D307 - Educational Psychology
Questions with 100% correct answers
Latest 2024/2025 update.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological -Correct Answer: basic life needs, physical needs for
survival ex: food, snacks, water, sleep, rest, breaks, clothing, warmth
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Safety -Correct Answer: provide protection and
security ex: home, money, resources, not being bullied
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Love and Belonging -Correct Answer: involves relationships,
knowing someone cares
Ex: friends, family, trust, being part of a group, sharing, encouraging one another
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem -Correct Answer: respect and admiration
Ex: your achievements, competence, recognition, reputation, independence, pride, being
respected, feeling special
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Self-Actualization -Correct Answer: reaching your fullest potential
Ex: personal growth, achieving your ideal self, sound mental health, acceptance of self and
others, feeling fulfilled
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Cognitive -Correct Answer: curiosity, knowledge, intellectual
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Aesthetic -Correct Answer: Beauty and balance, artistic pursuits,
nature, music
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Transcendence -Correct Answer: meeting spiritual needs,
,helping others achieve self-actualization
, Physical Development Expectation for Infants -Correct Answer: -birth to 2 years
-infants: hold up heads, roll over, reach for things, sit, crawl, begin to walk, increased
coordination, manipulate object with hands
-by age 2: feed themselves with hands, jump and run awkwardly, throw ball, use zipper, make a
tower of blocks
Physical Development Expectation for Early Childhood -Correct Answer: -2 to 6 years pre-
k/kinder/primary school
-toddlers: love to run, hop, tumble, play, swing, fine motor skills developing, can string beads,
do jigsaw puzzles
-by the age of 4: print name, dress/undress themselves, eat with utensils
Physical Development Expectation for Middle Childhood -Correct Answer: -6 to 10 years old
primary/elementary school
-slow steady weight gain
-speed and coordination improve
-begin organized sports
-refinement of motor skills
-improved hand writing
-drawings more representational
Physical Development Expectation for Adolescence -Correct Answer: -10 to 18 years middle/high
-rapid growth (3-5inches)
-girls begin puberty earlier
-boys grow taller
-boys more muscular
-girls physical growth slows
-boys physical growth continues
-reach sexual maturity