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N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.
N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.N580 Midterm exam with correct answers.
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N580 Midterm exam with correct answers
t t t t t
nurses ton tthe tcutting tedge t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tpromote timprovement tin tpatient toutcomes
accomplish tthis tthrough: tresearch, tEBP, tand tQI
nurses tachieve tpersonal tgrowth tthrough tand texpand tclinical tdecision-making tskills tthrough... t-
tCorrect t tAnswer t- tdevelopment tof tclinical tquestions
literature treviews
evaluation tof tevidence tin tliterature
application tof t"best tavailable tevidence" tin tyour tpractice
nurses tas tknowledgable tconsumers t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tnurses tmust tbe tknowledgable tconsumers
tof tresearch twho tcan tevaluate tthe tstrengths tand tweaknesses tof tresearch tevidence tand tuse
texisting tstandards tto tdetermine tthe tmerit tand treadiness tof tresearch tfor tuse tin tclinical tpractice
to tuse tresearch tfor tan tEBP tand tto tpractice tusing tthe thighest tquality tprocesses, tyou tdo tnot thave
tto tconduct tresearch; thowever, tyou tdo tneed tto tunderstand tand tappraise tthe tsteps tof tthe tresearch
tprocess tin torder tto tread tthe tresearch tliterature tcritically tand tuse tit tto tinform tclinical tdecisions
research tdefinition t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- ta tsystematic tinvestigation, tincluding tresearch tdevelopment,
ttesting tand tevaluation, tdesigned tto tdevelop tor tcontribute tto tgeneralizable tknowledge
quantitative tand tqualitative tresearch
studies tare tguided tby tresearch tquestions
nurses temploy tthe tsame tmethods tused tby tother tdisciplines tyet tstudy tquestions tare trelevant tto
tnursing tpractice
quantitative tvs. tqualititative tresearch t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tquantitative: tencompasses tthe tstudy tof
tresearch tquestions tand/or thypotheses tthat tdescribe tphenomena, ttest trelationships, tassess
tdifferences, tseek tto texplain tcause-and-effect trelationships tbetween tvariables, tand ttest tfor
,tintervention teffectiveness--numeric tdata tare tsummarized tand tanalyzed tusing tstatistics--techniques
tare tsystematic tand tmethodology tis tcontrolled
qualititative: tquestion tis tabout tunderstanding tthe tmeaning tof ta thuman texperience tsuch tas tgrief,
thope, tor tloss--meaning tof tan texperience tis tbased ton tthe tview tthat tmeaning tvaries tand tis
tsubjective--context tof texperience talso tplays ta trole--generally tconducted tin tnatural tsettings tand
tuses tdata tthat tare twords tor ttext trather tthan tnumeric tto tdescribe tthe texperiences tbeing tstudied--
guided tby tresearch tquestions tand tdata tare tcollected tfrom ta tsmall tnumber tof tsubjects, tallowing tan
tin-depth tstudy tof ta tphenomenon--subjective tapproach tbut tsystematic tin tits tmethod
QI tdefinition t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tsystematic tuse tof tdata tto tmonitor tthe toutcomes tof tcare
tprocesses tand timprovement tmethods tto tdesign tand ttest tchanges tto tcontinuously timprove tthe
tquality tand tsafety tof thealth tcare tsystems
uses tcurrently tavailable tknowledge tto timprove thealth tcare tdelivery twithin tthe tlocal tsetting
QI telements t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- t1. tconducting tan tassessment
2. tsetting tspecific tgoals tfor timprovement
3. tidentifying tideas tfor tchanging tcurrent tpractice
4. tdeciding thow timprovements tin tcare tare tmeasured
5. trapidly ttesting tpractice tchanges
6. tmeasuring timprovements tin tcare
7. tadopting tpractice tchange tas tnew tstandard tof tcare
want tto tcreate tmeasurable tchange tacross tquality tdomains tthrough tapplication tof tthese t7 tsteps,
toften tthrough tthe tplan, tdo, tstudy, tact tmodel
research tvs. tQI t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tresearch tstudies tgenerate tnew tknowledge tthat tis tgeneralizable
tto tother tpopulations tand tsettings
QI tprojects tuse tcurrently tavailable tknowledge tto timprove thealth tcare tdelivery twithin tthe tlocal
IRB tshould thave ta twritten tpolicy tand ttemplate tfor tdetermining tthe tdifference tbetween thumans
tsubjects tresearch tand tQI
,research tand tEBP t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tbest tresearch tevidence, tclinical texpertise, tand tpatient tvalues
tall tcome ttogether tin tEBP t(see tVenn tdiagram)
EBP tallows tone tto tsystematically tuse tthe tbest tavailable tevidence tfrom tresearch twith tthe
tintegration tof tindividual tclinical texpertise tas twell tas tthe tpatient's tvalues tand tpreferences tto tmake
tclinical tdecisions
developing tEBP texpertise t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tconduct teffective tliterature treviews
develop tcritical treading tskill tprocess
1. tpreliminary: tskimming tarticle tabstracts, ttitle
2. tcomprehensive: tunderstanding tthe tpurpose tof tthe tstudy
3. tanalysis: texamining tthe tstudy tcomponents
4. tsynthesis: tassessing tthe tstudy's tvalidity
levels tof tevidence t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tsee tpyramid
Level tI: tsystematic treview tor tmeta-analysis tof tRCTs, tevidence-based tclinical tpractice tguidelines
tbased ton tsystematic treviews
Level tII: twell-designed tRCT
Level tIII: tcontrolled ttrial twithout trandomization t(quasi-experimental tstudy)
Level tIV: tnonexperimental tstudy t(case-control, tcohort tstudies)
Level tV: tsystematic treviews tof tdescriptive tand tqualitative tstudies t(metasynthesis)
Level tVI: tqualitative tstudies tor tdescriptive tstudies
Level tVII: topinion tof texperts tand tauthorities, texpert tcommittee treports tor torganizations, tnot tbased
ton tresearch
EBP tsteps t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- task
gather tevidence
, assess, tappraise, tsynthesize tliterature
research tarticle tformat t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tabstract
intro tor tbackground tsection: tliterature treview, ttheoretical tframework, thypothesis tand/or tresearch
tquestion, tpurpose tstatement
methods: tresearch tdesign, tsampling, tinstruments, tdata tcollection, tdata tanalysis tplan
discussion t(ties teverything ttogether): trecommendations tand timplications
research tjournal tarticle t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tqualitative, tquantitative, tmixed tmethods
systematic treview t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tsummation tand tassessment tof tgroup tof tstudies tthat ttest ta
tsimilar tresearch tquestion
meta-analysis t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tsummary tof ta tnumber tof tstudies tfocused ton tone tquestion tor
ttopic, tand tuses ta tspecific tstatistical tmethodology tto tsynthesize tthe tfindings tin torder tto tdraw
tconclusions tabout tthe tarea tof tfocus--systematic treview tthat tuses tstatistical ttechniques tto
tsummarize tand tassess tstudies
integrative treview t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tfocused treview tand tsynthesis tof tresearch tor ttheoretical
tliterature tin ta tparticular tfocus tarea, tand tincludes tspecific tsteps tof tliterature tintegration tand
tsynthesis twithout tstatistical tanalysis; tcan tinclude tboth tquantitative tand tqualitative tarticles
t(sometimes tused tinterchangeably twith tsystematic treview)
meta-synthesis/meta-summary t- tCorrect t tAnswer t- tsynthesis tof ta tnumber tof tqualitative tresearch
tstudies ton ta tfocused ttopic tusing tspecific tqualitative tmethodology