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NUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Complete Answered
NUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing
NUR 1022C - Foundations Of Nursing
NUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Complete AnsweredNUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Complete AnsweredNUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Complete AnsweredNUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Complete AnsweredNUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam -2 - Comple...
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NUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing
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NUR 1022C - Foundations of Nursing Exam
#2 - Complete Answered
What //.are //.some //.examples //.of //.pathological //.influences //.on //.mobility? //.- //.
(correct //.answer) //.-- //.Postural //.abnormalities //.- //.e.g. //.scoliosis, //.lordosis, //.kyphosis, //.club //.foot,
//.knock //.knee
- //.Damage //.to //.CNS //.- //.spinal //.cord //.injuries, //.MS //.= //.multiple //.sclerosis //.
- //.Musculoskeletal //.Trauma //.
- //.Impaired //.muscle //.dvlpmt //.- //.muscular //.dystrophy
- //.decreased //.flexibility
What //.is //.chvostek's //.sign? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-Push //.the //.cheek //.and //.it //.spasms
(low //.calcium) //.due //.to //.hypocalcemia
What //.are //.some //.therapeutic //.reasons //.for //.bed //.rest? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
Definition: //.Mobility //.restriction //.where //.the //.pt. //.Is //.confined //.to //.their //.bed //.for //.Tx //.reasons
//.i.e. //.Weakness, //.decreased //.O2 //.consumption, //.major //.surgery/ //.blood //.loss, //.to //.rest //.a //.bo
dy //.part //.I.e. //.fractures, //.safety //.reasons, //.reduces //.pain, //.preeclampsia
What //.is //.CBR? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-Complete //.Bed //.Rest, //.pt //.uses //.a //.bedpan
What //.is //.BRP? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
Bed //.rest //.with //.bathroom //.privileges, //.pt //.should //.use //.the //.call //.light
What //.is //.BSC? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
Bed //.rest //.with //.bedside //.commode, //.usually //.with //.assistance
What //.is //.dangle //.on //.the //.side //.of //.bed? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
Used //.with //.hypotensive //.pts, //.pts //.who //.have //.had //.major //.surgery
What //.is //.up //.to //.bedside //.chair? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
The //.pt //.goes //.from //.bed //.to //.bed //.side //.chair, //.always //.use //.another //.nurse //.for //.heavy //.pts.
,What //.is //.disuse //.atrophy? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
When //.cells //.and //.tissues //.reduce //.in //.size //.due //.to //.disuse
What //.is //.OOB //.with //.assistance? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-Out //.of //.bed //.with //.assistance
What //.is //.OOB //.Ad //.lib? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
Out //.of //.bed //.at //.liberty, //.they //.can //.freely //.walk //.around, //.make //.sure //
.catheters/foleys //.are //.empty, //.supportive //.shoes
What //.are //.the //.systemic //.effects //.of //.immobility? //.- //.
(correct //.answer) //.-- //.Glucose //.intolerance //.> //.high //.blood //.glucose
- //.decreased //.calcium //.absorption //.> //.bone //.breakdown //.(osteoporosis) //.
- //.decreased //.peristalsis //.> //.fecal //.impaction/ //.constipation //.
- //.muscle //.breakdown //.> //.negative //.nitrogen //.balance //.> //.fatigue
- //.atelectasis //.(collapsed //.alveoli) //.
- //.pts //.can //.'t //.expand //.their //.lungs //.as //.often //.> //.can't //.move //.secretions //.out //.of //.their //.res
piratory //.track //.> //.secretions //.can //.end //.up //.in //.their //.lungs //.> //.hyperstatic //.pneumonia //.
- //.decreased //.metabolic //.activity, //.metabolize //.protein //.in //.the //.muscles //.
