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A nurse is learning about ARDS. What are the causes
of ARDS? - ....ANSWER >>>>Sepsis, Infection, burns,
near drowning, trauma, shock.
A client with a bone infection is getting information on
ensuring his infection does not progress into sepsis or
septic shock. What might be some risk factors of the
conditions? - ....ANSWER >>>>Infection risks, chancer,
chemo, immunocompromised states, immune
suppressants, HIV
A nurse will be preparing to care for a newly intubated
patient. What are some things she must prepare and
remember while caring for the patient? - ....ANSWER
>>>>Place ambu bag at bedside, suction PRN, switch
tube once a shift, assess respiratory status every 2
hrs, oral and mouth care every 2 hrs, wash hands,
expect orders for PPI or H2RB,
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A patient is suspected to have a PE while in the ED.
What might be some manifestations of this occurring?
- ....ANSWER >>>>Low o2 saturation, low BP, sudden
severe SOB, chest pain, LOC changes, petechiae, lung
edema , ascites.
A client was recently just extubated and now is
showing signs of stridor and low oxygen levels. What
might of occurred and who should be called? -
....ANSWER >>>>Irritation fo the throat form the tube.
Call RRT
What are clinical manifestations of hypovolemic
shock? - ....ANSWER >>>>weak and thready pulse,
decreased BP, increased HR, altered LOC, shallow and
fast respiration, long capillary refill, decreased H/H,
low urine output.
A client has fluid volume excess due to heart failure.
What are some of the important cardiac findings for
this condition? - ....ANSWER >>>>Bounding pulse, JVD,
central venous pressure is high, wedge pressure is
What must the nurse do immediately when a patient
presents with an inhalation injury? - ....ANSWER
>>>>Intubate to assume an airway, assess respiratory
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A burn patient presents to the ED. What are some of
the signs they may present with leading to an
inhalation injury? - ....ANSWER >>>>SOB, soot around
nose, singed facial hairs, drooling, not swallowing,
black membranes.
What things could cause an elevated wedge pressure?
- ....ANSWER >>>>FVE, left ventricular failure
What are the components of DIC? - ....ANSWER
>>>>Inappropriate clotting that uses up all the clotting
factors and bleeding due to not having enough clotting
factors bath the same time.
A client comes in to the ED experiencing DIC. What
treatment might the provider order for this condition?
- ....ANSWER >>>>Clotting factors, blood, plasma,
platelets, heparin or other anticoagulant
What could happen if DIC is not treated? - ....ANSWER
>>>>Refractory shock, septic shock, excessive blood
A client is scheduled to go in for an escharotomy. What
does this procedure entail? - ....ANSWER >>>>Involves
surgical incision through the hardened dermis in 3rd
and 4th degree burns to allow for circulation.