Virginia Food Safety Manager
Certification Questions And Answers.
Three ifood ihazards i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Physical, ichemical, ibiological
Major ifood iallergens i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-milk, ieggs, ipeanuts, itree inuts, ifish, ishellfish, isoy, iwheat
Three itypes iof ifood iworker iillness i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Symptomatic, iasymptomatic, iexposed
Reportable isymptoms i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-vomiting ior idiarrhea, ijaundice, isore ithroat iand ifever,
ilesion iwith ipus
The itop isix ipathogens i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Norovirus, ihepatitis iA, ishigella, iE. icoli, isalmonella
ityphi, inontyphodial isalmonella
Norovirus- ican ireturn ito iwork iif i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Asymptomatic ifor i48 ihours
Shigella iand iE. icoli- ican ireturn ito iwork iif i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Asymptomatic ifor i7 idays
Nontyphodial isalmonella- ican ireturn ito iwork iif i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Asymptomatic i30 idays
Hepatitis iA- ican ireturn ito iwork iif i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Jaundice ifor i7 idays ior iasymptomatic ifor i14
Salmonella ityphi- ican ireturn ito iwork iif i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Have idoctor's inote
Handwashing isteps i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Wet ihands iwith iwarm irunning iwater, iapply isoap, iscrub
ifor i15 iseconds, irinse iunder iwater, idry ihands
When ihands imust ibe iwashed i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-After igoing ito ithe ibathroom, ibefore iand iafter
ipreparing ifood, iafter ieating ior idrinking ior ismoking, iafter itaking iout itrash, iafter itaking ia ibreak, iafter
iswitching itasks, iafter iusing ichemicals, iafter itouching isanitized iequipment, iafter itouching iskin ior ihair
ior iclothing, iafter itouching ian ianimal, ibefore iputting ion igloves
When ishould iI idouble ihandwash? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-After iusing ithe irestroom ior iworking iwith
iraw imeat
, Change igloves iafter... i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-4 ihours, itaking ia ibreak, iswitching itasks, ithey ibecome
itorn ior idirty
Steps ito icare ifor ia iwound i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Apply ifirst iaid, ireport ithe iinjury, iwash iwound,
icover iwound iwith isterile ibandage, icover ibandage iwith iwaterproof ilayer, idiscard iany ifood iworker
iwas ipreparing, iclean iand isanitize iutensils iand ifood-contact isurfacess iworker iwas iusing
Source icontamination i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Hazards ithat iget iinto ifood ibefore iit ireaches iyour
Cross icontamination i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The ispread iof ihazards ifrom ione isource ito ianother
Flow iof ifood i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The ipath ithat ifood ifollows ifrom iproduction ito iconsumption
Shell ieggs imust ibe... i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Grade iB
Milk imust ibe... i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Grade iA
Liquid ieggs imust ibe... i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Pasteurized
Steps ifor irecalled ifood i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Stop iserving ifood iimmediately, idon't idiscard ifood,
ilabel ifood iclearly, istore ifood isafely
When ito iclean iand isanitize i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-When iswitching ifrom iraw ianimal iproduct ito
ianother, iwhen iswitching ifrom iraw ito iRTE ifood, ibefore iresuming iwork, iafter iworking iwith ithe isame
iequipment ifor ifour ihours
Steps ito iclean iand isanitize i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-scrape ior irinse ioff ifood ior idirt iinto itrash, iscrub
isurface iwith iwarm iwater iand idetergent, irinse isurface iwith iclean iwater, iapply isanitizing isolution, iair
idry iitems
Chemicals ifor icleaning i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-detergent, isoap, isolvent icleaner, iacidic icleaner,
iabrasive icleaner
Chemicals ifor isanitizing i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-chlorine, iquaternary iammonium, iiodine
PPM- iparts iper imillion i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-The inumber iof imilligrams iof isanitizer iadded ito ieach
iliter iof iwater
Steps ito iclean iand isanitize iin iplace i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-unplug iappliance, ipre iclean iby iremoving
ilarge ifood iparticles, iremove ismall iand iremovable iparts ito iclean iand isanitize, iwash iequipment iwith
idetergent, irinse ifood-contact isurfaces, iwipe ior ispray iwith isanitizing isolution, iair idry iand iput iback
Steps iwhen iyou isee ia ipest ior isign iof ipests i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-Record ithe itime iand idate iand
ilocation, ireport ito iPCO