Hondros Bio 253
Layers of the pores and skin - ANSepidermis, epidermis, hypodermis
Stratum Corneum - ANSProtective long lasting overcoat, water-proof, hard, surprisingly
insensitive to organic, chemical and physical attack.
Stratum Lucidum - ANSvisible simplest in thick skin, few layers thick, dead clear cells
Stratum Granulosum - ANS3-five layers of thick keratinocytes flastten out
Stratum Spinosum - ANSoverlies the stratum basale, cells come from the basale, filaments u
the cells that face up to anxiety, keratinocytes have a spiny look, incorporate langerhen cells
Stratum Basale - ANSDeepest layer, single row if renewing keratinocytes which are getting
ready to push up, melaninocytes, small portion of merkel cells
Parts of a neuron - ANSCell frame, Dendrites, Axon
Cell frame - ANSProvide protein for preserving and regenerating nerves
Dendrites - ANSEach neuron had one or greater dendrites, branch from the cellular body,
deliver impulses in, distal ends of dendrites of sensory neurons are receptors
Axon - ANSEach neurons has one axon, axon hillock integrates incoming indicators. Axons
bring impulses away and communicates
Afferent neurons - ANSBrings signal to CNS, *sensory
Efferent neurons - ANSCarry signals away, *motor
Reflex Arc - ANSReceptor, afferent, interneuron, efferent, effector, reaction
Membrane ability - ANSSlight deficiency of positively charged ions on the inner of the
Saltatory conduction - ANSIn myelinated fibers, motion potentials within the membrane occor
simplest on the nodes of Raniver
Continuous conduction - ANSIn unmyelinated fibers
, Acetylcholine - ANSchemical shape, found in junctions with motor effectors (skeletal muscle
tissues, glands, many parts of the mind
Brain stem - ANSMedulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
Diencephalon - ANSHypothalamus, Thalamus
Cerebellum - ANSCompares motor instructions of cerebrum with proprioceptor records, acts
with cerebral cortex to produce professional movements, controls balance and posture
Frontal lobe - ANSReasoning, making plans, components of speech, actions, emotions, and
trouble fixing
Parietal lobe - ANSmovement, orientation, reputation, notion of stimuli, lanuagae
Temporal lobe - ANSperception and reputation of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Occipital lobe - ANSvisual processing
Olfactory nerve (CN I) - ANSsense if scent
Optic nerve (CN II) - ANSsense of sight
Oculomotor nerve (CN III) - ANSeye motion, law of length of pupil, accommodation,
proprioception (muscle groups feel)
Trochlear nerve (CN IV) - ANSeye motion, proprioception
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) - ANSsensation of head and face, chewing movements, proprioception
Abducens nerve (CN VI) - ANSabduction of eye, proprioception
Facial nerve (CN VII) - ANSfacial expressions, secretion of saliva, tears, and taste
Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) - ANSbalance of equilibrium sense, hearing
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) - ANSsensations of tongue, swallowing moves, secretions of
saliva, resource in reflex manage of blood pressure and respiratory
Vagus nerve (CN X) - ANSsennsation and moves of organs furnished, slow coronary heart, will
increase peristalsis, contracts muscular tissues for voice manufacturing
Accessory nerve (CN XI) - ANSshoulder movements, turning movements of the head,