SC General and Structural Pest Control 7A
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What is the series of events from egg to adult called? - ANS-Lifecycle
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What is metamorphosis? - ANS-The change that must take place in before the young
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insect matures into an adult is called Metamorphosis
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What Phylum do all insect-related animals belong to? - ANS-All insect-related animals
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such as mites, ticks, and spiders belong to a phulum called the Arthropoda
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What are Arachnids? - ANS-Spiders, Mites, scorpions, and ticks. Most arthropod pests
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gare insects or arachnids.
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- four pairs of legs
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- two body segments (abdomen and cephalothorax)
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Name the four control strategies used to attempt the control of arthropods or rodents. -
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ANS-1. Resource Management/Environment Manipulation
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2. Prevention/Mechanical Barriers
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3. Biological Control
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4. Chemical Control
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Resource Management/Environment Manipulation - ANS-Management of food, water,
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and shelter availability, and habitat modification to minimize or eliminate pest is usually
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one of the most effective methods for controlling pests.
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Prevention/Mechanical Barriers - ANS-Barriers such as screens, netting, and protective g g g g g g g g g
clothing all are mechanical means to protect people from biting and nuisance insects.
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Biological Control - ANS-The use of predators, parasites, and pathogens (insect
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diseases) can be effective in controlling some pest species, if the beneficial organisms
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can establish themselves or if a population can be maintained.
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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - ANS-This concept uses a combination of
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gbiological, environmental and chemical control methods
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,IPM- How? - ANS-Controlling pests by stressing non-chemical methods is the goal of
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gpest management programs
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IPM- Why? - ANS-An IPM program seeks to maintain to maintain pest populations
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gbelow the level at which they cause problems.
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IPM - ANS-It is an alternative and improved approach to traditional pest management. I
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guses information on the life cycles of pests and their interactions with the environment,
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gin combination with available pest control methods, to manage pests by the most
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geconomical means with the least possible damage to people, property, and the
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IPM- Program - ANS-Under an IPM program, spraying is used ONLY when
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What is the difference between winged ants and termite swarmers? - ANS-Thee key
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features can quickly identify winged ants:
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1. A pinched waist
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2. Elbowed antennae
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3. Wings of different lengths
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Which ant species has a heart-shaped abdomen? - ANS-Acrobat Ant
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Where do odorous house ants get their name? - ANS-The odor they give off when they
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are crushed, smells like rotten coconut
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What type of control is best for red imported fire ants? - ANS-Broadcast baiting followed
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by mound drenching
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What is "budding"? - ANS-When pharaoh ants separate into multiple colonies due to
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liquid insecticide treatment
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Order - ANS-Group of similar families
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Complete Metamorphosis - ANS-Insect development consisting of four stages: egg,
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larva, pupa, and adult
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Castes - ANS-- ants in a colony are grouped into castes based off of the tasks they
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gperform. g
- Castes consist of workers, queens and alates.
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Ant workers - ANS-- Sterile females, and they make up the largest cast in the ant colony
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- The workers protect the nest against invaders, gather food, serve the queen, and care
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gfor the young ants
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, Ants (food) - ANS-- Collected by foraging workers is passed mouth to mouth among
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gthemselves and to other workers, larvae, and the queen. g g g g g g g g g
- This process is the only means by which the queen and larvae of the ant colony can
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gobtain food g
- This transfer of food is an important element in the design and effectiveness of ant
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Alates - ANS-Winged adult fertile males and females that leave existing colonies to
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establish new ones
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Male ants - ANS-- Found in colonies only during swarmer formation
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- Sole purpose: mating, and most die soon afterwards.
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Control of Ants - ANS-- Usually multi-step process including
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- Proper Identification
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- Location of all nests
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- Baiting
- Perimeter barrier treatment
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- Non-chemical methods
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Five Types of Ants in South Carolina that cause most problems - ANS-1. Red Imported
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Fire Ants
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2. Argentine Ants
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3. Odorous House Ants
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4. Pharaoh Ants
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5. Acrobat Ants
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Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) - ANS-- Redish-Brown
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- 1/16 to 1/4 of an inch
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- Extremely Aggressive
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- Workers are different sizes (Polymorphic)
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- Prefers open areas, yards, school playgrounds, athletic fields, campgrounds, and golf
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- Sometimes nest in gas and water meter boxes, air conditioners, and other electrical
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- Follow pipes into structures
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Red Imported Fire Ant Control - ANS--Non-chemical control- lawn cut short
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- Chemical control is best option
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- Best achieved with two step process:
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1. Broadcast a bait
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2. Treat individual mounds with an approved mound drench, granule, aerosol, or dust
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(individual mounds should be treated no sooner than 7 days after baits are applied
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Argentine Ants - ANS-- Do not sting g g g g g g