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ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions Included Graded A+..

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ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions Included Graded A+.. ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions Included Graded A+..ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions Included Graded A+..ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions Included Graded A+..

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  • September 4, 2024
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ETA Glossary Terms Exam, New Questions
Included Graded A+.

A2A p(Account-to-Account) p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pautomatic ptransfer pof pfunds pfrom pone paccount pto
panother. pAn pexample pis pthe pFedwire por pwire ptransfer ptransaction.

AAV p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pAccountholder pAuthentication pValue.

ABA p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pAmerican pBankers pAssociation.

ABA pTransit pRouting pNumber p- pAnswer p- p p pThe punique pnumber pdevised pby pthe pAmerican
pBankers pAssociation p(ABA) pin p1910 pthat pidentifies pthe pbank pissuer pof pdepository paccounts. pIt pis
pa p10‐digit pnumber p(nine pdigits pand pa pverification pdigit) pissued pby pthe pFederal pReserve pBank pto
pidentify peach pbank pby pa pbank pidentification pnumber. pThis pnumber p(also pcalled pthe pABA
pnumber pand pthe prouting ptransit pnumber) phas pchanged pover pthe pyears pto paccommodate psuch
pthings pas pthe pFederal pReserve pSystem, pthe padvent pof pMICR, pand pthe pimplementation pof pthe
pExpedited pFunds pAvailability pAct p(EFAA). pIt pis pused pboth pin pcheck pprocessing pand pin pthe pACH
p(Automated pClearing pHouse) prouting pof pelectronic pchecking paccount pdebits. pThe pnumber pis
pusually pthe pfirst psequence pof pnumbers ppreceding pan paccount pnumber pat pthe pbottom pof pa

Acceptance pCriteria p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pparameters, pprocedures, pand prequirements pset pup

by pa prisk pmanagement pand punderwriting pdepartment pthat pmust pbe pmet pbefore

entering pinto pa pcontract por parrangement. pThese pcriteria papply pto pthe pmerchant pas pwell pas pthe
pISO/MSPs. pTypical pcriteria pinclude pfinancial pstatements, pbackground

checks, psite pvisits, pcredit pchecks, pproduct preview, pand pweb psite preview.

Acceptance pMark p- pAnswer p- p p pA pword, pname, psymbol, plogo, por pother pdevice por pany
pcombination pof pdevices pthat pidentifies pthe pgoods por pservices pof pone pentity pfrom pthe pgoods
pand pservices pof panother. pA pmark pthat pidentifies pgoods pis pcommonly pcalled pa

trademark. pA pmark pthat pidentifies pservices pis pcommonly pcalled pa pservice pmark. pAn pexample pof
pan pacceptance pmark pis pthe pVisa psign pin pa pmerchant plocation.

Access pCard p- pAnswer p- p p pA pplastic pcard pused pin pan pautomated pteller pmachine p(ATM) pto
pcomplete pdeposits, pcash pwithdrawals, paccount ptransfers, pand pother prelated paccount pfunctions.

,Access pControl pSystem pFormat p- pAnswer p- p p pIn pthe psmart pcard pindustry, pa pterm preferring pto
pthe pbit ppattern pthat pthe preader ptransmits pto pthe pcontrol ppanel. pThe pformat pspecifies phow
pmany pbits pmake pup pthe pdata pstream pand pwhat pthese pbits prepresent. pFor pexample, pthe pfirst
pfew pbits pmight ptransmit pthe pfacility pcode, pthe pnext pfew pthe punique pID pnumber, pthe pnext pfew
pparity, pand pso pon. p(Source: pSmart pCard


Access pDevice p- pAnswer p- p p pA pcard, pcode, por pother pmeans pof paccess pto pa pconsumer's paccount
pthat pmay pbe pused pto pinitiate pan pelectronic pfunds ptransfer. pThis pterm pdoes pnot pinclude pthe
pterminal, ptelephone, por ppersonal pcomputer.

Access pProvider p- pAnswer p- p p pA pcompany pthat pprovides pits pcustomers paccess pto pthe pInternet.
pThe puser pnormally pconnects pto pthe paccess pproviderʹs pserver pby pa pmodem pusing pa pdial‐up
pconnection por pa pbroadband pconnection.

Access pPoint p- pAnswer p- p p pA ptelecommunication pterm preferring pto pa pdevice por ppoint pwhere
pconnections pmay pbe pmade pfor ptesting por pusing pparticular pcommunications pcircuits.

