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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Outline cthe cway cin cwhich cPavlov cstudied cclassical cconditioning. c[4 cmarks] c- ccorrect
canswers✔✔detail cof cPavlov's cclassical cconditioning cexperiments cinto csalivation
creflex cin cdogs c
• cknowledge cof cPavlovian cconcepts cin cthe ccontext cof cPavlov's cexperiments:
cunconditioned cstimulus; cconditioned cstimulus; cunconditioned cresponse; cconditioned
cresponse c
• cdetail cof cPavlovian ctheory c- clearning cby cassociation; ctemporal
Some ccritics chave csaid cthat cPavlov's cstudies cmay clack cecological cvalidity. c
What cis cmeant cby cthe cterm cecological cvalidity? c[2 cmarks] c- ccorrect canswers✔✔the
cextent cto cwhich cbehaviours cobserved cand crecorded cin ca cstudy creflect cthe
cbehaviours cthat cactually coccur cin cthe creal cworld
Jemima cand cLily care cidentical ctwins. cLily ccomplains cto cJemima, c"I cdon't cunderstand
cit. cIf cwe chave cthe csame cgenes, chow ccome cyou chave cclearer cskin cthan cme cand
care cmuch cbetter cat cnetball?" cJemima claughs cand creplies, c"Lily, cwe cmay cbe
cidentical ctwins, cbut cwe care cnot cidentical cpeople." c
your cknowledge cof cgenotype cand cphenotype, cexplain cLily's cand cJemima's
ccomments. c[4 cmarks] c- ccorrect canswers✔✔• cLily cand cJemima chave cidentical
cgenotypes c(genotype crefers cto cthe cgenetic cmake-up cof can cindividual)
c• cLily cand cJemima cdo cnot chave cidentical cphenotypes c(phenotype crefers cto cthe
cobservable ccharacteristics cof can cindividual cas ca cresult cof ctheir cgenotype cand ctheir
c• calthough cLily cand cJemima chave cthe csame cgenes, cJemima cmight cpractice
cnetball cmore cor chave cstarted clessons cearlier cthan cLily, cthese cenvironmental
cfactors cmay cmake cher cbetter cat cnetball
c• calthough cLily cand cJemima chave cthe csame cgenes, cJemima cmight chave ca
cdifferent cskin ccare croutine/diet/sun cexposure/etc cthan cLily, cthese cenvironmental
cfactors cmay cmake cher cskin cclearer cthan cLily's
Lily cand cJemima chave ca cpet crat, cwhich cusually chides cin ca ccorner cwhen cthey ctry
cto ctake cit cout cbox cof cits ccage. cThey chave ctried cdifferent cways cto cstop cthe crat
chiding, cbut cso cfar cwithout csuccess.
, cUse cyour cknowledge cof ctwo ctypes cof creinforcement cto csuggest chow cLily cand
cJemima ccould ctrain ctheir crat cto ccome cto cthe ccage cdoor cwhen cthey copen cit. c[6
cmarks] c- ccorrect canswers✔✔positive creinforcement c- cwhen cLily/Jemima copen cthe
ccage cdoor cthey ccan cgive cthe crat ctreats clike cchocolate cdrops cfor ccoming cto cthe
ccage cdoor cwhen cthey copen cit. cThis cwill cmake cthe crat cmore clikely cto ccome cto cthe
cdoor cthe cnext ctime cthey copen cthe ccage c
• cnegative creinforcement c- chave csomething cunpleasant clike cspraying cthe crat cwith
cwater cor cplaying cloud cmusic/alarm cand cthen cstop cthis cwhen cthe crat ccomes cto cthe
cdoor cso cthat cover ctime cwhen cthey copen cthe ccage cthe crat cwill cbe cmore clikely cto
ccome cto cthe cdoor c
• cschedules cof creinforcement c- capplied cto ctraining cLily cand cJemima's crat.
Compare cthe chumanistic capproach cwith cthe cpsychodynamic capproach. c[8 cmarks] c-
ccorrect canswers✔✔• cdeterminism c- cthe chumanistic capproach cassumes cpeople
chave cfree cchoice cover ctheir cbehaviour, cwhereas cthe cpsychodynamic capproach
cassumes cthat cbehaviour cis cdetermined cby cunconscious cfactors c(beyond cconscious
c• cnature/nurture c- cthe chumanistic capproach cassumes cbehaviour cis caffected cby
cdesire cto cself-actualise c(nature) cand cour cexperience ccan cprovide cbarriers cto cthis
cthrough cconditions cof cworth cand cvarying cexperience cof cconditional cpositive cregard
c(nurture). cLikewise, cthe cpsychodynamic capproach cassumes cbehaviour cis cdriven cby
cunconscious cforces, ceg cid/ego/superego cdynamics c(nature) cbut cour ccoping
cmechanisms csuch cas cdefence cmechanisms carise cfrom cexperience c(nurture)
c• cmethodology c- cboth care cmuch cless cscientific cthan cother capproaches c(but cthe
cpsychodynamic capproach cassumes cthat csome caspects cof cbehaviour ccan cbe
cinvestigated cscientifically)
c• ctherapy c- cRogers cbelieved cthat ccounselling c(utilising cunconditional cpositive
cregard) ccan cbe cused cto chelp cclients csolve ctheir cproblems, covercome cconditions cof
cworth cand cenable ctheir cpotential cfor cself-actualisation, cwhereas cFreud cbelieved
cthat cpsychoanalysis ccan clead cto cimprovements cin cclients cthrough cpsychotherapy.
Describe cthe cstructure cand cfunction cof ca cneuron. c[6 cmarks] c- ccorrect canswers✔✔•
cNeurons cenable ccommunication cwithin cthe cnervous csystem
c• cthe ccell cbody c(soma) ccontains cthe cgenetic cmaterial c
• cbranch-like cdendrites cextend cfrom cthe ccell cbody c(often cwith cdendritic cspines) c
• cdendrites ccarry cfunctional cinformation ctowards cthe ccell cbody
c• cdendrites ccan creceive cinformation cfrom cother cneurons c
• caxons ccarry cmessages caway cfrom cthe ccell cbody c
• caxons ccan cbe cmyelinated cto cincrease cspeed cof cnerve ctransmission c(saltatory
cconduction cbetween cnodes cof cRanvier)