Name: Score:
484 Multiple choice questions
Term 1 of 484
How can we help People Move From Contemplation in the spiral of change?
Show why the moment for change is now
Help identify EASY action steps
Agreement that the next step is to come up with a plan, with an agreement, for an action
- Inhibits phospholipase A2 activity and blocks both the LOX and COX and NFkB pathways
- potent inhibitor of TGF Alpha-induced COX-2 activity
- inhibits histamine release by mast cells and basophils
Coach to instill belief in ability to take action
Small, easily obtainable goals, like Buy running shoes or Get the gym membership
Chronic opioid use for pain (74%), Obesity (52%), Diabetes (50%), AIDS/HIV (30%),
Hypertension (42%), Hyperlipidemia (40%), ED (19%)
Term 2 of 484
What nutrient deficiencies are associated with seborrhea and dry scaly skin?
Protein, zinc, selenium
Protein, iron, efa
EFA, zinc, Vitamin A, Biotin
Lipids: aloe vera, chamomile, cinnamon
insulin resistance: cinnamon, chamomile, aloe vera, green tea
blood glucose: aloe vera, cinnamon, green tea
hormonal balance: aloe vera silymarin, chamomile, fenugreek, green tea, persian hogweed,
potenilla, spearmint, fennel, licorice, white horehound
ovarian tissue: aloe vera, chamomile, green tea, spearmint, silymarin
,Term 3 of 484
What activities induces CYP1A2?
Vitamin B6
lipoic acid
• Sodium Sensitive Patients and African Americans
• Renal Insufficiency
• Secondary Hypertension
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Loss Of Cerebral Volume/ Cognitive Impairment
• Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
• Refractory Hypertension
• Obstructive Sleep Apnea
• Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
Cigarette smoking or eating charbroiled meat - which increases the rate of caffeine
demethylation - giving that person a high caffeine tolerance - but also an increased rate of
colon cancer - esp in smokers
• Chronic stress
• Gut health
• Nutritional insufficiency (cofactor, etc.)
• Toxin/xenobiotic exposure (PCBs, pesticides,
• Genetic SNP's (MTHFR, CYP1B1,
• Hx of synthetic hormone use (OCPs, infertility
• Hx of physical/sexual abuse
,Term 4 of 484
What dysfunctional pattern of cortisol would you see in a person who was experiencing chronic
stress or maladaptive responses or lack of coping skills?
Cortisol levels may remain inappropriately elevated due to persistent activation of CRH-
ACTH cortisol axis
Cortisol levels plateau at a low level regardless of stress exposure
Cortisol levels fluctuate normally in response to adaptive stress management
Term 5 of 484
What is the basic process that happens during phase 2 detox?
dermatitis, hair loss, frequent infection, glossitis and nail dystrophy.
Low plasma and RBC Zn
Low alkaline phosphatase
High Copper
Abnormal zinc taste test
Low Vitamin A/betacarotene ratio
A covalent linkage occurs between a parent compound and a polar (water-soluble) moiety.
This renders that product metabolically inactive and ready to be eliminated via bile or
Complement levels decrease with certain types of inflammation (SLE), while complement
split products (C3a, C4a) can increase with specific inflammatory conditions.
Plasma homocysteine
Plasma SAMEe
Plasma SAH (S-adenosylhomocysteine) SAH is a potent ihibitor of methylation
SAMe/SAH ratio which is an index of methylation potential
Methylmalonate (b12)
, Term 6 of 484
What nutrient deficiencies are associated with leukonychia punctata (white spots on nails)?
vitamin c
Term 7 of 484
What foods are eliminated on the four food elimination diet?
Riboflavin, Folic acid, Cobalamin, Ascorbic Acid
Wheat, Eggs, Dairy, Legumes/peanuts
Ashwagandha, Licorice, Rehmannia, Cordyceps, Asian ginseng
Thiamine, pyridoxine