the home. The correct answer is: Unsanitary living conditions and high levels of lead in the home.
D. High levels of stress and parental
Question ID #47854: Which of the following C is correct: Factors associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis are white race,
is associated with a higher risk of slender build, cigarette smoking, low calcium intake, and a lack of regular exercise.
osteoporosis following menopause? Additionally, women who experience menopause early (before about age 50) are at
Select one: greater risk for osteoporosis (and heart disease) than are women who reach
A. Obesity. menopause later.
B. African American race. The correct answer is: Cigarette smoking.
C. Cigarette smoking.
D. A late onset of menopause.
C is correct: "C" is the best answer because it encompasses the widest range of barriers
to effective treatment that could be present in this situation. In addition, choosing "C"
allows you to avoid making assumptions about these clients that might not be true ("A"
and "B"). Sue and Sue (2003) discuss several generic characteristics of therapy that can
pose barriers to effective treatment when working with clients who are poor. Among
Question ID #48164: A social worker whose
these "class-bound values" are a rigid adherence to time schedules (once-a-week
private practice is located in an urban
meeting, 50-minute session, etc.), an unstructured and ambiguous approach to
setting has many clients who are poor and
problems, and an emphasis on identifying long-term goals and solutions. In particular,
live in impoverished parts of the city. Some
among people living in poverty, feelings of frustration or hopelessness, an
of her clients fail to show up for their
unpredictable lifestyle, and a preoccupation with immediate needs can pose barriers to
appointments or show up late. Which of the
the effective use of services that expect cooperation, adherence to schedules, and
following is the MOST likely reason for this?
follow through on plans. In addition, due to their life experiences (e.g., waiting for
Select one:
extended periods at medical clinics and government agencies), low-income clients
A. Environmental stressors that prevent them
often place less emphasis on punctuality than other clients do.
from showing up.
Answer D: A client who is poor may be unfamiliar with the process of therapy and,
B. Low motivation for change.
therefore, have expectations of therapy that differ from the therapist's and/or are
C. Value differences that impede trust and/or
negative. A social worker must avoid misinterpreting this as hostility or resistance. Sue
effective treatment.
and Sue suggest, in particular, that clients who are poor are more likely to expect or
D. Hostility or resistance.
want a therapist to provide advice and concrete, tangible assistance that meets their
immediate needs; consequently, they may feel frustrated, confused, or alienated if the
therapist encourages in-depth discussion about a problem or greater initiative and
responsibility for decision making.
The correct answer is: Value differences that impede tr