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Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise ISBN 9780323449137 Chapter 1-31 |Complete Guide A+ $17.99
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Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise ISBN 9780323449137 Chapter 1-31 |Complete Guide A+

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Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Yoder Wise (chapters 1-30) complete Chapter 01: Leading, Managing, and Following Yoder-Wise: Leading and Managing in Nursing, 7th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A nurse manager of a 20-bed medical unit finds that 80% of the patients are older...

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  • September 13, 2024
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lOMoAR cPSD| 14447089

Leading zand zManaging zin zNursing z7th zEdition zYoder-Wise zTest

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
z Edition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

Chapter z01: zLeading, zManaging, zand zFollowing
Yoder-Wise: zLeading zand zManaging zin zNursing, z7th zEdition

1. A znurse zmanager zof za z20-bed zmedical zunit zfinds zthat z80% zof zthe zpatients zare zolder zadults.
zShezis zasked zto zassess zand zadapt zthe zunit zto zbetter zmeet zthe zunique zneeds zof zthe zolder zadult

zpatient.zUsing zcomplexity zprinciples, zwhat zwould zbe zthe zbest zapproach zto ztake zfor

zimplementation zof zthis zchange?

a. Leverage zthe zhierarchical zmanagement zposition zto zget zunit zstaff
zinvolved zinzassessment zand zplanning.

b. Engage zinvolved zstaff zat zall zlevels zin zthe zdecision-making zprocess.
e. Focus zthe zassessment zon zthe zunit zand zomit zthe zhospital zand

f. Hire za zgeriatric zspecialist zto zoversee zand zcontrol zthe zproject.

ANS: z B
Complexity ztheory zsuggests zthat zsystems zinteract zand zadapt zand zthat zdecision zmaking
zoccurszthroughout zthe zsystems, zas zopposed zto zbeing zheld zin za zhierarchy. zIn zcomplexity

ztheory, zevery zvoice zcounts, zand ztherefore, zall zlevels zof zstaff zwould zbe zinvolved zin

zdecision zmaking.

TOP: z AONE zcompetency: zCommunication zand zRelationship-Building

2. A zunit zmanager zof za z25-bed zmedical/surgical zarea zreceives za zphone zcall zfrom za znurse zwho
zhaszcalled zin zsick zfive ztimes zin zthe zpast zmonth. zHe ztells zthe zmanager zthat zhe zvery zmuch
z z z z z
zwants zto zcome zto zwork zwhen zscheduled zbut zmust zoften zcare zfor zhis zwife, zwho zis zundergoing


Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

, lOMoAR cPSD| 14447089

Leading zand zManaging zin zNursing z7th zEdition zYoder-Wise zTest

for zbreast zcancer. zAccording ztoUMaS N‘szTneed zhiO
slow erarchy ztheory, zwhat zwould zbe zthe zbest
approach zto zsatisfying zthe zneeds zof zthis znurse, zother zstaff, zand zpatients?
a. Line zup zagency znurses zwho zcan zbe zcalled zin zto zwork zon zshort znotice.
b. Place zthe znurse zon zunpaid zleave zfor zthe zremainder zof zhis zwife‘s ztreatment.
c. Sympathize zwith zthe znurse‘s zdilemma zand zlet zthe zcharge znurse zknow zthat zthis znurse
may zbe zcalling zin zfrequently zin zthe zfuture.
d. Work zwith zthe znurse, zstaffing zoffice, zand zother znurses zto zarrange zhis zscheduled
days zoff zaround zhis zwife‘s ztreatments.

ANS: z D
Placing zthe znurse zon zunpaid zleave zmay zthreaten zthe znurse‘s zcapacity zto zmeet
zphysiologic zneedszand zdemotivate zthe znurse. zUnsatisfactory z coverage zof zshifts zon zshort

znotice zcould zaffect zpatient zcare zand zthreaten zthe zneeds zof zstaff zto zfeel zcompetent.

zArranging zthe zschedule zaround

the zwife‘s zneeds zmeets zthe zneeds zof zthe zstaff zand zof zpatients zwhile zsatisfying zthe znurse‘s

for zaffiliation.

TOP: z AONE zcompetency: zCommunication zand zRelationship-Building

3. A zgrievance zbrought zby za zstaff znurse zagainst zthe zunit zmanager zrequires zmediation. zAt zthe zfirst
zmediation zsession, zthe zstaff znurse zrepeatedly zcalls zthe zunit zmanager‘s zactions zunfair, zand zthe

zunit zmanager zcontinues zto zreiterate zthe zreasons zfor zthe zactions. zWhat zwould zbe zthe zbest

zcoursezof zaction zat zthis ztime?

a. Send zthe ztwo zdisputants zaway zto zreach ztheir zown zresolution.
b. Involve zanother zstaff znurse zin zthe zdiscussion zfor zclarity zissues.


c. Ask zeach zparty zto zexamine ztheir zown zmotives zand zissues zin zthe zconflict.
d. Continue zto zlisten zas zthe zparties zrepeat ztheir zthoughts zand zfeelings

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

, lOMoAR cPSD| 14447089

Leading zand zManaging zin zNursing z7th zEdition zYoder-Wise zTest

zabout zthezconflict.