- //.orthostatic //.hypotension, //.decreased //.cardiac //.output, //.blood //.clots //.due //.to //.reduced //.circul
ation, //.ischemia //.> //.necrosis, //.tachycardia
- //.urine //.can //.stay //.in //.the //.pelvic //.area //.and //.lead //.to //.renal //.calculus //.aka //.kidney //.stones //
- //.urinary //.retention //.> //.infection //.
- //.pressure //.ulcers //.
- //.psychosocial //.issues //.- //.depression, //.anxiety
What //.is //.hypostatic //.pneumonia? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
An //.infection //.of //.the //.lungs //.associated //.with //.immobility //.caused //.by //.pts //.not //.being //.able //
.to //.take //.deep //.breaths //.or //.cough
What //.are //.the //.metabolic //.changes //.that //.can //.occur //.due //.to //.immobility? //.- //.
(correct //.answer) //.-Muscle //.atrophy //.
(cells //.and //.tissue //.decrease //.in //.size //.due //.to //.immobility), //.protein //.muscles //.breakdown //.int
o //.amino //.acids, //.amino //.acids //.breakdown //.into //.nitrogen. //.The //.pt //.basically //.loses //.more //.ni
trogen //.then //.they //.can //.intake //.> //.protein //.supplements //.
Can //.lead //.to //.anorexia //.(not //.hungry, //.no //.appetite) //.and //.fatigue
, What //.subjective //.data //.can //.a //.nurse //.collect //.as //.part //.of //.her //.respiratory //.assessment //.on /
/.a //.pt? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-Can //.the //.pt //.cough? //.
Does //.the //.pt //.have //.SOB? //.
Does //.the //.pt //.have //.angina //.w/ //.breathing? //.(maybe //.pleuritic) //.
Does //.the //.pt //.have //.a //.hx //.of //.respiratory //.disease? //.(Asthma, //.COPD)
Does //.the //.pt //.smoke?
What //.objective //.data //.can //.a //.nurse //.collect //.as //.part //.of //.her //.respiratory //.assessment? //.- //.
(correct //.answer) //.-Chest //.shape //.
(e.g. //.barrel //.shape //.= //.continuous //.over //.inflation //.of //.the //.lungs, //.kyphosis) //.
Positioning //.(tripod, //.laying //.down //.using //.pillows //.due //.to //.orthopnea) //.
Color //.( //.cyanotic, //.pallor) //.
Symmetric //.expansion //.(do //.they //.have //.fractured //.ribs //.or //.pneumothorax?) //.
WOB //.(are //.they //.using //.accessory //.muscles?) //.
Sputum //.color //.
( //.e.g. //.pink //.= //.heart //.failure, //.clear //.= //.cold, //.bronchitis, //
.yellow/green //.= //.bacterial //.infection)
What //.measurements //.can //.a //.nurse //.use //.to //.assess //.a //.pt's //.respiratory //.function? //.- //.
(correct //.answer) //.-Pulse //.oximetry //.(are //.their //.O2 //.stats //.greater //.than //.95%?) //.
Cap //.refill //.(can //.tell //.the //.nurse //.if //.the //.pt //.has //.good //.peripheral //.perfusion) //.
Temperature //.
(are //.they //.the //.same //.temp //.on //.both //.sides //.of //.their //.body? //.Are //.their //.fingers //.and //.toes
//.cold? //.If //.so, //.this //.can //.indicate //.poor //.peripheral //.perfusion) //.
Lung //.sounds //.
(Are //.they //.diminished? //.Are //.they //.clear? //.Does //.the //.pt //.have //.crackles //.or //.wheezing? //.Do //
.they //.have //.patent //.airways?)
What //.does //.TCDB //.mean? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
turn, //.cough, //.deep //.breathe //.every //.2 //.hours, //.respiratory //.intervention
What //.are //.some //.respiratory //.interventions? //.- //.(correct //.answer) //.-
TCDB //.so //.they //.can //.get //.air //.all //.the //.way //.to //.their //.bases //.and //.move //.secretions. //.Incenti
ve //.spirometer //