s Active license - a current license that has not expired and is not retired.
Advanced Exfoliation - a cosmetic procedure removing epidermal skin cells through manual, mechanical,
or chemical means.
Advanced extraction - an extraction performed using lancets or needles.
Advertising - any written or graphic representation designed to elicit enrollment or the sale of goods or
services and includes signs, displays, circulars, business cards, brochures, and recruitment materials in
print, on air, or online.
Autoclave - a device registered and listed with the Food and Drug Administration used to sterilize tools,
equipment, and supplies by subjecting them to high pressure saturated steam.
Basic Exfoliation - the removal of dead skin cells in the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis through
manual or chemical means.
Basic extraction - extractions performed using gloved fingers, cotton swabs, or comedone extractors.
Board - the board of cosmetologist examiners.
Chemical Peel - a chemical exfoliation achieved by applying nonprescription chemical solutions or
Compensation - a monetary or nonmonetary remuneration for services.
Clean - free from all soil, dirt, and debris, and washed with soap and water or a cleaning agent, and
Disinfect - the use of an antimicrobial pesticide that eliminates harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses on
nonporous surfaces.
Disinfectant - an antimicrobial pesticide that is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency for
use in a hospital setting and is bactericide, virucide, and fungicide.
Electrical Energy Treatments - advanced practice esthetic services for the cosmetic care of the skin that
use electrical energy as applied by skin care equipment used on the epidermal layer. Electrical energy
treatments use light, direct current, indirect current, or sound energy, but do not include laser as
identified in Minnesota statures.
Extraction - means the cosmetic technique of removing impactions and comedones from follicles.
Good Repair - an item that is clean, with no holes, frayed wires, or tears in coverings, and fully
operational for the purpose intended.
Hazardous - a hazardous substance or harmful physical agent.
,Homebound - an individual lacks the physical or intellectual capacity for independent transportation and
is unable to travel independently to a licensed salon.
Licensed services - those services defined as the practice of cosmetology.
Lymphatic Drainage - means a procedure using a light rhythmic pressure applied by manual or other
means to the skin using specific lymphatic manipulations to promote drainage of the lymphatic fluid
through the tissue.
Microdermabrasion - a cosmetic procedure using mechanical or manual means of light abrasion on the
epidermal layer of the skin.
Mobile Structure - a trailer or other enclosed space towed by a vehicle.
Nursing home - a facility that is licensed and does not include any attached or adjacent facilities that are
not licensed as a nursing home.
Operator - a standard license for practitioner and not a manager license.
Physical Location - the contiguous space representing each salon that can be accessed by customers
without exiting the salon.
Porous material - a material that absorbs liquid or allows liquid to penetrate.
Sharps - any object, sterile, or contaminated, that may be purposefully or accidentally cut or penetrate
the skin or mucosa including presterilized single-use lancets, dermal blades, and razor blades.
Sharps Container - a closed, puncture-resistant, leak-proof container, labeled with the international
biohazard symbol, that is used for handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of sharps.
Simple Braiding Devices - include clips, combs, curlers, curling irons, hairpins, rollers, scissors, needles,
and thread.
Special event - an event held for any purpose other than the provision of licensed services, where a
participant in the event may receive the limited cosmetology services described.
Sterilization - the destruction of all microbial life and spores through the use of heat, steam, or chemical
Suite-style salon - a business specializing in leasing or renting individual rooms or suites to licensees,
where the salon license may be carried by the business or where each suite has its own salon license.
Unregulated service - those services not defined as the practice of cosmetology and are exempt from
regulation by the board. Include ear piercing; body art; body painting; henna tattoos and permanent
tattoos; eyebrow embroidery; eyebrow microblading; permanent hair removal; permanent makeup;
tanning by UV radiation and spray tanning unit; injectables; services for theatrical, television, film,
fashion, photography, or media productions or media appearances; mortuary services; massage; body
wraps and lymphatic drainage when performed by a massage therapist; the practice of medicine; hair
braiding; and threading.
, Work Area - a space where regulated services are provided. A separate work area is created when the
service is partitioned from other salon spaces or work areas by walls at least 6 feet high and doorways of
less than 5 feet in width.
Cosmetology - the practice of personal services, for compensation, for the cosmetic care fo the hair,
nails, and skin. These services include cleaning, conditioning, shaping, reinforcing, coloring, and
enhancing sthe sbody ssurface sareas sof sthe shead, sscalp, sface, sarms, shands, sfeet, sand strunk sof sthe
sbody, sexcept swhere sthese sservices sare sperformed sby sa sbarber.
Cosmetologist s- sany sperson swho, sfor scompensation, sperforms sthe spersonal sservices sunder
Eyelash sExtensions s- sthe sapplication, sremoval, sand strimming sof sthreadlike snatural sor ssynthetic sfibers
sto san seyelash, sand sincludes sthe scleansing sof sthe seye sarea sand slashes. sEyelash sextensions sdo snot
sinclude scolor sagents, sstraightening sagents, spermanent swave ssolutions, sbleaching sagents, sapplications
sto sthe seyebrow, sor sany sother scosmetology sservice.
Eyelash sTechnician s- sany sperson swho sis snot sa scosmetologist, sesthetician, sor sadvanced spractice
sesthetician swho, sfor scompensation, sperforms sthe spersonal sservices slimited sto seyelash sextensions.
Esthetician s- sany sperson swho, sfor scompensation, sperforms spersonal sservices sfor sthe scosmetic scare
sof sthe sskin sonly.
Individual sLicense s- sa slicense.
Nail stechnician s- sany sperson swho, sfor scompensation, sperforms spersonal sservices sfor sthe scosmetic
scare sof sthe shands, sfeet, sand snails sonly.
Manager s- sany sperson swho sis sa scosmetologist, sesthetician, sadvanced spractice sesthetician, snail
stechnician, sor seyelash stechnician spractitioner, sand swho shas sa smanager slicense sand sprovides sany
sservices sunder sthat slicense.
Mobile ssalon s- sa ssalon sthat sis soperated sin sa smobile svehicle sor smobile sstructure sfor sexclusive suse sto
soffer spersonal sservices.
Salon s- san sarea, sroom, sor srooms semployed sto soffer spersonal sservices. sDoes snot sinclude sthe shome
sof sa scustomer sbut sthe sboard smay sadopt shealth sand sinfection scontrol srules sgoverning sin sthe shomes
sof scustomers.
School s- sa splace swhere sany sperson soperates sand smaintains sa sclass sto steach scosmetology sto sthe
spublic sfor scompensation. sDoes snot sinclude sa splace swhere sthe sonly steaching sof scosmetology sis sdone
sby sa slicensed scosmetologist sas spart sof sa scommunity seducation sprogram sof sless sthan s10 shours
sduration, sprovided sthat sthe sprogram sdoes snot spermit spractice son spersons sother sthan sstudents sin
sthe sprogram, sand sprovided sthat sthe sprogram sis sintended ssolely sfor sthe sself-improvement sof sthe
sstudents sand snot sas spreparation sfor sprofessional spractice.
Instructor s- sany sperson semployed sby sa sschool sto sprepare sand spresent sthe stheoretical sand spractical
seducation sof scosmetology sto spersons swho sseek sto spractice scosmetology. sAn sinstructor smust
smaintain san sactive soperator sor smanger's slicense sin sthe sarea sin swhich sthe sinstructor sholds san
sinstructor's slicense.