1. Which class ofEnsure
• inhibits
no other scripts oradrenergic
browser extensionsresponses
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
mediated through α adrenergic
extensions temporarily andreceptors
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
see if the script without
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
affecting β receptors?
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
a) Beta blockers If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
b) Alpha adrenergic blocking drugs
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
c) Calcium channel blockers
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
d) Diuretics Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
Answer: b) Alpha adrenergic blocking drugs
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
2. Phenoxybenzamine belongs to which category of alpha
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
adrenergic blockers? can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
a) Nonselective me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
b) Selective α1 interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
c) Non-equilibrium type
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
d) Imidazoline If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
Answer: c) Non-equilibrium type
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
, •
3. Which of the following
Ensure no otheris
• a selective
scripts α1 adrenergic
or browser extensions
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
blocker? 7. Update
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
a) Phentolamine Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
b) Prazosin me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
c) Yohimbine interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
d) Ergotamine 7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
Answer: b) Prazosin can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
4. What is the primary effect of α1 receptor blockade on
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
the urinary system? • If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
a) Increased bladder tonecan resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
b) Reduced urine flow
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
c) Improved urine flow in BHP
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
d) Constriction of prostate muscles
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
Answer: c) Improved urine flow in BHP
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
5.Which drug is used as a definitive therapy for
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
inoperable and malignant pheochromocytoma?
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
, •
a) Prazosin • Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
b) Phenoxybenzamine
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
c) Doxazosin can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
d) Tamsulosin troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
Answer: b) Phenoxybenzamine
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
6.Which α adrenergic blocker is commonly used for
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
treating Raynaud’s phenomenon?
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
a) Phenoxybenzamine extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
b) Phentolamine Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
c) Prazosin If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
d) Ergotamine • Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
Answer: c) Prazosin
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
7.Reflex tachycardia caused by α blockers is due to:
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
a) Increased vagal toneinterfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
b) Fall in mean arterial pressure
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
, •
c) Increased renin release
Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
d) Stimulation of β1 receptors
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
Answer: b) Fall in mean arterial pressure
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
8.Which of the following drugs is a nonselective β
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
blocker? 7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
a) Metoprolol can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
b) Propranolol troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
c) Atenolol extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
d) Celiprolol Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
Answer: b) Propranolol
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
9. Which of the following is a side effect of propranolol
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
therapy? Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
a) Tachycardia If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
b) Bronchodilation • Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other
extensions temporarily and see if the script runs.
c) Increased LDL/HDL ratio
7. Update or Reinstall Tampermonkey
• If all else fails, try updating or reinstalling
Tampermonkey. Sometimes, a fresh installation
can resolve issues.
If the script still isn't working after trying these steps, let
me know what the specific issue is, and we can
troubleshoot further!
• Ensure no other scripts or browser extensions are
interfering with Tampermonkey. Disable other