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eFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answers
Food handlers licence
Food Handlers Licence
eFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answers eFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answerseFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answerseFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answers
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eFoodHandlers Test exam questions and answers
Select owhich oof othe ofollowing ostatements oare otrue oabout ofoodborne oillness o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o-foodborn oillness osends o128,000
opeople oto othe ohospital oeach oyear
-foodborne oillnesses ois ocaused oby obiological, ochemical, oand ophysical ohazards
-foodborne oillnesses oaccount ofor o3,000 odeaths oannually.
Select othe ofoods obelow othat omake oup othe o8 omost ocommon oallergens o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- omilk
what oare othe oresponsibilities othat oare orequired oof othe operson oin ocharge o(PIC)? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oThe oPIC omust obe oon othe
opremises oduring oall ohours oof ooperation, oand omust oknow othe oFood oCode oand oprocedures oused oin othe oestablishment
They oshould obe oable oto oanswer oall oemployee oquestions oregarding ofood oand osafety, oand oprovide otraining oon ohow oto operform ojobs
The omost oimportant ohygiene opractice? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oproper ohand owashing
Using owhat oyou olearned oin othe ovideo, owrite odown owhen ofood ohandlers oare orequired oto owash otheir ohands oduring othe owork oday. o-
oCorrect o oAnswer o- o-before oyou obegin ofood opreparation
-when oyou ohave obeen ocontaminated oby oexposure oto opotential ogerms
-using othe obathroom
-touching oyour oface oor onose
-Handling oraw omeat, ofish, oor opoultry
-sneezing, ocoughing, oor oblowing oyour onose
-handling ogarbage oor odirty odishes
-handling oanimals, omoney, oor ousing ochemicals
-after otaking oa obreak, oeating oor osmoking
-if oyou oaren't osure oif oa owash ois onecessary, owash oanyway ojust oto obe osafe
can oyou ouse othe odishwashing osink oto owash oyour ohands oif oyou oare odoing owork oin othe okitchen? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ono
can oa ofood oserver ouse ohand osanitizer oin oplace oof ohand owashing owhen ono osoap ois oavailable? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- ono
6 osteps oof ohandwashing o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o1- oget ohands owet
2- oapply osoap oand oscrub
3- oscrub ohands otogether ofor ominimum o20 osec
4-scrub obacks oof ohands oand obetween ofingers
5- orinse ofor oabout o5 osec
6- odry owith oair odryer, opaper, oor ocontinuous ocloth otowel
how odo oyou oprevent obarehand ocontact? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o-scoops
-deli opapers
-single ouse ogloves
, -utensils
Which ofood otype omust obe okept oout oof othe odanger ozone o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- omeat, ofish, opoultry
cooked ovegetables
rice, opotatoes, opasta
Match othe omeat otype oto othe ocorrect ocooking otemperature o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o165F ofor o<1 osecond= opoultry oand oground opoultry
155F ofor o17 oseconds= oground oor oflaked omeats o(hamburger, oground opork) o
145F ofor o4 ominutes= opork oroasts oand obeef
145F ofor o15 oseconds= ofish oor ofoods ocontaining ofish, oand oseafood
minimum otemp ofor ohot oholding o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o135F
maximum otemp ofor ocold oholding o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o41F
Improper othawing ocan oresult oin ofoodborne oillness. oHow odoes othis ooccur? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- obacteria ocan ogrow oas ofood omoves
othrough othe odanger ozone
always omake osure oto omove othe ofood othrough othe odanger ozone oas oquickly oas opossible
what oare o3 oacceptable omethods ofor othawing oFood? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o1- oIn othe orefrigerator ountil othawed
2-Under ocold orunning owater
3- oAs opart oof othe ocooking oprocess
the osafest oway oto othaw ofrozen ofood ois oin othe orefrigerator; oit owill okeep ofood oout oof othe odanger ozone ocompletely, obut oit otakes othe
omost otime
improper ocooling ocan oresult oin ofoodborne oillness. oHow odoes othis ooccur o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- obacteria ocan ogrow oas ofood omoves
othrough othe odanger ozone
what ois othe odanger ozone? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- obetween o41F oto o135F
what oare o3 oacceptable omethods ofor ocooling oFood? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o-a oshallow opan oin othe ofridge
-size oreduction oin othe ofridge
-time/temp omethod o(ice obath)
o> o1.the ofirst orequirement ois oto ocool ofood oto o70 odegrees oF oin o2 ohours
o> o2. oThen owithing othe onext ofour ohours, ofood omust ocool ofrom o70 odegrees oto o41F. oThis oprocess ocannot oexceed oa ototal oof o6 ohours
When ousing othe otime/temp omethod ofor ocooling, othe ofirst orequirement ois oto ocool ofood oto o70 odegrees oF oin o___ ohours. oThen, owithin
othe onext ofour ohours, ofood omust ocool ofrom o70 odegrees oto o__F, onot oto oexceed oa ototal oof o___ ohours. o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- o2
Cold, ocooked ofood othat oneeds oto obe oreheated ofor ohot oholding omust obe oheated oto o_____ oF ofor o15 oseconds owithin o___ ohours, obefo
obeing oput oonto othe osteam otable oto obe oheld oat o____F. oThe osteam otable oshould oalready obe ohot obefore ofood ois oplaced oinside. o-
oCorrect o oAnswer o- o165
what ois oone oimportant orule othat ocan ohelp oyou oavoid ocross ocontamination owhen ostoring oor opreparing ofood? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- okee
ovegetables oand omeats oseparate
what ois oone oimportant orule othat ocan ohelp oyou oavoid ocross ocontamination owhen opreparing ofood? o- oCorrect o oAnswer o- oalways owash
oyour ohands oafter ohandling oraw omeat
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