DCF Certification Test - Health, Safety & Nutrition
Latest Update 2024-2025 Actual Exam 200
Questions and 100% Verified Correct Answers
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1000 Calorie of My Plate what does it look like and what age? - CORRECT ANSWER: 2
yrs. Grain 4 oz., Veggie 1.5 cups, Fruit 1.5 cups, Dairy Group 2.5 cups, Protein 4 ozs.
1200 Calorie of My Plate what does it look lke and what age and activity level? -
CORRECT ANSWER: 3-5 less than 30 minutes of activity Grain 4 ozs, Veggie 1.5 Cups,
Fruit 1 cup, Dairy 2.5 Cups, Protein 3 ozs
1400 Calorie of My Plate what does it look like and what age and activity level? -
CORRECT ANSWER: 3-5 yrs. with 30-60 minutes of activity Grain 4 oz., Veggie 1.5
cups, Fruit 1.5 cups, Dairy Group 2.5 cups, Protein 4 ozs.
1600 Calorie of My Plate what does it look like and what age and activity level? -
CORRECT ANSWER: 4-5 yrs over 60 minutes of activity Grain 5 ozs, Veggie 2 cups,
Fruit 1.5 cups, Dairy 2.5 cups, Protein 5 ozs.
4 serious communicabl diseases - CORRECT ANSWER: Hib - meningtis, Pnenumonia
Hepatitis B-infection of liver, fatigue, dark urine transmitted by blood.
Hepatitis C-disease of liver no vaccines, spread from mother to child, transmitted by
blood, symptoms fatigue, jaundice
HIV - Virus transmitted by blood exposure or breast milk or stuck by needle, weaken
immune system.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom (AIDS) - CORRECT ANSWER: A virus infection
that renders the body incapable of fighting off the most common diseases and is usually
fatal. This is considered to be the end stage of a HIV diagnosis.
,Activity signs of a healthy child are - CORRECT ANSWER: Has plenty of energy (not
hyperactive), is alert, sleeps soundly and has few aches and pains.
Administer Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER: 1. Writen concent
2. Proper labeling:name of student, dose, route, time, date & recording log
3. Wash hands
4. 5 R's (Right child, medication, dose, route, time)
After a meal, it is important to reinforce tooth brushing to prevent - CORRECT
ANSWER: tooth decay and other problems with mouth, teeth and gums.
Age appropiate food choices these may help: - CORRECT ANSWER: Grind up tough
Cut food into small pieces or then strips
Cut round foods, such as hot dogs into strips rather then rough pieces.
Remove all bones from fish, chicken and meat
Cook food until it is soft.
Take out seeds and pits from fruits
All meat, poultry, fish dairy products and procssed food must be inspected by -
Anthrax - CORRECT ANSWER: Reddish brown lesion that ulcerates and then forms a
dark scab, later internal hemorhage, muscle pain, fever, vomiting. Transmitted by direct
contact. It must be reported to CDC.
Any leftovers should be - CORRECT ANSWER: refrigerated within two hours.
Appearance signs of healthy child are - CORRECT ANSWER: Has clear, bright eyes,
clear skin, age appriopiate muscles, gains steadily in height/body weight
, Appetite - CORRECT ANSWER: desire to eat
Appetite signs of a healthy child are - CORRECT ANSWER: Can eat an appropriate
amount of food at meal times. Will Consume a variety of foods. Is interested in eating?
Appears content after meals/snacks.
Aspirin - CORRECT ANSWER: do not give to children.
Bacteria - CORRECT ANSWER: Small organisims seen with an ordinary microscope.
CAn cause strep throat, impetigo, pink eye and som pneumonia. Antiboiotics help stop
Basic nutritional need of 1-4 month old baby is: - CORRECT ANSWER: 6-10 feedings of
Breat milk or 14-43 ounces Formula
Basic nutritional need of 10-12 month old baby is: - CORRECT ANSWER: 4-6 feedings
of breast milk or formula (24-32 ounces)
Grain products: 2-3 servings
Juices: 100% fruit juice in cup
Vegetables: 2 servings plain strained or pureed cooked
Fruits: 2 servingsplain, strained or pureed
Protein Food: 1-6 tbs per day of pureed, finely chopped or plain strained lean meat,
poultry, fish, egg yolk, cheese, yogurt, mashed beans or peas.
Basic nutritional need of 4-6 month old baby is: - CORRECT ANSWER: 6 -8 feedings of
breask milk or 27-29 ounces Formula
grain products: 1-2 servings iron fortified infant cereals (1-8 tbs. after mixing per day)
juices: infant or regular 100 percent fruit juice only if able to drink from cup.
Basic nutritional need of 6-8 month old baby is: - CORRECT ANSWER: 4-6 feedings of
breast milk or formula (24-32 ounces)