2024 ICC Residential Electrical Exam Study
__., __., __., __., __., __
Guide with complete solutions.
., __., __., __.,
Residential Electrical Scope E3401.2 Limited to 120/240 volt, 0-
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
400 ampere, single phase systems in one and two family dwellings and
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
accessory structures. __.,
Residential Electrical Limitations E3401.3
__., Does not cover Installations, __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
including associated lighting, under the exclusive control of communications
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
utilities and electric utilities, or services over 400 amperes.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Integrity of electrical equipment E3404.7
__., __., Internal parts of electrical __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __.,
equipment, including busbars, wiring terminals, insulators, and other
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
surfaces shall not be damaged or contaminated by foreign materials such
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
as PAINT, plaster, cleaners, abrasives, and corrosive residues.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Working clearances E3405 36 inches deep, 30 inches wide, and floor
__., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., _
to 6.5 feet with minimum 90 degree opening doors
_., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Panelboards and Service Equipment Locations 3405.5
__., Shall not be
__., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __.
located in bathrooms, toilet rooms, clothes closets, or over the steps of a
, __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Minimum size of conductors E3406 __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., 14 AWG copper and 12 AWG
__., __., __., __., __., __.,
aluminum or copper clad aluminum. __., __., __., __.,
Length of conductor for splice or termination 3406.11.3
__., __., minimum 6 __., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __.,
inches of free conductor or 3 inches outside of each opening.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
, Tightening torque values E3406.12 are provided by the manufacturer
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
to be achieved by approved means (torque wrench, torque screwdriver) in
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
dicated in inch pounds. __., __., __.,
Methods not permitted for connections E3406.14.2
__., connection devices
__., __., __., __., __.,__., __., __.,
or fittings that depend soley on solder shall not be used.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Grounded Conductor Identification E3407 __.,Neutrals: continuous white __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __.,
or gray outer finish or three continuous white or gray stripes along it or
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
at terminations, on any other sheathing color except green insulation.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
Festoon Lighting NEC 225.6 A sting of outdoor lights that are suspen
__., __., __., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ded between 2 points. Shall not be smaller than 12 AWG unless the con
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
ductors are supported by messenger wires and across spans not more tha
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
n 40 feet without messenger wires.
__., __., __., __., __.,
supported paddle fans shall be supported _____ of the outlet box
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,__., __., in
dependently __.,
Above-ground service- __.,
entrance cables subject to physical damage shall be protected by Schedule
__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., _
___ PVC conduit
_., __., Schedule 80 or rigid metal conduit, intermediate c
__., __.,__., __., __., __., __., __., __., __., __.,
onduit, electrical metallic tubing, or other approved means.
__., __., __., __., __., __., __.,