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ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And Answers.ANSC ...

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ANSC 100 Final Exam Questions And

What ianimal ispecies iwas idomesticated ifirst? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the idog i(14,000 iBC)
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What ilivestock ispecies iwas idomesticated ifirst? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the isheep i(8,000 iBC)
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What iwere icharacteristics ithat iwere icommon iamong ithe ianimals ithat iwere idomesticated? i-
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--generally ilived iin icomfortable iin igroups i
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

-had isome idominance ihierarchy iin iplace
kr kr kr kr kr

-tolerated ihumans kr

-adapted ito ia ivariety iof ienviroments
kr kr kr kr kr

-reproduced iwell iin icapacity kr kr kr

What iare isome ivalues iof idomestication? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--increased iaccess ito ia ihigh
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iquality iprotein isource
kr kr kr

-benefit iof ianimal imilk iand iegg iproduction
kr kr kr kr kr kr

-most idomestic ilivestock iwere imultipurpose isupplying iboth ifood iand iwork
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-domestic ianimals iserved ias iguardians iand iin irodent icontrol
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

-animals iwere ia imajor isource iof itransportation iand ipower
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What iis iaquaculture? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-farming ior irearing iof iaquatic iplants iand ianimals;
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

ialso iknown ias i"underwater iagriculture"
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What iare ithe imost icommon iaquaculture ianimals? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-finfish, icrustaceans
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iand imollusks
kr kr

What iis ithe inumber ione iaquaculture ianimal iin iproduction iand isale? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr


What iis itranscription? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-process iof ibuilding iRNA icomplementary ito iDNA ito
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iproduce ia iprotein
kr kr kr

,What iis itranslation? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-process iof iusing ithe iinformation ifrom imRNA ito
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iassemble iamino iacids iinto ia iprotein
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What iis ia iphenotype? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-all iof iits iobservable icharacteristics
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What iis ia igenotype? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-genetic imakeup iof ian iorganism
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What iis ithe iphenotype iinfluenced iby? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-they iare iinfluenced iboth iby iits
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igenotype iand iby ithe ienvironment
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What iis ia igenome? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the imap iof iall ithe igenes iin ithe ianimal
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What iare igenes? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-coding iportions imade iup iof ispecific ideoxyribose
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inucleotides i(DNA)
kr kr

How imany ichromosome ipairs ido ihumans ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-23 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido icattle ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-30 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido iswine ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-19 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido iequine ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-32 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido ichickens ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-39 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido icorn ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-10 ipair
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How imany ichromosome ipairs ido ibarely ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-27 ipair
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What iare ihomozygous ipairs? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-animals iwith imatching ialleles iat ia igiven
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

ilocus i(AA)
kr kr

What iare iheterozygous ipairs? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-animals iwith idifferent ialleles iat ia igiven
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

ilocus i(Aa)
kr kr

What iis ithe idominant igene iaction? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-is ia imember iof ia igene ipair iis
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iexpressed ito ithe iexclusion iof ithe iother
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What iis ithe iincomplete idominance igene iaction? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-occurs iwhen ino
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

idominance iexists iand ia iheterozygous iindividual iwill iappear ias ian iintermediate ibetween itwo
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What iis iepistasis igene iaction? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-is iwhen imany igene ipairs iact iin iconcert
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iwith ione ianother ito iproduce igene iexpression
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What iis ithe irecessive igene iaction? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-is ithe imember iof ia igene ipair ithat iis
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ionly iexpressed iwhen ithe idominant iallele iis iabsent ifrom ithe ianimal's igenome
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,Explain imitosis i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--normal icell idivision
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-ongoing iprocess kr

-tissue irepair, igrowth, ietc
kr kr kr

-same igenetic imaterial iin ieach icell iof ithe ibody
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Explain imeiosis i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--formation iof isex igametes
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-sex icells i(sperm iand iegg)
kr kr kr kr

-only ihas i1/2 ithe igenetic icompliment i
kr kr kr kr kr kr

-note idifferences iin icell idevelopment
kr kr kr kr

What iis iselection? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the iprocess iof ichoosing iwhich ianimals ito ibe iparents
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What iis ia imating isystem? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-the iprocess iof ideciding iwhich ianimals ito
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What iis iinbreeding? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-mating irelated ianimals
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What iis ioutcrossing? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-mating iunrelated ianimals ifrom ithe isame ibreed
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What iis icross ibreeding? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-mating ianimals ifrom idifferent ibreeds
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What iare ithe iadvantages iof icrossbreeding? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--heterosis
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

-breed idifferences kr

-most icommonly iused iin iswine, ibeef icattle iand isheep
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What iare idisadvantages iof icrossbreeding? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-management ican ibe idifficult iin
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iextensive iproduction isystems
kr kr kr

Explain iheterosis/hybrid ivigor i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--for imost itraits, ias iheterozygosity iincreases
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

iperformance iimproves
kr kr

-opposite iof iinbreeding idepression kr kr kr

-primarily iassociated iwith icrossbreeding kr kr kr

What iis ihyperplasia? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-an iincrease iin ithe inumber iof icells
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What iis ihypertrophy? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-an iincrease iin icell isize
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What iis ithe iorder iof ifat ideposit? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-1. iperinephric i(internal, iorgans)
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2. iintermuscular i(seam ifat, ibetween ithe imuscle)
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, 3. isubcutaneous i(external ifat, iback ifat)
kr kr kr kr kr

4. iintramuscular i( imarbling, iwithin ithe imuscle)
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What iis ithe ianimal igrowth icurve? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-sigmoidal ior iS-shaped
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Explain ithe iovary i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--female igonads
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-shape iis idependent ion ispecies
kr kr kr kr

What iare ithe ifunction iof ithe iovary? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-produce ifemale igametes i(ova)
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-produce iestrogen iand iprogesterone
kr kr kr

Explain ithe ioviduct i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-ovary ito iuterine ihorn
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What iare ifunctions iof ithe ioviduct? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--ovum itransport
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-sperm istorage iand icapacitation
kr kr kr


-early iembryo idevelopment
kr kr

Explain ithe iuterus i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--organs ibetween ithe ioviducts iand ithe icervix
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

-consists iof ia ibody iand itwo ihorns
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What ianimals ihave isimpli iuterus? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-humans i(no ihorns)
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What ianimals ihave ibicornuate iuteri? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-cow, iewe, isow iand imare
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Explain ithe icervix i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-located ibetween ithe ivagina iand ithe iuterus
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What iare ithe ifunctions iof ithe icervix? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-lubrication, iflushing iand ibarriers
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What icervix ido icows iand iewes ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-annular irings
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What icervix ido isows ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-corkscrew
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What icervix ido imares ihave? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-longitudinal ifolds
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Explain ithe ivagina i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-connects ithe icervix ito ithe iexternal igenitalia iand
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iserves ias ithe ifemale icopulatory
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Explain ithe ivulva i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i-external itissue iof ithe ifemale ireproductive itract iand iit
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ireceives ithe ipenis iduring icopulation
kr kr kr kr kr

Explain ithe iscrotum? i- icorrect iAnswers i✔✔ i--two-lobed ipouch ithat ihouses ithe itestes
kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr

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