Access pTime p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pamount pof ptime pneeded pto pobtain pinformation pfrom, por pplace
pinformation pinto, pcomputer pstorage.

Account pAggregation p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pAggregators

Account-Based pStored pValue pCard p- pAnswer p- p p pA pconsumer pprepaid ppayment pcard, pwith
pmonetary pvalue pstored pin pan paccount pthat pis paccessed pand pits pvalue pupdated pwhen pthe
pconsumer puses pthe ppayment pcard. p(Source: pSmart pCard pAlliance)

Account pData pCompromises p(ADC) p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pterm pused pby pMasterCard pto pdescribe
psecurity pviolations pto pcard pand paccount pdata.

Account pFunding pTransaction p- pAnswer p- p p pA pterm pused pby pVisa pto pindicate pan pelectronic
pcommerce ppurchase ptransaction pfor pthe ppurpose pof padding pfunds pto pa pVisa pprepaid paccount
pthat pis pposted pto pa pVisa pcard pand pincludes pthe ptransmission pof pthe pAccount pFunding
pTransaction pIndicator.

Account pHistory p- pAnswer p- p p pThe ppayment phistory pof pan paccount pover pa pspecified pperiod,
pincluding pthe pnumber pof ptimes pthe paccount pwas ppast pdue por pover pthe pcredit plimit.

Accountholder pAuthentication pValue p(AAV) p- pAnswer p- p p pOne ptype pof psecurity pused pin pthe
psmart pcard pindustry pto pdescribe pa pvalue pon pthe pchip pthat pis pused pto pauthenticate pthe
paccountholder. p(Source: pSmart pCard pAlliance)

Account pMaintenance p- pAnswer p- p p pFor pboth pthe pcard pissuer pand pthe pcard pacquirer, pthe
poperation pinvolving pnondollar pchanges pto pthe pdatabase, psuch pas pname, paddress, pand pchecking
paccount pchanges, pproduct pprofiles, pbilling pinformation, pand prate pchanges.

,Account pMask pInformation p- pAnswer p- p p pEditing pcriteria pused pto pverify pthe paccuracy pof pa
pseller's paccount pnumber pin pcertain pelectronic ppayment ptransactions.

Account pNumber p- pAnswer p- p p pIssuing: pAn pissuer‐assigned pnumber pthat pidentifies pa
pcardholder's paccount, pthe pissuer, pand pthe ptype pof pfinancial ptransaction pcard p(e.g., pcommercial
pcard por pdebit pcard). pAcquiring: pAn pacquirer‐assigned pnumber pthat pidentifies pa pparticular
pmerchant por pgroup pof pmerchants. pNote: pThe pfirst psix pdigits pof peach pnumber pidentify pthe
pissuing pand pacquiring pinstitutions. pSee pBIN.

Account-Number-Verifying pTerminal p- pAnswer p- p p pA ppoint‐of‐transaction pterminal pthat pmay pbe
prequired pby pVisa pat pspecified phigh‐risk plocations. pThis pterminal preads pthe paccount pnumber
pencoded pon pthe pmagnetic pstripe por pembedded pin pthe pchip p(smart pcard), pcompares pthe plast
pfour pdigits pof pthe pencoded paccount pnumber pto pthe pkeyentered plast pfour pdigits pof pthe
pembossed paccount pnumber, pand ptransmits pthe pfull, punaltered pcontents pof pthe pmagnetic pstripe
por pchip pin pthe pauthorization pmessage.

Accounts pPayable p(A/P) p- pAnswer p- p p pDebts pa pbusiness powes pits pcreditors.

Accounts pReceivable p(A/R) p- pAnswer p- p p pDebts powed pto pa pbusiness.

Account pReceivable pEntry p(ARC) p- pAnswer p- p p pA psingle-entry pdebit pinitiated pby pan pautomated
pclearinghouse p(ACH) poriginator pto pa pconsumer paccount pof pan pACH preceiver ppursuant pto pa
psource pdocument pprovided pby pthe preceiver pvia ppostal pmail, por pat pa pdrop pbox plocation por pvia
pelectronic pmeans. pWhen pa ppaper pcheck ppayment pis pconverted pto pan pACH pelectronic ppayment
pand pwith pARC, pthe pcheck pis pdestroyed pafter pconversion; pin pPOP, pthe pcheck pis preturned pto pthe
pcheck pwriter pat pthe ptime pof ppayment. pThese ptransactions pflow pthrough pthe pACH pNetwork.
p(Source pwww.NACHA.org)

Account pTakeover p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pCash pTheft.

