Physical Examination and Health Assessment 9th Edition by Carolyn
v v v v v v v v
Jarvis, Ann Eckhardt Test Bank / All Chapters 1-32 / Full Complete
v v v v v v v v v v v v
v 2023/2024
, Test Bank for v v
v Examination
v and Health
v Assessment, 9th v
Edition, Carolyn
v v
Jarvis, ISBN:
v v
v 9780323510806
Latest Update v
Test vBank v- vPhysical vExamination vand vHealth vAssessment v9e v(by vJarvis)
Chapter 01: Evidence-Based Assessment
v v v
1. After vcompleting v an v initial v assessment v of va v patient, v the v nurse v has vcharted vthat v his v respirations v are
v eupneic v andvhis v pulse v is v 58 v beats v per v minute. v These v types v of v data vwould v be:
a. Objective.
b. Reflective.
c. Subjective.
d. Introspective.
Objective vdata vare vwhat vthe vhealth vprofessional vobserves vby vinspecting, vpercussing, vpalpating, vand
vauscultating vduring vthe vphysical vexamination. vSubjective vdata vis vwhat vthe vperson vsays vabout vhim vor vherself
vduring vhistory vtaking. vThe v terms v reflective v and v introspective v are v not v used v to v describe v data.
DIF: v Cognitive v Level: v Understanding v (Comprehension)
MSC: v Client vNeeds: v Safe v and v Effective v Care v Environment: v Management v of vCare
2. A vpatient vtells vthe vnurse vthat vhe vis vvery vnervN
ouUsR, vSisIN
, vand vfeels vhot. vThese vtypes vof vdata vwould vbe:
a. Objective.
b. Reflective.
c. Subjective.
d. Introspective.
Subjective v data v are vwhat vthe v person v says v about vhim v or v herself v during v history v taking. v Objective v data v are
vwhat v thevhealth vprofessional vobserves vby vinspecting, vpercussing, vpalpating, vand vauscultating vduring vthe
vphysical vexamination. vThe v terms v reflective v and v introspective v are v not v used vto v describe v data.
DIF: v Cognitive v Level: v Understanding v (Comprehension)
MSC: v Client vNeeds: v Safe v and v Effective v Care v Environment: v Management v of vCare
3. The vpatients v record, v laboratory v studies, vobjective v data, v and v subjective v data v combine v to vform v the:
a. Data vbase.
b. Admitting v data.
Test vBank v- vPhysical vExamination vand vHealth vAssessment v9e v(by vJarvis)
c. Financial v statement.
d. Discharge v summary.
Together vwith v the v patients vrecord vand v laboratory v studies, v the v objective v and v subjective v data vform v the v data
v base.vThe v other v items v are v not v part v of v the v patients v record, v laboratory v studies, vor v data.
DIF: v Cognitive v Level: v Remembering v (Knowledge)
MSC: v Client vNeeds: v Safe v and v Effective v Care v Environment: v Management v of vCare
4. When v listening v to va v patients v breath v sounds, v the v nurse vis vunsure v of v a v sound vthat v is v heard. vThe
v nurses v nextvaction v should v be v to:
a. Immediately v notify v the v patients v physician.
b. Document vthe v sound v exactly v as vit vwas v heard.
c. Validate vthe vdata v by vasking v a v coworker v to vlisten v to vthe v breath vsounds.
d. Assess v again v in v 20 v minutes v to v note vwhether v the v sound vis v still v present.
When v unsure v of v a v sound v heard vwhile v listening v to va v patients v breath v sounds, v the v nurse v validates vthe v data vto
v ensurevaccuracy. vIf vthe v nurse v has v less vexperience v in v an v area, v then v he v or v she v asks van v expert v to v listen.
DIF: vCognitive v Level: vAnalyzing v (Analysis)
MSC: v Client vNeeds: v Safe v and v Effective v Care v Environment: v Management v of vCare
5. The vnurse vis vconducting va vclass vfor vnew vgraduate v nurses. vDuring v the vteaching vsession, vthe vnurse vshould
v keep vin v mind v that v novice v nurses, v without v a v background v of v skills v and v experience v from v which v to v draw, v are
v more v likelyvto v make v their v decisions v using:
a. Intuition.
b. A vset vof vrules.
c. Articles vin vjournals.
d. Advice v from v supervisors.
Novice vnurses v operate v from v a v set v of v defined, v structured v rules. v The v expert v practitioner v uses v intuitive
v links.vDIF: vCognitive v Level: vUnderstanding v (Comprehension)