When sproviding srespectful, sappropriate snursing scare, show sshould sthe snurse sidentify sthe
spatient sand shis sor sher sobservable scharacteristics?
a. sThe smanic spatient sin sroom s234
b. sThe spatient sin sroom s234 sis sa smanic
c. sThe spatient sin sroom s234 sis spossibly sa smanic
d. sThe spatient sin sroom s234 sis sdisplaying smanic sbehavior
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔D
Recognizing sthe sfrequency sof sdepression samong sthe sAmerican spopulation, sthe snurse
sshould sadvocate sfor swhich smental shealth spromotion sintervention?
a. sIncluding sdiscussions son sdepression sas spart sof sschool shealth sclasses
b. sProviding sregular sdepression sscreening sfor sadolescent sand steenage sstudents
c. sIncreasing sthe snumber sof scommunity-based sdepression shotlines savailable sto sthe
d. sEncouraging ssenior scenters sto sprovide sinformation son saccessing scommunity
sdepression sresources
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B
,Which sstatement smade sby sa spatient sdemonstrates sa shealthy sdegree sof sresilience?
sSelect sall sthat sapply. s
a. s"I stry sto sremember snot sto stake sother speople's sbad smoods spersonally."
b. s"I sknow sthat sif sI sget sreally smad sI'll send sup sbeing sdepressed."
c. s"I sreally sfeel sthat ssometimes sbad sthings sare smeant sto shappen."
d. s"I've slearned sto scalm sdown sbefore strying sto sdefend smy sopinions."
e. s"I sknow sthat sdiscussing sissues swith smy sboss swould shelp sme sget smy spoint sacross."
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔A, sD, sE
Which sstatement sdemonstrates sthe snurse's sunderstanding sof sthe seffect sof
senvironmental sfactors son sa spatient's smental shealth?
a. s"I'll sneed sto sassess show sthe spatient's sfamily sviews smental sillness."
b. s"There sis sa shistory sof sdepression sin sthe spatient's sextended sfamily."
c. s"I'm snot sfamiliar swith sthe spatient's sJapanese's scultural sview son ssuicide."
d. s"The spatient's sability sto spay sfor smental shealth sservices sneeds sto sbe sassessed."
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔C
When sconsidering sstigmatization, swhich sstatement smade sby sthe snurse sdemonstrates sa
sneed sfor simmediate sintervention sby sthe snurse smanager?
a. s"Depression sseems sto sbe sa sreal sproblem samong sthe steenage spopulation."
,b. s"My sexperience shas sbeen sthat sthe sIrish shave sa sproblem swith salcohol suse."
c. s"Women sare sat sgreater srisk sfor sdeveloping ssuicidal sthoughts sthen sacting son sthem."
d. s"We've sadmitted sseveral smilitary sveterans swith sposttraumatic sstress sdisorder sthis
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B
A snursing sstudent snew sto spsychiatric-mental shealth snursing sasks sa speer swhat sresources
she scan suse sto sfigure sout swhich ssymptoms sare spresent sin sa sspecific spsychiatric
sdisorder. sThe sbest sanswer swould sbe:
a. sNursing sInterventions sClassification s(NIC) s
b. sNursing sOutcomes sClassification s(NOC) s
c. sNANDA-I snursing sdiagnoses
d. sDSM-5
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔D
Epidemiological sstudies scontribute sto simprovements sin scare sfor sindividuals swith smental
sdisorders sby s(Select sAll sthat sapply) s:
a. sProviding sinformation sabout seffective snursing stechniques.
b. sIdentifying srisk sfactors sthat scontribute sto sthe sdevelopment sof sa sdisorder.
c. sIdentifying sindividuals sin sthe sgeneral spopulation swho swill sdevelop sa sspecific sdisorder.
d. sIdentifying swhich sindividuals swill srespond sfavorably sto sa sspecific streatment.
, (Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B, sD
Which sof sthe sfollowing sactivities swould sbe sconsidered snursing scare sand sappropriate sto
sbe sperformed sby sa sbasic slevel snurse sfor sa spatient ssuffering sfrom smental sillness?
a. sTreating smajor sdepression
b. sTeaching scoping sskills sfor sa sspecific sfamily sdynamic
c. sConducting spsychotherapy
d. sPrescribing santidepressant smedication
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔B
Which sstatement sabout smental sillness sis strue?
a. sMental sillness sis sa smatter sof sindividual snonconformity swith ssocietal snorms.
b. sMental sillness sis spresent swhen sirrational sand sillogical sbehavior soccurs.
c. sMental sillness schanges swith sculture, stime sin shistory, spolitical ssystems, sand sthe sgroups
sdefining sit.
d. sMental sillness sis sevaluated ssolely sby sconsidering sindividual scontrol sover sbehavior sand
sappraisal sof sreality.
(Halter s16)
Halter, sMargaret. sVarcarolis' sFoundations sof sPsychiatric sMental sHealth sNursing, s8th
sEdition. sElsevier s(HS-US), s9-1-2017. sVitalBook sfile.
The scitation sprovided sis sa sguideline. sPlease scheck seach scitation sfor saccuracy sbefore
suse. s- scorrect sanswers✔✔C