Mission Control - Answer Managed clients can use this to access their clusters and
check for system upgrades.
ANSWER: SaaS updates are done automatically.
ActiveGate is an ANSWER Proxy that connects OneAgent to databases, clouds,
and other resources.
ActiveGate usage cases: ANSWER Access sealed networks.
Large memory dump storage.
Gathering big external logs.
AWS load distribution monitoring
Monitoring using AG.
Virtualized infrastructure.
Monitor Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.
Execute private HTTP monitors.
Execute private browsers outside of the network.
SaaS requires this type of ActiveGate - ANSWER: None. If you are concerned
about security, you can set up an ActiveGate environment
,Cluster ActiveGate - ANSWER Shared across tenants or environments within a
cluster. Remote agents, JS agents, need to communicate with your cluster over a
Environment ActiveGate - ANSWER an ActiveGate for a particular environment.
If one or more network segments require their own private ActiveGate for various
Environment and Cluster ActiveGates accept inbound connections on this port -
ANSWER 9999.
Environment and Cluster ActiveGates make outgoing connections to the Dynatrace
Server on this port (ANSWER 443).
Customers must do this to ensure that ActiveGates work effectively. ANSWER
modify firewall settings to allow communication across these ports.
ActiveGate installation requirements - ANSWER: 1 GB of free disk space, 1
dual-core processor, 64-bit physical or virtual host (no container), Oracle Java 1.6
or higher
RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended).
Account Users - ANSWER: These are the users who handle account details such as
corporate addresses, billing, payment information, and user management.
Account Users - Types of User Permission Groups: Account Manager, Finance
Administrator, Account Viewer: Support
Environment Users - ANSWER These are the users who use Dynatrace to monitor
the health of the hosts, services, and infrastructure within their application
,Environment Users - kinds of user permission groups: monitoring administrator,
confidential data administrator, deployment administrator, monitoring viewer, and
log viewer.
Account Viewer - ANSWER provides access to environment consumption data,
Help, and Support. No access to payment card information, invoices, or
company/billing addresses. You cannot update or assign people to groups.
Financial Administrator - ANSWER can enter credit card information and review
bills. Has access to statistics about environmental usage, as well as help and
support. You cannot update or assign people to groups. No access to company or
billing address information.
Account Manager - ANSWER has complete account access. You can examine and
modify company data, enter payment card information, check invoices, establish
and edit groups, and add people to them. Has access to environmental consumption
data, as well as help and support.
Monitoring Administrator - ANSWER has complete access to the environment.
You can alter the monitoring parameters. You can download and install OneAgent.
Deployment Admin - ANSWER can download and install OneAgent. has read-only
access to the environment. Cannot alter parameters.
ANSWER, the confidential data administrator, has access to personal data (such as
method parameters) and may establish request-data capture policies.
Monitoring Viewer - ANSWER can access the environment in read-only mode.
Cannot alter parameters. Cannot download or install OneAgent.
Log Viewer - ANSWER allows you to inspect the contents of log files. This is
reserved for users who require access to sensitive log file data. There are no other
access rights.
, To deploy OneAgent, you must have the following: an ANSWER Dynatrace login,
server admin privileges, permissions to restart services, firewall admin rights, disk
space requirements, and any necessary ActiveGates installed.
Process Groups are logical clusters of processes that belong to the same application
or deployment unit and perform the same function across numerous hosts.
Clustered Services - Answer: The same service in numerous processes - SAME
process group.
Merged Services - ANSWER Services in the same process group, with the same
technology, but may exist across many nodes
Opaque Services - ANSWER Cannot be monitored but can be detected by requests
from other services.
Key Requests - ANSWER You can assess mission-critical requests or functionality
based on specific text, information, or headers within a request. You can set custom
alerting thresholds.
Request Attributes - ANSWER You can define specific request attributes to enable
filtering, sorting, and searching in the Dynatrace dashboard.
Tagging and Alerting - ANSWER: You can tag manually or automatically.
Automatic is ideal for vast environments.
Davis AI Event Categories in Descending Order: Answer Availability