8/20/24, 9:20 PM
NUR 1024: NCLEX Questions for Osteoarthritis
Terms in this set (20)
The nurse is teaching a class about the joints Answer: C
commonly affected by osteoarthritis (OA). Rationale: Hands, knees, and hips are the most commonly affected joints of OA. Feet,
Which joints should the nurse include? spine, neck, shoulders, and ankles are not the most common locations.
A. Ankles, feet, and spine
B. Knees, feet, and spine
C. Hands, knees, and hips
D. Neck, shoulders, and ankles
After performing a physical assessment, the Answer: B, C, D, E
nurse suspects that a client is experiencing Rationale: Manifestations of OA include crackling sounds, or crepitation, with joint
manifestations of osteoarthritis (OA). Which movement; joint stiffness and tenderness; and reduced joint flexibility. Leg tremors can
finding supports the nurse's suspicion? be associated with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson disease.
(Select all that apply.)
A. Leg tremors
B. Joint tenderness
C. Reduced joint flexibility
D. Crepitation
E. Joint stiffness
Which is a common risk factor for Answer: A, B, E
osteoarthritis? (Select all that apply.) Rationale: Common risk factors for osteoarthritis include obesity, overuse of joints from
A. Overuse of joints from sports or strenuous sports injuries or strenuous activities, and activities affecting weight-bearing joints.
activities Rheumatoid arthritis is thought to be an autoimmune disorder. Ingestion of large
B. Obesity amounts of purines is a risk factor for gout.
C. Ingestion of large amounts of purine
D. Autoimmune disorder
E. Activities affecting weight-bearing joints
Which clinical manifestation of osteoarthritis Answer: A, B, E
(OA) should the nurse include when Rationale: Joint pain with activity, grating or crepitus noted with movement, and pain
teaching about osteoarthritis? (Select all that and stiffness with prolonged inactivity are general manifestations of OA. Mild fever is
apply.) associated with rheumatoid arthritis, not OA. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease
A. Joint pain with activity that develops over time, although symptoms may appear suddenly.
B. Pain and stiffness at night
C. Abrupt onset
D. Mild fever
NUR 1024: NCLEX Questions for Osteoarthritis
E. Crepitus with movement of joint
, 8/20/24, 9:20 PM
A client diagnosed with localized idiopathic Answer: C
osteoarthritis (OA) asks the nurse what this Rationale: There are two types of OA, idiopathic and secondary. Idiopathic OA has no
means. Which response by the nurse identifiable cause and can be further subdivided as localized or generalized, with
provides the most accurate information? localized indicating that the OA only affects one or two joints, so stating that it has no
A. "Idiopathic describes OA overall while identifiable cause and is limited to one or two joints would be the most accurate
localized indicates that it affects one body response. Idiopathic OA is not due to an underlying condition. Idiopathic refers to
joint only." cause, not progression of the disease. Idiopathic is not a term used in general for OA,
B. "Idiopathic refers to the fact that the OA nor does the term localized indicate that affected joints are either in the upper or lower
has already progressed significantly in one torso.
or two joints."
C. "Idiopathic OA has no identifiable cause;
when it is localized, it only affects one or two
D. "Idiopathic OA, as compared with
secondary OA, is caused by some kind of
underlying condition."
Answer: A, C
Which health promotion activity supports a
Rationale: Maintaining a normal weight places less strain on the joints than carrying
healthy lifestyle for clients with
additional weight. Assistive devices such as grab bars, a shower chair, or long-handled
osteoarthritis? (Select all that apply.)
grippers help the client to maintain an independent lifestyle in safety. Using proper
A. Maintaining a normal weight
body mechanics during activities reduces stress on joints. Although calcium intake is
B. Using proper body mechanics
essential for preventing osteoporosis, especially in older adults, increasing daily
C. Using assistive devices as needed
calcium intake does not have a positive effect on OA. Chairs and mattresses should
D. Increasing dietary intake of calcium
provide support and help to maintain normal body alignment. Soft chairs and recliners
E. Using soft chairs and recliners for rest
do not provide such support.
Answer: A, B, C
Which health promotion activity supports a
Rationale: Maintaining a normal weight places less strain on the joints than carrying
healthy lifestyle for clients with
additional weight. Assistive devices such as grab bars, a shower chair, or long-handled
osteoarthritis? (Select all that apply.)
grippers help the client to maintain an independent lifestyle in safety. Using proper
A. Maintaining a normal weight
body mechanics during activities reduces stress on joints. Although calcium intake is
B. Using proper body mechanics
essential for preventing osteoporosis, especially in older adults, increasing daily
C. Using assistive devices as needed
calcium intake does not have a positive effect on OA. Chairs and mattresses should
D. Increasing dietary intake of calcium
provide support and help to maintain normal body alignment. Soft chairs and recliners
E. Using soft chairs and recliners for rest
do not provide such support.
The nurse is counseling a newly pregnant Answer: C
client with osteoarthritis (OA). Which Rationale: Weight gain of pregnancy may increase the pain resulting from OA due to
information should the nurse include? the increased stress on the joints; this would be important information to include. The
A. "Pregnancy has no impact on OA if you impact of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as celecoxib (Celebrex), on the
keep your weight gain within the fetus is unknown; the nurse would not tell the client that it is safe to use. Low-impact
recommended limits." aerobic exercises are recommended for clients with OA. The recommended weight
B. "You need to restrict your participation in gain for pregnancy would not be changed due to the OA, nor is it valid to indicate that
low-impact aerobic exercises." pregnancy will have no impact on the OA.
C. "Your pain from the OA may increase due
to the weight gain of pregnancy."
D. "You may continue to take your
prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug without any risk of harm to the fetus."