Account-to-Account p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pA2A

ACH p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pAutomated pClearing pHouse

ACH pFraud p- pAnswer p- p p pUtilizing pthe pautomated pclearinghouse pnetwork pto paccess pfunds
pillegally. pSome pACH pfraud pcategories pinclude: punauthorized ptransactions; preturns/60‐day pright pof
precredit; pconsumer pfraud pagainst pmerchants; pfraudulent puse pof pstolen pbank paccounts;
ptransaction‐level pfraud; pand pmerchant‐level pfraud.

ACH pNetwork p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pAutomated pClearing pHouse p(ACH) pNetwork pfacilitates
pcommerce, pelectronically, pby pserving pas pan pefficient, preliable pand psecure ppayments psystem.
pNACHA, pled pby pmember pdepository pfinancial pinstitutions pand ppayments passociations, pfulfills pthis
ppurpose pby pmanaging pthe pdevelopment, padministration, pand pgovernance pof pthe pACH pNetwork,
pand pby pproviding psuperior pservices pand pvalue pto pits pmembers pas pthe pindustry passociation

, presponsible pfor pACH ppayments. pThe pACH pNetwork pconnects pthe poriginating pdepository pfinancial
pinstitutions pwith pthe preceiving pdepository pfinancial pinstitutions.

ACH pOperator p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pcentral pclearing pfacility, poperated pby pa pFederal pReserve pBank
por pa pprivate‐sector porganization pon pbehalf pof pdepository pfinancial pinstitutions, pin pwhich
pparticipating pfinancial pinstitutions ptransmit por preceive pACH pentries.

ACH pRegional pAssociations p- pAnswer p- p p pThe p36 pregional pgoverning pbodies pof pthe pAutomated
pClearing pHouse pNetwork prules pand pregulations.

Acquirer p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pfinancial pinstitutions pthat pdirectly por pindirectly penter pinto
pcontractual prelationships pwith pmerchants pfor pthe pacceptance pof pplastic pcards pas pa pform pof
ppayment pand pfor pmaintaining pand pservicing psuch prelationships.

Acquirer pFraud pActivity pLevel p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pAcquirer pMonitoring pProgram.

Acquirer pMonitoring pProgram p- pAnswer p- p p pA pprogram pthat pmonitors pan pacquirer's pfraud
pactivity plevel pand pprovides preports pto pthe pacquirer pwhen pits plevel pexceeds pestablished
pthresholds. pAdvices pand/or pAlerts pare psent pat ppredefined pvolumes pof pfraudulent pactivity, pwhen
pthe pfraud pamount pexceeds pa pset pdollar pamount pper pmonth, por pwhen pthe pacquirer's pfraud
pactivity pto psales pratio pexceeds pa pcalculated paverage.

Acquirer pPayment pGateway p- pAnswer p- p p pSee pPayment pGateway.

Acquirer's pProcessing pDate p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pdate pupon pwhich pthe ptransactions pare psubmitted
pinto pinterchange pfor pclearing pand psettlement.

Acquirer's pReference pNumber p(ARN) p- pAnswer p- p p pA p23‐digit por p24‐digit pidentification pnumber
pspecified pby pthe pVisa pand pMasterCard prules pand psubmitted pwith pthe pclearing precords pby pthe
pbackend pprocessor. pIt pincludes pthe pbank pidentification pnumber p(BIN) pand pthe pacquirer's
pprocessing pdate.

Acquiring pBank p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pbank pthat pcontracts pwith pa pmerchant, pas prequired pby pcard
passociation prules penabling pthe pmerchant pto paccept pthe passociation‐branded pbank p

cards. pThese pcards pmay pbe pconsumer pand/or pcorporate pand pcredit pand/or pdebit por pprepaid.
pThe pmerchant phas pan paccount pwith pthis pbank pand peach pday pdeposits pthe pvalue pof pthe pdayʹs
pcredit pcard psales. pAcquirers pbuy p(acquire) pthe pmerchantʹs psales pslips pand pcredit pthe pticketsʹ
pvalue pto pthe pmerchantʹs paccount. pSee pMerchant pBank.

Acquiring pMember p- pAnswer p- p p pThe pmember pof pMasterCard por pVisa pthat pholds pthe pliability
pfor pmerchant prelationships pand pin preturn preceives pall pbank pcard ptransactions pfrom pthe
pmerchant. pThis pterm pcan palso pbe pused pto pdescribe pthe pdisburser pof pfunds pin pa pcash

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