HROB 101|90 Sac State Quiz Questions
Well Solved|2024
What is an organization and provide examples. - ✔ ✔ Coordinated in some fashion, have to have a
common purpose/goal, two or more people.
What are the four functions of management? - ✔ ✔ planning, organizing, leading, controlling
What are the three goals of managers? - ✔ ✔ Interpersonal (leader), informational (monitoring), and
decisional (making choices)
What are the three skills of managers? - ✔ ✔ Technical (experience, education), human (ability to
work with people), conceptual (diagnose a problem and solve it)
What are the four activities of managers? - ✔ ✔ Traditional (Decision making, planning, controlling)
Communication (exchanging routine information and processing paperwork)
Human Resources (motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing and training)
Conceptual (being able to diagnose a problem and solve )
What is organizational behavior? - ✔ ✔ a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals,
groups & structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organization's effectiveness.
What is systematic study? - ✔ ✔ looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes & effects, &
drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence.
What is Evidence-based Management? - ✔ ✔ the basing of managerial decisions on the best
available scientific evidence.
What is contributing discipline (4)? - ✔ ✔ 1. psychology(Learning, motivation, personality, emotion)
2. social psychology (behavior, attitude change, communication, group decisions)
3. sociology (org. culture, change, technology)
4. anthropology (org. culture, environment, power)
What are the key dependent variables (outcomes)? - ✔ ✔ Attitudes, behaviors, organizational
citizenship behavior, stress
examples of withdrawal behaviors? - ✔ ✔ turnover, absenteeism, tardiness
, Three levels of independent variables... - ✔ ✔ inputs, processes, outcomes...
individual, group, organization
Identify the goals of science. - ✔ ✔ Explain what happens in in the past, help predict future, Helps us
control a situation.
Describe ways to collect data... - ✔ ✔ case studies, field surveys, lab experiments, field experiments,
Define hypothesis and theory - ✔ ✔ Deductive: Hypothesis and test
Inductive: collect data and let it merge to interpret it.
Define causality... - ✔ ✔ the relationship between cause and effect. Variable A directly cause
variable B... (longitudinal - collecting data over 5 years)
Define correlation coefficient - ✔ ✔ a statistical measure of the degree to which changes to the
value of one variable predict change to the value of another.
What are the two types of correlation... - ✔ ✔ Positive: Variables are going up
Negative: Variable going in different directions
What are considered employability skills that apply across all majors... - ✔ ✔ Critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, knowledge application and analysis, social responsibility.
CHAPTER 2,17... - ✔ ✔
What is surface-level diversity? - ✔ ✔ differences such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and physical
disabilities that are observable/we can see
What is deep level diversity? - ✔ ✔ differences in values, personality, and work preferences.
What is discrimination? - ✔ ✔ Noting a difference between things, which isn't necessarily bad.
What is stereotyping? - ✔ ✔ Judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which
that person belongs.
What is stereotype threat? - ✔ ✔ the degree to which we internally agree with the generally
negative stereotyped perceptions of our groups
Identify the key biographical characteristics. - ✔ ✔ personal - age (s), gender(s), race and ethnicity
(d), disability (s), length of service (d), work ethic (d).
What are intellectual abilities? - ✔ ✔ mental activities. Thinking, reasoning, problem solving.