ANS: z C
For zresolution zof zconflict, zone zshould zaddress zthe zinterests zand zinvolvement zof
zparticipants zinzthe zconflict zby zexamining zthe zreal zissues zof zall zparties.

TOP: z AONE zcompetency: zCommunication zand zRelationship-Building

4. At za zsecond znegotiation zsession, zthe zunit zmanager zand zstaff znurse zare zunable zto zreach
zazresolution. zWhat zis zthe zappropriate znext zstep?

a. Arrange zanother zmeeting zin za zweek‘s ztime zso zas zto zallow za zcooling-off zperiod.
b. Elevate zthe znext znegation zsession zto zthe znext zmanager, zone zlevel zabove.
c. Insist zthat zparticipants zcontinue zto ztalk zuntil za zresolution zhas zbeen zreached.
d. Back zthe zunit zmanager‘s zactions zand zend zthe zdispute.

ANS: z B
Part zof zleadership zis zunderstanding zconflict zresolution zand zability zto znegotiate zand
zmanage zforzresolution zof zissues zand zconcerns. zThis zsituation zhas zfailed za zsecond

znegotiation zsession, zelevation zto za zmanager zwith zadditional ztraining zto zfacilitate

zconflict zresolution zis zimportant zat zthis zpoint.

TOP: z AONE zcompetency: zCommunication zand zRelationship-Building

5. The zmanager zof za zsurgical zarea zhas za zvision zfor zthe zfuture zthat zrequires zthe zaddition zof zRN
zassistants zor zunlicensed zpersons zto zfeed, zbathe, zand zambulate zpatients. zThe zRNs zon zthe zstaff
z z z O
N R I G B.C Msystem zand zare zvery zresistant zto zthis zidea.
zhave zalways zpracticed zin za zprimary znursing-delivery

What zwould zbe zthe zbest zinitial zstrategy zfor zimplementation zof zthis zchange?
a. Exploring zthe zvalues zand zfeelings zof zthe zRN zgroup zin zrelationship zto zthis zchange
b. Leaving zthe zRNs zalone zfor za ztime zso zthey zcan zthink zabout zthe zchange
zbefore zit ziszimplemented

c. Dropping zthe zidea zand ztrying zfor zthe zchange zin za zyear zor zso zwhen
zsome zof zthezpresent zRNs zhave zretired

d. Hiring zthe zassistants zand zallowing zthe zRNs zto zsee zwhat zgood zadditions zthey zare

ANS: z A

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

, lOMoAR cPSD| 14447089

Leading zand zManaging zin zNursing z7th zEdition zYoder-Wise zTest

Influencing zothers zrequires zemotional zintelligence zin zdomains zsuch zas zempathy, zhandling
zrelationships, zdeepening zself-awareness zin zself zand zothers, zmotivating zothers, zand

zmanaging zemotions. zMotivating zothers zrecognizes zthat zvalues zare zpowerful zforces zthat

zinfluence zacceptance zof zchange. zLeaving zthe zRNs zalone zfor za zperiod zof ztime zbefore

zimplementation zdoesznot zprovide zopportunity zto zexplore zdifferent zperspectives zand

zvalues. zAvoiding zdiscussion zuntil zthe zteam zchanges zmay znot zpromote zadoption zof zthe

zchange zuntil zthere zis zopportunity zto zexplore zperspectives zand zvalues zrelated zto zthe

zchange. zHiring zof zthe zassistants zdemonstrates zlack zof zempathy zfor zthe zperspectives zof

zthe zRN zstaff.

TOP: z AONE zcompetency: zKnowledge zof zthe zHealth zCare zEnvironment

6. As zthe zRN zcharge znurse zon zthe znight zshift zin za zsmall zlong-term zcare zfacility, zyou‘ve zfound
zthatzthere zis zlittle zturnover zamong zyour zLPN zand znursing zassistant z(NA) zstaff zmembers, zbut

zthey zare znot zvery zmotivated zto zgo zbeyond ztheir zjob zdescriptions zin ztheir zwork. zWhich zof zthe

zfollowing zstrategies zmight zmotivate zthe zstaff zand zlead zto zgreater zjob zsatisfaction?

a. Ask zthe zdirector zof znursing zto zoffer zhigher zwages zand zbonuses zfor zextra
zwork zforzthe znight zLPNs zand zNAs.

b. Allow zthe zLPNs zand zNAs zgreater zdecision-making zpower zwithin zthe zscope zof
ztheirzpositions zin zthe zinstitution.

c. Hire zadditional zstaff zso zthat zthere zare zmore zstaff zavailable zfor zenhanced
zcare, zandzindividual zworkloads zare zlessened.

d. Ask zthe zdirector zof znursing zto zincrease zjob zsecurity zfor znight zstaff zby
zhaving zthemzsign zcontracts zthat zguarantee zwork.

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

Test zBank zfor zLeading zand zManaging zinzNursing z7th
zEdition zby zYoder zWise z(chapters z1-30) zcomplete.

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